chapter 6 - listening Flashcards
listening goals
-relationship development and enhancement
-gaining and comprehending information
-critical listening: evaluating the accuracy of a message and its value
-enjoyment and appreciation
-therapeutic listening: enables someone to talk through a problem of concern
the passive physiological act of receiving sound that takes place when sound waves hit a person’s eardrum
the active process of receiving, attending to, interpreting and responding to symbolic activity
initial step in listening process, where hearing and listening connect
second step in listening process when stimuli are perceived and focused on
third step when meaning is assigned to sounds and symbolic activity
final step, reacting to the message of another person
summarizing what another person has said to convey understanding of the message
engaged listening
making a personal relational connection with the source of a message that results from the source and the receiver actively working together to create shared meaning and understanding
-caring, trusting,wanting to know more
-picking up on additional meaning
task-oriented listening
listening style that is focused on deadlines, time and delivery
-risk of overpowering the objective of attention to the speaker. the best mix involves attention to tasks and speakers
relational listening
recognizing, understanding, and addressing the interconnection of relationships and communication during the listening process
-recognizing communication affects relationships, and relationships affect communication. The impact a message has on your relationship and your perception of that relationship
person-centered listening
a form of relational listening
-unconditional positive regard
no judgements, accepting that different people have different legitimate ways of acting, with different priorities and different opinions
understanding other’s perspectives and feelings, very powerful, creates self-esteem.
being openly and honestly as possible. creates trust, belief and honesty from both parties