3rd - Chapter 8 (pp. 257-262) Flashcards
Moral entrepreneurs
interest groups that attempt to control social life and the legal order for the purpose of promoting their own set of moral values
Social distance
a person can be labelled as deviant because of the differences in power between the labeller and the person labelled; such differences are typically those of race, class, and ethnicity
master status
an identity that overrides all others, such as drug dealer being a more important status than citizen
dramatization of evil
In Tannenbaum’s pioneering study of labelling, the process whereby the reaction to deviance sets up a feedback effect that the individual internalizes
primary deviance
according to Lemert, deviant acts that go undetected or unsanctioned, and thus do not help redefine the self and public image of the offender
secondary deviance
according to Lemert, deviant acts that are sanctioned, after which the deviant label becomes a basis for personal identity
reflective role-taking
the experience in which youths who view themselves as delinquent give an inner-voice to their perceptions of how significant others feel about them
reflected appraisal
according to Matsueda and Heimer, a youth’s self-evaluation that is based on his or her perceptions of how others evaluate him or her