Chapter 6 Flashcards
Change of program
IDEIA mandates that all states identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities in the state who need special education and related services. Child find is a special education service for identifying children who are suspected of having an educational disability and who may be eligible for special education and related services.
Classroom management technique
Strategies created to help handle various problems and conflicts within a classroom.
Consolidation of a program:
Refers to modifying a student’s program so that the workload is decreased.
Disciplinary action
A response by a school to some inappropriate student behaviors by suspending or expelling students from classroom instruction or through other types of actions, such as a referral to the principal’s office or detention.
Hearing test
A pre-referral procedure used to determine whether an auditory problem is causing or contributing to a student’s problems in school.
Help classes
Classes that provide a student with extra help in a given subject outside of the normal school day.
In-school counceling
Counseling, normally by the psychologist or social worker, designed to help a child cope with the various social, emotional or behavioral issues that are currently of concern for him or her.
Medical exam
A pre-referral procedure used to determine whether a medical condition is causing or contributing to a student’s problems.
Parent interview
Meeting with a parent to discuss what motivates a child along with finding out any family information that may be contributing to the child’s behavior in the classroom (e.g., recent separation, death of a loved one).
pre-referral strategies
Many school systems recommend or require that, before an individualized evaluation of a student is conducted for possible placement in special education, the teacher meet with an assistance team to discuss the nature of the problem and what possible modifications to instruction or the classroom might be made. These procedures are known as pre-referral strategies.
Progress report
A synopsis of the child’s work and behavior in the classroom sent home to the parents to keep them updated on the child’s strengths and areas of concern over a period of time.
CPS (child protective services)
A state agency designed to investigate cases of possible neglect and abuse of children.
remedial reading and math services
Academic programs within a school designed to help students with math or reading by going slower in the curriculum or placing them with a smaller number of students in the classroom for extra attention.
A pre-referral strategy to determine whether a comprehensive assessment for special education is warranted.
Team meeting with teachers
A pre-referral procedure whereby teachers who have worked with or who have ideas about the student come together to determine what helpful strategies can be implemented for the child both in and outside of the classroom.
Vision test
A pre-referral procedure used to determine whether a visual problem is causing or contributing to a student’s problems.