CHAPTER 6 - PPE Flashcards
Activities required for rescue, fire suppression, and property conservation in structures, vehicles, vessels, and similar types of properties.
Structural firefighting.
Activities required for rescue, fire suppression, and property conservation at fires that produce high radiant, conductive, or convective heat; includes aircraft, hazmat transport, and storage tank fires.
Proximity firefighting.
Headgear worn by firefighters that provides protection from falling objects, side blows, elevated temperatures, and heated water.
Hood designed to protect firefighters ears, neck, and face from heat and debris; typically made of NOMEX, KEVLAR, or PBI and available in long and short styles.
Protective hood.
Coat worn during firefighting, rescue, and extraction operations.
Protective coat.
Trousers worn to protect the lower torso and legs during emergency operations. A.k.a. bunker/turnout pants.
Protective trousers.
Protective clothing designed to protect the hands.
Protective gloves.
Protective footwear meeting design requirements of NFPA, OSHA, and CAN/SCA. Protect foot, ankle, and lower leg.
Firefighting boots.
Device that limits noise induced hearing loss when firefighters are exposed to extremely loud environments, such as apparatus engine noise, audible warning devices, and the use of power tools.
Hearing protection.
Electronic lack of motion sensor that sounds a loud alarm when a firefighter becomes motionless. It can also be manually activated.
Personal alert safety system.
Exposure to conditions that create a hazard to the respiratory system, including products of combustion, toxic gases, and superheated or oxygen deficient atmospheres.
Respiratory hazards
Atmosphere containing less than the normal 19.5% oxygen. At least 16% oxygen is needed to produce flames or sustain human life.
Oxygen deficient atmosphere.
Potentially fatal condition caused by lack of oxygen.
Accumulation of fluid in the lungs.
Pulmonary edema.
Fatal condition caused by severe oxygen deficiency and an excess of carbon monoxide and/or other gases in the blood.
Very small particle of solid material, such as dust, that is suspended in the atmosphere.
Respirator that removes contaminants by passing ambient air through a filter, cartridge, or canister; may have full or partial face piece.
Air purifying respirator.
Motorized respirator that uses a filter to clean surrounding air, then delivers it to the wearer to breathe; typically includes a headpiece, breathing tube, and a blower/battery box that is worn on the belt.
Powered air purifying respirator.
Compressible substance, with no specific volume, that tends to assume the shape of the container. Molecules move about most rapidly in this state.
Gaseous form of a substance that is normally in a solid or liquid state at room temperature or pressure; formed by evaporation from a liquidor sublimation from a solid.
Disease causing microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, or fungi) that are suspended in the air.
Airborne pathogens.
Respiratory filter that is certified to remove at least 99.97% of monodisperse particles of .3 micrometers in diameter.
High efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA)
SCBA that allows exhaled air to be discharged or vented into the atmosphere.
Open circuit self contained breathing apparatus.
SCBA that recycles exhaled air; removes carbon dioxide and restores compressed, Chemical or liquid oxygen. Not approved for firefighting operations.
Closed circuit self-contained breathing apparatus.
Respirator fit test that measures the wearers response to a test agent, such as irritant smoke or odorous vapor. If wearer detects the test agent, such as through smell or taste, the respirator fit is inadequate.
Qualitative fit test (QLFT)
Fit test in which instruments measure the amount of a test agent that is leaked into the respirator from the ambient atmosphere. If the leakage measures above a preset amount, the respirator fit is inadequate.
Quantitive fit test (QNFT)
Rules and regulations published by executive agencies of the US federal government. These administrative laws are just as enforceable as statutory laws which may be passed by Congress.
Code of federal regulations
Testing method that uses water under pressure to check the integrity of pressure vessels.
Hydrostatic test.
Three or more large, interconnected air cylinders, from which smaller SCBA cylinders are recharged; the larger cylinders typically have a capacity of 300 cubic feet.
Cascade system.
Legal term for the maximum amount of chemical substance or other hazard that an employee can be exposed to; typically expressed in parts per million or milligrams per cubic meter. If exposed to this concentration for an entire 40 hour work week, 95% of healthy adults would not suffer health consequences.
Permissible exposure limits (PEL)
Non-loadbearing rope that is anchored to a safe, exterior location and attached to a firefighter during search operations to act as a safety line.
Search line.
PPE is designed to protect from hazards and minimize the risk of injury and fatality. True or false?
Inspecting, cleaning, and maintaining the condition of PPE is the responsibility of the shift supervisor. True or false?
False – it is our responsibility.
All cleaning of PPE is performed at the local station. True or false?
False – advanced cleaning, specialized cleaning, and contract cleaning done by trained personnel and manufacture companies.
Supplied air respirators are used when a firefighter must be in a hazardous area for a long period of time and there is no danger that fire may damage the hose. True or false?
Closed circuit SCBA’s use compressed air. True or false?
False - they use compressed oxygen.
In an open circuit SCBA exhaled air stays in the system and is reused. True or false?
False – air is discharged or vented into the atmosphere.
Air purifying respirators remove contaminants by passing ambient air through the filter, canister, and cartridge. True or false?
Taste and smell can be clues that an APR is losing its effectiveness. True or false?
Storing requirements for respiratory equipment may depend on size, available compartments on apparatus, and manufactures instructions. True or false?
The face piece lens of protective breathing apparatus should be inspected for scratches, abrasions, holes, cracks, or seats damage during daily/weekly inspections. True or false?
The face piece of protective breathing apparatus can be dried with paper towel. True or false?
False - lint free cloth. Paper towel will scratch.
The type of material used to construct an SCBA air cylinder determines the frequency of hydrostatic testing of the cylinder. True or false?
Replacing SCBA cylinders is always a two person job. True or false?
False- it can be done by one person.
In and IDLH atmosphere, firefighters are required to work in teams of two or more. True or false?
Controlled breathing allows for efficient air use in an IDLH atmosphere. True or false?
Egressed paths are located once a firefighter is inside and IDLH atmosphere. True or false?
Clothing designed to meet the needs of specific rescue operations, including: technical rescue, ice rescue, and hazardous materials incidents.
Special protective clothing.
Closing designed according to the requirements of NFPA 1977 and includes: gloves, goggles, jackets, jumpsuits, face/next shrouds; as well as a fire shelter and other equipment.
Wildland personal protective clothing.
Clothing designed to increase visibility to motorists includes traffic vests.
Roadway operations clothing.
Clothing worn to protect against exposures to infectious bodily fluids that must meet the requirements of NFPA 1999.
Emergency medical protective clothing.
Clothing that according to the requirements of NFPA 1971 must include: retro reflective trim, wristlets, collars, a closure system, and a drag rescue device.
Structural firefighting protective clothing.
Clothing designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 1975 and intended to identify where as a member of the organization and provide a layer of protection against a direct flame contact.
Station/work uniform.
Hazard which can cause superheated air to damage the respiratory tract, a serious decrease in blood pressure, and a failure of the circulatory system.
Elevated temperatures.
Hazard which may be inhaled, ingested, or absorbed into the body; includes formaldehyde, phosgene, and nitrous gases.
Gases and vapors.
Hazard caused by disease causing microorganisms suspended in the air.
Airborne pathogens.
Hazard produced during incidences involving industrial occupancies, spills from transportation accidents, and it leaks from storage containers.
Nonfire gases and vapors.
Hazard most commonly caused by combustion which consumes and displaces oxygen present in the atmosphere.
Oxygen deficiency.
Hazard produced by vehicle exhaust emissions, chemical reactions, heated metals or metal compounds, and combustion
Particulate contaminants.
What is the purpose of an open circuit SCBA face assembly?
It provides fresh breathing air while protecting the eyes and face.
What is prohibited by NFPA 1500 because it prevents a complete facepiece seal?
Beards or facial hair.
As defined by the Code of Federal Regulations, the R in the particle filters degradation means:
Resistant to oil.
How do you offset wearer limitations of respiratory protection?
Through constant training and proper fit testing of face pieces.
What respiratory protection equipment limitation can proportionately reduced working time?
Low air cylinder pressure.
What differences may be found in SCBA face pieces?
The location of regulator may differ.
Which piece of protective breathing apparatus must be inspected for abrasions, cuts, tears, or heat or chemical induced damage?
Hose threads.
Which piece of protective respiratory equipment hardware must be inspected for cleanliness, proper attachment, and damage?
Low-pressure alarm.
Which type of SCBA system provides an endless source of breathing air to any floor within a structure form ground level connection?
Firefighting breathing air replenishment system (FBARS).
Atmosphere supplying respirators only filter particulates out of ambient air. True or false?
Air purifying respirators are classified into three categories of filter degradation: N, R, and P. True or false?
SCBA check should be only once a week. True or false?
The inspection. For protective breathing apparatus is established by NFPA 1852. true or false?
Empty SCBA cylinders should be kept with full cylinders. True or false?
SCBA air supply duration depends only on physical conditioning. True or false?
Which type of protective clothing is designed to prevent heat transfer from fire to the body?
Structural firefighting
Which type of special protective clothing maybe dual certified for emergency medical use?
Technical rescue
Which of the NFPA defined types of cleaning does not require removal from service?
Which respiratory hazard is most commonly caused by combustion?
Gases and vapors
Which respiratory hazard targets the heart and brain?
Hydrogen cyanide.
What wearer limitation for respiratory protection requires the user to have the ability to overcome stress and fear?
Psychological limitations
What equipment limitation of respiratory protection can result in minor leaks?
Poor condition of apparatus.
What safety precaution is taken when refilling SCBA to prevent it from overheating?
Fill cylinder slowly
What is a nonemergency exit indicator?
Necessary to replace air cylinder.
What is an emergency exit indicator?
SCBA failure
What nonemergency exit technique requires using the same path to exit and IDLH environment as to enter?
Egress path.
General term for the equipment worn by fire and emergency service responders; includes helmets, coats, trousers, boots, eye protection, gloves, hoods, SCBA, pass device.
Personal protective equipment