Chapter 6: Team Building Flashcards
What are the two important factors for the definition of a group?
Interaction and Influence (with each other for common purpose)
What is a formal group?
Created and supported by the organization for the express purpose of fulfilling specific
organizational needs or performing special tasks. They are either temporary or permanent, depending on the
needs of the organization.
What is an informal group?
Evolve as a result of the formal organization being unable to meet all social or
departmental officer requirements. These groups are rarely sanctioned by the formal organization, and they
often cut across organizational lines.
What are the 3 informal group cliques?
Vertical, Horizontal, Random
What is a horizontal clique defined as?
cuts across departmental lines and will normally
include a number of first-line supervisors. This clique will function either defensively or offensively
depending on the situation and the nature of the threat
What is a random clique defined as?
Rank, role and unit has no meaning. Primarily assigned to exchange information. No desire to strive for change
What is a vertical clique defined as?
Occurs within one unit. Supervisors and subordinates alike. Assist and protect underlings and humanize organization and reduce friction
What are the stages of new group development?
Orientation, Conflict and Challenge, Cohesion, Delusion, Disillusion, Acceptance
Group Development: Orientation
Most crucial to group success
Group Development: Conflict and Challenge
2nd stage and is result of ambiguity arising in group. Group evolves
Group Development: Cohesion
everyone received enough information to accept objectives and leadership is legitimized
Group Development: Delusion
aware of issues in group. Uncertainty. Normal occurrence and not destructive, actually opportunity for growth
Group Development: Disillusion
Group accepts they are on treadmill and going no where. Polarization of group members
Group Development: Acceptance
group interacts positively and strives to achieve goals
What are group norms?
techniques members of group use to control the behavior of others
What are the law enforcement norms?
Loyalty, Silence (blue wall), Danger, Isolation, Performance
What are the pros and cons of group cohesion?
High productivity, loyalty, identity, acceptance and conformity vs group coming together and resist management
How can an operationally effective group be easily identified?
authority from knowledge rather than rank or position
What is the BLOW concept of developing a winning team?
Be part of the cause
Lend a hand
Obey the rules
Work in partnership
What is a taskforce?
usually temporary in nature and focuses its attention on one subject or problem.
Advantages of taskforce:
Decision-making is improved. Greater acceptance of decisions. Coordination is improved. Problems are viewed from a broader perspective. Power is shared.
Disadvantages of taskforce:
Biases of members can be intensified.
Excessive influence of individuals with rank or expertise.
Domination by individuals within the group.
Diffused responsibility.
Cost in terms of time and money.
Who decides the rules when conducting a meeting?
The group not the leader