Panic Hardware
Hardware mounted on exit doors in public buildings that unlock from the inside and enable doors to be opened one pressure is applied to the release mechanism.
Ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and use the information that has been exchanged.
The shared assumptions, beliefs, and values of a group or organization.
The specialized or technical language of the trade, profession, or similar group.
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
Term used in codes and standards to identify the legal entity, such as a building or fire official, that has the statutory authority to enforce a code and approve or require equipment; may be a unit of a local, state, or federal government, depending on where the work occurs. In the insurance industry, it may refer to an insurance rating bureau or an insurance company inspection department.
All-Hazard Concept
provides a coordinated approach to a wide variety of incidents; all responders use a similar, coordinated approach with a common set of authorities, protections, and resources.
Line Functions
Personnel who provide emergency services to external customers (the public).
Staff/Support Functions
personnel who provide administrative and logistical support to line units (internal customers).
External Customers
Citizens of the service area protected by the organization.
Internal Customers
Employees and membership of the organization.
Wildland/Urban Interface
Line, area, or zone where an undeveloped wildland area meets a human development area.
Incident Command System (ICS)
Standardized approach to incident management that facilitates interaction between cooperating agencies; adaptable to incidence of any size or type.
Guide to decision-making in an organization.
Step-by-step written plan that is closely related to a policy. Procedures help an organization to ensure that it consistently approaches a task in the correct way, in order to accomplish a specific objective and comply with policy.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Rule for how personnel should perform routine functions or emergency operations. Procedures are typically written in the handbook, so that all firefighters can become familiar with them.
A set of principles, protocols, or procedures that explain how to do something or provide a set of minimum standards to be followed. Adhering to a standard is not required by law, although standards may be incorporated in codes, which are legally enforceable.
A collection of rules and regulations that has been enacted by law in a particular jurisdiction. Codes typically address a single subject area; examples include a mechanical, electrical, building, or firecode.
The first paid fire company was formed in Boston and 1678. True or false?
The use of steel in construction eliminated the potential for disastrous fires. True or false?
False – In some ways it increased the danger. It allowed large numbers of people to work in tall buildings that have combustible contents and interior finishes, with only limited means of escape. Natural gas and electric lighting also placed ignition sources within the structures, making fire even more likely.
The National Fire Protection Association was formed in 1896 to determine how to reduce fire loss in America. True or false?
False – NFPA was formed to develop consensus-based codes and standards intended to ensure a fire and life safety for the public.
Historical catastrophic fires have led to the development of modern day safety measures. True or false?
The authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) will determine the type and level of service needed to protect citizens in a jurisdiction. True or false?
Staff personnel deliver emergency services directly to external customers. True or false?
False - Staff personnel provide administrative and logistical support to line units.
It is the departments responsibility to make sure you learn department regulations. True or false?
False – It is your responsibility to learn and adhere to your department regulations.