Attack method that involves the discharge of water or a foam stream directly onto the burning fuel.
Direct attack (structural)
Form of attack that involves directing fire streams toward the ceiling of a compartment in order to generate a large amount of steam in order to cool the compartment.
Indirect attack (structural)
Extinguishing a fire by using both a direct and indirect attack. This method combines the steam generating technique of a ceiling level attack with an attack on the burning materials near floor level.
Combination attack.
A fire that is located in a remote part of the structure or hidden from view by objects in the compartment.
Shielded fire.
Structure or separate part of the fire ground to which a fire could spread.
Covering any object in the immediate vicinity of the fire with water or foam.
Exposure protection.
Any voltage that exceeds 600 V.
Any voltage that is less than 600 V and safe enough for domestic use, typically 120 V or less.
Any of several petroleum products, such as propane or butane, stored under pressure as a liquid.
Liquefied petroleum gas.
Toxic compounds found in some older oil filled electric Transformers.
Polychlorinated biphenyl.
Physical configuration of the land or terrain.
A friction match with a large head capable of burning in the wind.
Operation where action is taken directly on burning fuels by applying and extinguishing agent to the edge of the fire or close to it.
Direct attack (ground cover)
A method of controlling a groundcover fire in which the control line is constructed or located some distance from the edge of the main fire, and the fuel between the two points was burned.
Indirect attack (ground cover)
An offense of attack is selected when there is no threat to occupant life. True or false?
Hoseline selection is critical for efficiency and safety. True or false?
When opening the door to an interior fire, wait 5–10 seconds to observe any reactions before entering the structure. True or false?
False apply water to the gas layer and then wait.
An indirect attack is a way of reducing heat release from the hot gas layer. True or false?
A risk/benefit analysis of a commercial basement fire is performed the same way as a residential basement fire. True or false?
In a residential structure, individual circuit breakers should be used to cut all power off. True or false?
False – shut off the main breaker to cut off all power.
Liquefied petroleum gas is explosive in concentrations between 5% and 10%. True or false?
False – between 1.5 and 10%
Restoration of water utilities is the responsibility of the fire department. True or false?
False – it is the responsibility of the water department or the owner.
A master stream device should be supplied with at least 2 1/2 inch hose lines. True or false?
For maximum safety, only utility personnel should cut electrical power lines. True or false?
Water is extremely effective on class D fires. True or false?
False – it can result in violence decomposition of that water and subsequent release of flammable hydrogen gas.
Vehicle fires require full PPE including SCBA. True or false?
In the engine compartment fires, the fire must be controlled before the hood can be opened. True or false?
Trash container fires require only standard firefighting gear. True or false?
False – full PPE and SCBA is required.
Standard structural turnout clothing may be used in firefighting groundcover fires. True or false?
False – wildland fire protective covering is required.
Which type of control valve has yoke on the outside with threaded stem that opens and closes gates inside valve housing?
Outside stem and yoke.
What type of control valve has a hollow metal post that houses valve stem?
Post-indicator valve.
Which type of control valve extends horizontally through the wall with Target and valve operating not on outside of building?
Wall post indicator valve.
Which control valve uses circular disk inside the flat plate on top of valve housing?
Post-indicator valve assembly.
Which part of the ground fire is the area from where the fire started?
Part of groundcover that spreads most rapidly?
Which part of the groundcover fire is long and narrow strips of fire extending from the main fire?
What is the outer boundary, or distance around the outside edge, of burning or burned area on a groundcover fire?
What part of the groundcover fire is opposite to the head.
What part of the groundcover fire are the sides, roughly parallel to main direction of fire spread?
What part of the groundcover fire is caused by flying sparks or embers landing outside main fire?
Spot fire.
What part of a ground cover fire is patches of unburned fuel inside the fire perimeter?
What part of a groundcover fire is the area of unburned fuel’s next to involved area?
Opposite of green.
Which strategic transition is necessary when the situation rapidly changes?
Offense to defensive.
What determines the nozzle type selected?
Water pressure
What is a pre-entry consideration critical to firefighter safety and effectiveness?
Identifying potential emergency escape routes.
What steps should be taken when making an interior attack on a structure fire?
Check door for heat before opening
Which type of fire attack is water applied directly onto burning fuels until the fire is extinguished?
Direct attack
In structures equipped with standpipe systems, the_______will determine the method of fire attack.
Location of the standpipe
What is an example of exterior exposure protection?
Removal of endangered persons
Which alternative source of power can be controlled by simply shutting them off?
Fuel powered generators
Which gas is lighter than air and raises and defuses in the open?
Natural gas
Once in place, a master stream device can be operated by how many fire fighters?
Which guideline should be used at rescues in commercial high voltage installations?
Entrants should search with the back of the hand
What is a guideline for electrical emergency?
Do not use solid or straight streams on fires in energized electrical equipment
A vehicle incident, which guidelines should be followed for protecting the scene from vehicular traffic?
Department of transportation
Vehicle fire attacks, deploy and attack hoseline that will provide a minimum_____GPM flow rate.
95 gallons per minute
At an incident involving alternative fuels, Park the apparatus a minimum of_____feet from the incident.
100 feet
What is a goal at a fire involving stacked and piled materials?
Confine fire to pile or building of origin
Which type of groundcover fire moves through treetops of heavily forested areas?
Crown fire
Which groundcover fuels include needles, duff, and twigs?
Surface fuels
Which whether aspect has the most significant effect on dead fuels that only gain moisture from the surrounding air?
Relative humidity
Which method used to attack groundcover fires is used at varying distances from the advancing fire?
Hose of 3/4 inch to 2 inch in diameter; Used for firefighting purposes.
Small diameter hose.