Chapter 6 - Dissecting a Panic Attack Flashcards
People don’t recognize that a Panic Attack consists of four different kinds of symptoms. It is very helpful to know this, because the symptoms don’t all work the same, and the different kinds of symptoms usually require differnt kinds of reactions in order to calm yourself.
The ability to break a panic atatck into its different parts as you experience it will become an important tool in your recovery. It will give you several advantages.
These advantages are as followed:
- You will better understand what you’re up against when you experience a panic attack, and will feel less confused and over-whelmed
- You will be better prepared to respond to the different parts of an attack in ways that effectively calm you, rather than further agitate you.
- You will come to see that what we call a “panic attack” is not an attack at all, but a REACTION. This will make it much easier for you to take on the accepting attitude that you need to calm yourself.
- Familiarity with the parts of an attack will help you to better observe what is going on during a panic attack. When you assume the role of OBSERVER, this helps to give you a little emotional distance from the turmoil of the attack. Simply speaking, when you experience a panic attack, you’re either going to assume the role of an observer or a victim. The observer’s better.
PHYSICAL SENSATIONS are probably the part of the panic attack that gets most of you attention. There are many physical sensations that people experience as part of a panic attack.
Think about your first full-blown panic attack, or another major one you recall clearly, and list the physical symptoms you experienced.
- Racing heart
- Shaking legs
- Blurry vision/Tunnel vision
- Deep breathing
THOUGHTS are an important part of a panic atatck, and are almost always misunderstood by the person experiencing the attack.
What thoughts do you typically experience during a panic atatck? Including all the thoughts, especially the ones that sound terribly extreme and unrealistic now.
- I’m goind to die/pass out/faint (Due to various resons such as no water, no food, etc..)
An EMOTION is a “gut reaction,” an overall feeling about a perticular event or situation. Emotions are feelings such as glad, sad, mad, afraid, jealous, and so on. Emotions are difficult for many people to put into words.
What emotions do you typically experience during a panic attack?
- Fear/worry
BEHAVIOURS differ from physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions in that they are what you do, rather than what you feel or think. They may be as subtle as eye movemet, or as obvious as bolting for the door.
What behaviors do you engage in during a panic attack?
- Screaming
- Dialing friend/relative
- Racing towards safety (depending on the situation)
- Grabbing and holding tightly onto objects
Panic behaviors are all responses to the panic trick. People experience discomfort and respond as if it were danger. These behaviors make the problem worse.
Fleeing makes the problem worse because it reinforces the mistaken idea that you just barely escaped a terribly calamity, and it suggests that your luck may be running out. Withdrawing into yourself will lead you to become more focused on your discomfort and make it seem worse.
One BIG problem people have with their thoughts is that on the moment of a panic attack, they fail to recognize that this symptom is just that - a symptom. It’s not a sixth sense that gives you advance warning of something that’s about to happen. It’s not a warning from you guardian angel. It’s just a way of being anxious.
The problem people have is that they automatically assume the thoughts is literally true, and their body responds as if it were true.