Chapter 6 Cont (Tongue) Flashcards
Parts of the tongue
apex, dorsum, base, root (attached to the inner surface of the mandible, counterpart of the mental symphysis), inferior surface
Landmarks of the tongue
lingual mucosa (or lingual epithelial surface), lingual aponeurosis, vertical extension: lingual septum, lingual frenulum
Fibrous septum
aka lingual septum or median fibrous septum, median wall/vertical partition of left and right
extrinsic muscles of the tongue (5)
-innervated by what cranial nerve?
genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus, chondro and palato
ALL INNERVATED BY CN XII - Hypoglossal nerve
-chin to tongue
-origin: inner mandibular symphysis
-insertion: tip, dorsum, base, and hyoid
-course: fans out
-function: bulk of the tongue, protrudes or retracts tongue
-hyoid to tongue
-origin: great cornu and lateral body of hyoid
-insertion: sides of tongue
-function: pulls down sides of the tongue, also a laryngeal elevator
-styloid process of the temporal bone to the inferior sides of the tongue
-function: pulls tongue back and up
intrinsic muscles (4)
-whats the purpose of these muscles?
-innervated by what cranial nerve?
-purpose: to change the shape of the tongue
-superior longitudinal, inferior longitudinal, transverse, vertical
ALL INNERVATED BY CN XII - Hypoglossal nerve
superior longitudinal
-attachments: base (epiglottis and hyoid) to apex
-course: fans forward and outward
-function: (elevates) curls the tongue up, retract, can deviate tip on one side
inferior longitudinal
-attachments: root of tongue and corpus to apex
-course: forward
-function: (depress) curls tongue down, retract, can deviate tip on one side
transverse tongue muscle
-attachments: median fibrous septum to lateral edge of the tongue
-course: laterally
-function: narrows the tongue, PRIMARY MUSCLE FOR PROTRUDING THE TONGUE
vertical tongue muscle
-same area as transverse
-attachments: base of tongue to cover of tongue
-course: vertical
-function: flattens tongue, pulls tongue into floor of the mouth
elevating posterior tongue (importance)
to squeeze the velum after bolus has passed
tongue pathologies
-tongue tie, hemiglossectomy - removing half the tongue
jaw muscles
-innervated by what nerve?
-all innervated by CN V Trigeminal (chews)
-open/close the jaw, move side to side, protrude/retract the jaw = for grinding, chewing, and speech
list of jaw muscles (8)
-masseter, temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoids, platysma, digastricus, mylohyoid, geniohyoid
masseter mandibular muscle
-what’s the primary function?
-attachments: zygomatic arch to ramus and coronoid process of mandible
-course: down
-function: elevates mandible (PRIMARILY CLOSES THE JAW)
-attachments: temporal and parietal to coronoid process and ramus
-course: down
-function: elevates mandible (closes the jaw - SECONDARY)
medial pterygoid
-attachments: medial pterygoid plate of the sphenoid to the ramus of mandible
-course: downward posteriorly
-function: elevates jaw, can shift one side of jaw, slightly helps with protruding of jaw
laterial pterygoid
-attachments: lateral pterygoid of the sphenoid to condyloid process
-courseL posteriorly
-function: PRIMARILY PROTRUDES THE JAW, can also move sideways
digastricus pair
-anterior belly: origin is behind the chin (loops around tendons) at the hyoid (CN V)
-posterior belly: mastoid process of temporal bone to hyoid (CN VII)
-course: medial and down
-function: move jaw down OR hyoid up and forward (whichever is stabilized)
-attachments: fascia of chest/shoulder muscles to corner of mouth
-course: up
-function: depresses the mandible
origin: mental spines, inner surface of mandible
insertion: hyoid
function: elevates and draws hyoid forward
CN XII (hypoglossal)
origin: inner surface of mandible, floor of the oral cavity
insertion: hyoid
function: elevates hyoid / depresses mandible
innervated by CN V
muscles of the velum
-elevator: levator veli palatini
-deppressor: palatoglossus muscle, palatopharyngeus muscle
-eustachian tube dilator: tensor veli palatini muscle
levator veli palatini
-attachments: temporal bone and cartilage of eustachian tube to velum
-function: elevates the velum so it could push against the posterior pharyngeal wall to seal it off so air wouldn’t go to the nose
-anterior faucial pillars
-function: elevate tongue or lower the velum
-posteior faucial pillars
-function: narrows the pharynx, lowers the velum
tensor veli palatini
-attachments: sphenoid bone and lateral auditory tube to the eustachian tube
-function: opens the eustachian tube when it pulls on it (that’s why it’s called dilator)
facts about the eustachian tube
-closed when at rest
-passage from nasal pharynx to the middle ear to allow air (to maintain equilibrium)
muscles of the pharynx
-superior, middle, inferior constrictors = form the pharyngeal tube
superior constrictor
-most important! narrows the pharynx by pulling pharyngeal wall forward (works with the velum)
middle constrictor
-propels bolus into esophagus
inferior constrictor
-makes up part of the cricopharyngeus aka upper esophageal sphincter (esophagus closed at rest), opens esophagus
CN V (trigeminal nerve - mandibular branch)
-masster, temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoids, mylohyoid, anterior digastricus belly
CN VII (facial nerve)
-muscles that impact face and lip movement (lip elevators, depressors and retractors), platysma
CN XII (hypoglossal nerve)
-all intrinsic muscles of the tongue, and geniohyoid