Chapter 6 (pg 177-191) Flashcards
Social learning theory
the view that behaviour is modelled on observation of social interactions, direct observation of those who are close, or indirectly through the media. Interactions that are rewarded are copied, while those that are punished are avoided
Psychodynamic (psychoanalytic) theory
the branch of psychology that holds that the human personality is controlled by unconscious mental processes developed early in childhood
a process identified in psychodynamic theory, in which the unconscious mind contains feelings about sex and hostility; most people keep these feelings below the surface of consciousness
a syndrome in psychodynamic theory whereby people suffer when they experience feelings of mental anguish and are afraid they are losing control of their personalities
a syndrome in which people have lost total control and are dominated by their primitive id; their behaviour may be marked by bizarre episodes, hallucinations, and inappropriate responses to situations
Schizophrenia (and name 3 types)
a psychosis marked by bizarre behaviour, hallucinations, loss of thought control, and inappropriate emotional responses; types of schizophrenia include catatonic (impairment of motor activity), paranoid (delusions of persecution), and hebephrenic (immature behaviour and giddiness)
Inferiority complex
a term used to describe the sense of inadequacy held by people who compensate for their feelings of inferiority with a drive for superiority; controlling others may help reduce their sense of personal inadequacies
Identity crisis
a psychological state, identified by Erikson, in which youths face inner turmoil and uncertainty about life roles
Latent delinquency
the idea that a mental predisposition prepares youths psychologically for antisocial acts
Behaviour theory
the approach that human actions are developed through a variety of learning experiences over the course of a lifetime
Behaviour modelling
in modern society, the process of learning aggressive acts from three principal sources: family members, environmental experiences, and the mass media
Cognitive school (perspective)
a theory that studies our perceptions of reality and of the mental processes required to understand the world we live in
the reasonably stable patterns of behaviour, thoughts, and emotions that distinguish one person from another; used to explain how psychological conflict or underdevelopment might result in neurotic or psychotic behaviour patterns
a mental disorder, especially when manifested as antisocial behaviour. The term is often used interchangeably with sociopathy and antisocial personality disorder
a mental disorder characterized by lack of warmth and affection, inappropriate responses, and an inability to learn from experience. The term is often used interchangeably with psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder