Chapter 6 - Software Development Flashcards
1.1, 1.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
Binary Notational System
a notational system that has only two possible numbers for each place value. These numbers are 0 and 1.
- 0 and 1 used in binary reflect the off and on states of a transistor
- 1 - on
- 0 - off
Hexadecimal Notational System
a notational system that has sixteen possible values for each place value.
- 0123456789ABCDEF
- Used in MAC Address, IPv6 Address, Hex Color Codes, and Unicode References
Decimal Notational System
a notational system that has ten possible numbers for each place value. The numbers are 0 thru 9.
- 0123456789
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
the most common character encoding standard for text data in computers and on the internet
- Provides representation for 128 characters
M = 01001101
an international character encoding standard that encompasses many different languages
- a globally inclusive set of data representation
- supports 136,755 characters across 139 language
- has several standards
- M = U+004D
Data Type
is a classification or category of data that determines the type of operations that can be performed on the data and the storage format to be used for that data
- Char
- Strings
- Integers
- Floatas
- Boolean
Char (Character)
a single textual character, that can be a letter of the alphabet, a symbol, or a numerical digit.
- even when using mathematical operation it will be treated as text only
a collection of textual characters, that can be composed of letters of the alphabet, symbols, numerical digits, and spaces
- usually distinguishable as the text will be wrap in quotations
- ex. “Hello World!”
the operation of joining character strings end-to-end. By doing so, this operation converts multiple strings into a single string.
- “Cyber” + “security” resulting in “Cybersecurity”
a data type used to represent real numbers that do not have fractional values. This includes whole numbers and their negative equivalents.
- -42, -8, 0, 22, 65536
a data type composed of a number that is not an integer, because it includes a fractional value represented in decimal format.
- -42.6, -2.1, 0.4, 22.0
a special numeric data type that indicates if a condition is TRUE or FALSE. The Boolean value is stored using a single binary digit of either a 0 or 1.
- On or off, yes or no, 1 or 0
- use logical operation like OR, AND, and NOT
a translator for computer programs. It takes the human-written instructions you give in a high-level programming language and turns them into machine code.
- translates the entire program into machine code prior to running or executing the program (usually having an .exe. extension)
- Compiled Languages: GO, C++, Java, Seashark, and Cobol
a real-time translator for computer programs. It takes the human-written instructions you give in a high-level programming language and turns them into machine code.
- translates and executes the program line by line in real-time
- Interpreted Languages: PHP, Pearl, Python, Ruby, JavaScript
Scripted Languages
execute a list of task; such as obtaining data from a data set
- create scripts which are sequences of instructions that merely guide other software programs
- Scripting Languages: Bash for Linux and PowerShell for Windows
Markup Languages
are marked with tags to govern the display, formatting, and organization of text elements
- provide these instructions to computing devices so they know how to arrange and present the content you see on screen
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), XML, CSS
Query Languages
a specialized computer programming language used to communicate with and manipulate databases. It provides a way for users and applications to interact with databases by sending requests for specific data or actions to be performed
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
a simplified and human-readable representation of a computer program’s logic and algorithm, expressed in natural language or basic code-like syntax
Coding Concepts
- Identifiers - Variables, Constants
- Containers - Arrays, Vectors
- Logic Components - Branching, Loops
- Functions
- Objects - Properties, Attributes, Methods
a symbolic name that points to a specific location in the computer’s memory
a special type of identifier and will therefore have many of the same properties as a variable or a constant
- help the computer keep track of different pieces of information referred to as values
a special type of identifier that can reference multiple values
- they can be single of multi-dimensional, which you can visualize like a table with multiple columns and rows
- are fixed-size and cannot be resized
a special type of identifier that can reference multiple values
- they can be single of multi-dimensional, which you can visualize like a table with multiple columns and rows
- can grow or shrink in size
a reusable block of code that performs a specific task or set of steps. This enables programs to be divided into reusable components.
Programming Objects
a self-contained unit that groups together data and actions. It’s a way to represent real-world things or concepts in a digital format.
Converting To Binary
all things in computers are broken down into binary into decimal
- starting from left to right, add the decimal numbers listed in the binary chart until the desired values are reached
- # from the chart that are added together will be identified as the binary digit “1” (an on bit), and values that are not added together will be identified as a binary “0” (off bit)
Assembly Language
the lowest level of code which humans can read and write, before CPU machine code CPU
- final product produced by a compiler
- Intel X86, Arm, RISC-V
a set or predefined value that, does not change
- similar to a variable, but it cannot be modified by the program once it is defined
- cannot be changed by the program once it is defined
a value that can potentially change in the execution of the program either from the result of an output of another part of the program or as input from a user
- a container or a storage area to hold data
- can be changed by the program once it is defined
Conditional Statement
used for branching or program flow
- commonly use Booleans to determine which path the program should choose
- often shown using the words “if”, “then”, or “else”
Useful when repeating a process until a condition or set of conditions are either met or not met depending on what the loop is intended for initially
Instruction Set
used to accomplish a task of set of tasks to a specific goal
- method: built-in task or set of tasks that the code programmers found to be useful
- functions: programmer specific function that is custom to the program being created by that individual programmer
visual representation of a program whereas boxes are used to represent the logic
C Language
a general-purpose, compiles, programming language that was developed in the early 1970s.
- provide a rich set of features for manipulating data, performing calculations, and controlling the flow of a program.
- enables its implantation in various environments, ranging from operating systems to embedded systems and online platforms