Chapter 6 Review Flashcards
Who was Thomas Paine?
- Thomas Paine was the author of the pamphlet titled Common Sense, which convinced many colonists that they would be better off if they governed themselves
Fill in the blank with the most suiting answer.
Thomas Jefferson was a very ______ person.
Cause: Thomas Paine published the 50-page pamphlet titled Common Sense in January 1776.
Effect: In May 1776, Virginia authorized its delegates to support __________________. Soon after, __________________, a Virginia delegate, introduced a ____________________ to Congress. It proclaimed that the colonies should be independent from Britain.
- Independence
- Richard Henry Lee
- Resolution
What is a resolution?
- A resolution is a formal statement of opinion
Who was Thomas Jefferson?
Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of Independence.
What did the Virginia Resolution proclaim?
Clarification: What did it say?
The Virginia Resolution proclaimed that the American colonies were free and united states, independent from British rule.
What did Richard Henry Lee do?
- He introduced the Virginia Resolution in Congress in May, 1776.
What is a preamble?
- A preamble is an introduction.
What is a grievance?
- A formal complaint
Using the definition, name the term that best suits it.
Who was the author of the pamphlet titled Common Sense, which convinced many colonists that they would be better off if they governed themselves?
- Thomas Paine
Did Richard Henry Lee introduce the Virginia Resolution to Congress in
A. January, 1776
B. May, 1776
C. January, 1775
D. May, 1775
B. May, 1776
You might need to know the dates for the test, so make sure to have this down.
Why is a list of grievances (complaints) against King George an important part of the Declaration of Independence?
The grievances explained why the American colonies wanted to be independent from Britain. It showed that Parliament had violated their rights and that they deserved to create a new government.
How did the Declaration of Independence change the nature of the American Revolution?
It changed the revolution from a few protests and conflicts to a full scale war against British authority. They were not fighting for fairer treatment from Britain anymore. Now, they were fighting to create a new nation.
Directions: This is a quick summary of the Declaration of Independence. Fill in the blanks to the best of your ability
- People are created equal and have unalienable rights, including ______________________________
- The purpose of government is to _________________________
- Governments get their power from ____________________
- The people have the right to overthrow the government when ___________________________
- The people are establishing a new government because the actions of the English government have __________________________________________
- Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
- Protect these rights
- The people
- It becomes destructive to their rights
- Shown that England wants to create a tyranny
Who made the famous quote, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country”
Nathan Hale
What was the result of the Battle of Long Island?
The result of the Battle of Long Island was a huge victory for the British forces. American troops were forced to retreat to Pennsylvania, and the British gained control of New York City and its surroundings, which was a huge setback for the Patriots.
Who was Marquis de Lafayette?
Hint: He was not from the colonies
Marquis de Lafayette was a French nobleman who became a high-ranking officer in George Washington’s army.
True or false? If false, correct the statement.
A mercenary is a soldier who is paid to fight for his own country.
False. A mercenary is a soldier who is paid to fight for a country other than his own.
Why was the Battle of Trenton important for the Continental Army?
The Battle of Trenton was important for the Continental Army because it provided a needed morale boost and a huge victory during a tough period for the American troops. The Patriots also got to take much needed supplies from the Hessians after they ambushed them.
What were the two results of the Battle of Saratoga?
- It ended the threat of the British dividing New England from the rest of the colonies. It also crushed the British spirits of an easy victory.
- It helped convince European powers like France that allying with the colonies was a good chance to weaken Britain.
Added Information:
The Battle of Saratoga, fought in 1777 during the American Revolutionary War, was a crucial turning point for the American forces. British forces from Canada were trying to link up with other British forces marching from the West and South. The British had a plan to split the colonies in half (divide New England from the other colonies). American forces, led by General Benedict Arnold and Major General Horatio Gates, successfully resisted British advances, leading to a significant American victory.
Who was Friedrich von Steuben?
Friedrich von Steuben helped train the Continental Army, teaching them how to march, improve their aim and attack with bayonets.
Added Information:
Freidrich von Steuben was from Prussia (modern day Germany). He arrived at Valley Forge in 1778 serving as a drillmaster and inspector general under George Washington. He implemented standardized training methods, instilling discipline and efficiency in the American troops.
What is an alliance?
An alliance is a formal agreement between two powers to work together toward a common goal.
What three things did France do to aid the Patriot cause?
- At first, they secretely sent the Patriots guns and money.
- After the Treaty of Alliance was signed, France went to war with England in Europe, which meant that England had less troops to spare.
- Lastly, France started to send troops to North America.
If you are to enlist, what are you doing?
You are signing up for duty in the military.
What was George Washington’s policy concerning African American soldiers?
Washington initially resisted enlisting African American soldiers because white people thought that black people didn’t deserve to be in the same army as them.
True or False? If false, correct the statement.
George Washington changed his policy regarding African American soldiers because he didn’t want to be racist.
False. George Washington changed the policy because when he saw the British allowing African American soldiers to fight, he realized that it was okay, and he needed manpower, so he let them join.
Who was George Rogers Clark?
George Rogers Clark was the person in charge of the American militia forces fighting the British in the western territories.
True or False? If false, correct the statement.
Smallpox was an epidemic that killed more people during the American Revolution than the fighting on the battlefield.
