Appendix Flashcards
subject-object problem
scientists are human and they study humans so conflicts of interest emerges; solve by creating distance between scientists and ‘objects’
social scientific approach
views world as objective, causal and predictable; researchers seek to describe communication activity and discover connections between phenomena or causal patterns
social science method questionnaires/surveys advantages
relatively easy if you want a lot of participants; strong agreement between scientists
social science questionnaires/surveys disadvantages
human behaviour unpredictable; people create own realities rather than react to shared reality
social science problems in methodology
impossible consider all variables affecting communication;too much restriction on subjects; social desirability effect; convenient samples used; methods culturally insensitive
interpretivist approach
Researchers primarily seek to understand and describe the communication experience; solving the subject-object problem is impossible; personally interpreting what is being studied; data=symbolic activity
grounded theory method
ethnographic research(natural setting), interviews, textual analysis
advantages grounded theory
provides deep understanding; communication more likely to be studied in natural context; recognizes influence of researcher on results obtained
disadvantages grounded theory
focuses on specific people but not transferable to other people, so doesnt allow for wide range understanding of communication; may impose own values and understanding on research; time-consuming
critical approach
seeks to identify hidden but formidable symbolic structures and practices that create disadvantages, inequity, or oppression of some groups in favor of others
methods critical approach
ethnographic, interviews, analysis of text, but can also use numbers
advantage methods critical approach
redirects thinking of communication; directs scholars to the awareness of inequities in society at large
disadvantages critical method
giving itself power and the right to identify inequity and how it might be challenged; wont be clear if an assessment of power is accurate, may only exist from perception of outsider