Chapter 5 Review Flashcards
What is an alliance?
- An agreement between nations or groups to help each other against other nations or groups
Who was George Washington?
Hint: This is before the First and Second Continental Congress
- The leader of the Virginia militia chosen to drive the French off English land in the west
If you are to cede, what are you doing?
- You are surrendering.
What is a militia?
- A militia is a force made up of civililians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army.
What is resolve?
- Resolve is strong determination to succeed in doing something.
Why were the British concerned about French activity in the Ohio River Valley?
- The French were building military forts, sending the message that they were ready to fight to defend the land that they claimed.
What fatal errors did General Braddock make in the French & Indian War?
Hint: Fighting in North America was very different from Europe
- He didn’t listen to warnings that soldiers marching down a dense forest in red uniforms were perfect targets for an ambush.
What was the outcome of the Battle of Quebec?
- The Battle of Quebec was a British victory. The French were unable to defend the rest of their North American territory as a result of the battle.
What is a phase?
- A phase is a stage of development
Who was Benjamin Franklin?
- Benjamin Franklin was the person who published the Philadelphia Gazette and created the plan for the Albany Plan of Union
Who was William Pitt?
- William Pitt was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the French & Indian War
What was the Albany Plan of Union?
- The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to have the colonies join together to fight the French. All the colonies would send representatives to a council. This council would have authorities over relationships with Native Americans and it had the ability to organize armies and collect taxes to cover the expense.
Was the Albany Plan of Union accepted by the colonial assemblies? Explain why or why not.
- No, it was rejected.
- This is because the colonies had concerns about giving up their individual powers and decision making. They knew that they didn’t have to work together because England would always have their backs.
True or False?
By the 1750s, the British and the French were in conflict over the Ohio River Valley.
To protect Britain’s claim to the Ohio River Valley, _________ ____________ built __________ __________ south of France’s ___________ ___________
George Washington, Fort Necessity, Fort Duquesne
Why were the French much less of a threat than the English to the Native Americans in the western territories?
- The French were not building permanent settlements and they were viewed as trade, not an enemy.
In may 1756, Britain declared war on France. This marked the beginning of the __________________, also known as the ___________________ in the colonies.
Seven Years War, French & Indian War
What did the Treaty of Paris cause France to lose?
- The Treaty of Paris caused France to lose its North American possesions.
When Franklin had made the quote, “Join or Die,” what point was he making?
- He was urging the British colonies to come together and work as one in order to defend themselves against threats like the French and Native Americans.
What was a duty?
- A tax on imported goods.
True or False? If false, correct the statement.
John Adams helped establish the Committee of Correspondence.
- False
- Samuel Adams helped establish the Committee of Correspondence
Using the definition, name the correct term.
Court orders that allowed officials to make searches without saying for what they were searching for.
- Writs of Assistance
What is a boycott?
- A boycott is an organized campaign to refuse to buy certain products
“Give me liberty or give me death,” who made this famous quote?
- Patrick Henry
What were the terms of the Proclamation of 1763? What did it say?
- The Proclamation of 1763 stated that colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. This was made to prevent any future conflicts with the Native Americans. The colonists didn’t listen to it.
Why did the British impose new taxes on the American colonies?
The British imposed new taxes on the American colonies because the French and Indian War left them greatly in debt. Also, keeping troops in North America was very expensive.
Why did the colonists object to the Stamp Act?
The colonists objected the Stamp Act because it imposed direct taxes on them without their consent or representation in the British Parliament. Also, it was a big hassle to get a stamp on anything related to paper.
How did the colonists react to the Townshend Acts?
The colonists reacted to the Townshend Acts with a widespread colonial boycott.
Who was John Adams?
- John Adams was a well-known Massachusetts lawyer who was a leading defender of colonial rights.
Who was the leader of the Ottawa nation that formed an alliance of western Native Americans, attacking British forts and settlements throughout western territories?
- Chief Pontiac
The Sugar Act put a _____ on several products, including molasses, and called for harsh punishment of _____________
Duty, Smugglers
What act required colonists to provide homes and food for British soldiers?
- The Quartering Act
The act that put a tax on items such as newspapers and legal documents was known as the ___________
- Stamp Act
Right after Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, what act did they pass?
- The Declaratory Act
The _______________ set up a system to enforce new import duties. Colonists protested court orders called _____________________, which were used to search for illegal goods. Once again, the colonists boycotted.
Townshend Acts, Writs of assistance
Parliament repealed all the Townshend duties, except the one on tea. Why?
- The tax on tea was left in force to demonstrate Parliament’s right to tax the colonies.
What is a monopoly?
- Total control of a market for a certain product.
Who were the minutemen?
- The minutemen were citizen soilders who could be ready to fight at a minute’s notice
What does repeal mean?
- Repeal means the official end of something
Why did Prime Minister North believe the colonists would not object to the Tea Act?
- Prime Minister North believed that the colonists would not object to the Tea Act because now that the East India Tea Company could ship tea directly to the colonies, the price was lowered.
Who were the Sons of Liberty?
- The Sons of Liberty were a group of colonists that attempted to organize the colonies to resist the Tea Act.
What did Paul Revere and William Dawes do?
- They both warned the minutemen in Massachussetts that the British were heading to Concord.
How did Boston colonists show their opposition to the Tea Act?
- When the governor of Massachussetts demanded that the tea be unloaded at the port, a group of men disguised as Native Americans boarded the tea ship and dumped 342 cases of tea into the harbor.
What were three things that the First Continental Congress did?
- They demanded the repeal of the Intolerable Acts
- They called for the training of militias to stand up to British troops if needed.
- They called for a boycott of British goods.
Why did British troops head out of Boston to Lexington and Concord?
- British troops headed out of Boston to Lexington and Concord because they figured out that there was a storage of weapons and ammunition for the minutemen in Concord.
- They were also trying to capture some important militia/colonial leaders.
Possibility of being a bonus question.
During the Boston Tea Party, how many cases of tea were destroyed? How many pounds did they all weigh?
- Colonists destroyed 342 cases of tea
- They weighed 90,000 pounds in total and they were worth thousands of dollars.
In response to the ____________________, Parliament passed the ________________ which were very harsh and refered to by the colonists as the ______________________________.
Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts, Intolerable Acts
The only colony that did not show up to the First Continental Congress meeting was whom?
What is a blockade?
- A blockade is the shutting off of a port by ships to keep people or supplies from moving in or out
Who was George Washington?
Hint: This is after the Second Continental Congress met.
- George Washington was the commander of the newly formed Continental army
A soldier who serves another country for money is a what?
- A mercenary
What three things did the Second Continental Congress do to prepare for war?
- They prepared the Continental Army
- They appointed George Washington as commander
- To pay for their army, they started to print paper money
What did the Second Continental Congress do to try and restore peace between Britain and the colonies?
- They sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George. It stated that the colonists were loyal to the king, and that everybody should settle disputes peacefully.
Who was Lord Dunmore?
- He was the loyalist governor of Virginia who offered freedom to all slaves and indentured servants as long as they joined the British army.
What controlled the main route between Canada and the Hudson River valley and held valuable weapons?
- Fort Ticonderoga
Why was the Battle of Bunker Hill so important to the Americans?
- It proved that they could fight and stand up to professional British soldiers. This boosted confidence and morale.
Who was William Howe?
- William Howe was the British general in charge at the Battle of Bunker Hill
True or False?
Colonists who favored independence from Britain were called Patriots.
What rivers make up the Ohio River?
Maybe a bonus question.
- Allegheny River
- Monongahela River