How many people did smallpox kill in the American Revolution?
Possibility of being a bonus question.
Smallpox killed 130,000 people in the American Revolution.
What are privateers?
Privateers are armed civilian ships that have their government’s permission to attack enemy ships and keep their goods.
Basically legal pirates.
What are two different examples of roles women played in the American Revolution?
- As men went to war, the women planted crops and cared for livestock on the farms.
- Women ran their husbands’ businesses aswell.
When women were dragged along to battle, what did they do?
They would cook, clean, and care for the wounded.
Who was Bernardo de Galvez?
Bernardo de Galvez was the governor of Louisiana who secretely provided money and munitions to the Americans.
What did George Rogers Clark do in the West?
What was the result of it?
- George Rogers Clark and his soldiers took over Native American towns in the West that were providing food and supplies to a British fort, which weakened the fort. After a while, he successfully attacked and captured the British fort.
- This weakened the British claim and strengthened the American. It also allowed settlers to remain on the land.
Who was John Paul Jones?
John Paul Jones was the commander of the Bonhomme Richard who famously said, “I have not yet begun to fight.”
A civilian is someone who is not in the ____________.
What were continentals?
Continentals were paper money printed by Congress.
Cause: American privateers attacked British merchant ships.
Effect: England realized that they were not gaining valuable ___________. Then, England had to use their ________ to escort the ships, which weakened the _________________.
- Imports
- Navy
- British
True or False? If false, explain why.
All 13 states accepted African American soldiers.
False. The states that did not accept African American soldiers were the southern ones. As a result of their economy relying so much on plantations, if they gave their slaves guns to fight, then they were worried that they would revolt and kill their masters.
Why did more Native American tribes side with the British instead of the Patriots?
The British issued the Proclamation of 1763, stating that colonists could not settle west of the Appalachians. If Britain won, then this rule stayed, and the Native Americans would not lose any more land. However, if the Patriots won, then they would continue to expand westward, and the Natives would lose land.
Who was Nathanael Greene?
Nathanael Greene took command of the Continental Army in the South in December 1780.
What was the British plan concerning the South in late 1778?
The British plan concerning the South in 1778 was to focus their military efforts in the southern colonies. They believed that there was a strong loyalist support there, and wanted to take advantage of this by capturing key cities like Savannah and Charleston.
Charles Cornwallis was the commander of the ____________ in the ________.
- British army
- South
Directions: Using the definition, name the term to the best of your ability
Fighters who work in small bands to make hit-and-run attacks.
What is a traitor?
A traitor is a person who betrays his or her country or cause and helps the other side.
True or False? If false, correct the statement.
Francis Marion was nicknamed the River Fox because of his guerrillas’ efficient victories.
False. Francis Marion was nicknamed the Swamp Fox because of his guerrillas’ efficient victories.
Who was Benedict Arnold?
Benedict Arnold fought bravely for America until he switched sides and fought for the British.
Directions: To the best of your ability, fill in the blanks with the correct terms.
Directions: To the best of your ability, fill in the blanks with the correct term.
Cornwallis and his troops were trapped at Yorktown from multiple angles. From the sea, ___________ naval forces prevented Cornwallis from receiving _______________ or ______________. On land, __________________ and the American and French army cut off any ____________________, forcing surrender.
- French
- Reinforcements
- Evacuating
- Washington
- Escape Routes
What two things did the Americans gain in the Treaty of Paris of 1783?
- They got recognized as an independent country. The British removed their soldiers from the Americas too.
- It established the boundaries of the United States. In the east, their boundary was the Atlantic Ocean. In the north, their boundary was Canada. In the west, their boundary was the Mississippi River. The southern boundary was Spanish Florida.
How did the American Revolution affect France?
In 1789, French citizens rebelled against the French monarchy. Leaders of the French Revolution looked to the American example. They issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, modeled after the Declaration of Independence.
Clarifier: It basically inspired the French to have a revolution.
What were the four different reasons that the Americans won the Revolution?
- Patriotic Spirit
- Skilled Leadership
- Geography
- Help from Abroad
Directions: Fill in the blanks to the best of your ability.
A key asset of the Americans was ________________. Americans were fighting to create a new nation. Many soldiers stayed in the army for ____________, at great financial and personal ____________________. Leaders such as ____________and __________ risked their lives and fortunes to champion independence.
- Patriotism
- Years
- Sacrifice
- Jefferson
- Adams
Directions: Is the text below this referring to patriotic spirit, skilled leadership, geography, or help from abroad?
Despite great odds, George Washington never gave up. Although he faced criticism in Congress, his courage and knowledge won him broad support in the army. Though his troops suffered at Valley Force, Washington led them through hardship to victory.
Skilled leadership
Directions: Fill in the blanks to the best of your ability.
Americans, such as _____________________ were on their home ground. They knew the ___________, ___________ and ___________. But British forces were far from their ______________________. They had to depend on longer supply lines, stretching across the __________ Ocean.
- Francis Marion
- Forests
- Hills
- Swamps
- Home country
- Atlantic
Directions: Is the text below reffering to patriotic spirit, skilled leadership, geography, or help from abroad?
The Americans might have never won without help from Europe. Men such as Lafayette and Von Steuben provided military leadership and support. Money from such countries as Spain and the Netherlands was also crucial.
Help from abroad