CH 18 Flashcards
Adaptive physical education
An adapted, or modified, physical education program designed to meet the individualized gross motor needs, or other disability-related challenges, of an identified student.
Annual review
A meeting to review the student’s current IEP, which includes his/her current educational program, modifications, accommodations, and current educational goals and objectives.
Case manager
The individual designated to collect, organize, and forward the eligibility committee packet to the administrator of the eligibility committee.
Change in placement
Any change of the least restrictive environment for a child with a disability.
The legal process of taking a child who is currently receiving special education and removing his or her classification so that he or she is no longer a part of the special education program.
Eligibility committee
The committee that determines whether a child is eligible to receive special education and related services. It is the team that oversees the identification, monitoring, review, and status of all children with disabilities residing within the school district.
Eligibility committee packet
An organized and thorough packet of required forms and information necessary for a presentation to the eligibility committee of a child with a suspected disability.
Evaluation summary sheet
A summary of all scores and tests administered that becomes part of the eligibility committee packet.
Extended school year program
The determination by the eligibility committee of continued services through the summer to avoid regression of learning on the part of a child with a disability.
Full-time special class in a general education school
This placement is viewed as the LRE setting for students whose disability does not permit successful participation in any type of general education class setting, even for part of the day, but can still be educated in a general education building.
homebound instruction
This is the most restrictive setting under the least restrictive environment and is usually provided for students who are in the process of transition between programs and have yet to be placed.
One of the most restrictive settings used is a hospital. Although this is a very restrictive setting, it may be the LRE setting for certain students, such as situations of attempted suicide by an adolescent, pervasive clinical depression, or serious medical illness.
Impartial hearing officer
An independent individual assigned by the district’s board of education or commissioner of education to hear an appeal and render a decision.
inclusion classroom
The education of the child in a general education classroom assisted by the presence of a second teacher who is certified in special education.
Independent educational evaluation
A full and comprehensive individual evaluation conducted by an outside professional or agency not involved in the education of the child.
Itinerant services
Services subcontracted by a school district and provided by outside agencies.
Refers to the legal mandate that children with disabilities must be educated with those without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate.
The legal mandate of having a child remain in his or her current educational placement during formal due process proceedings.
Residential school
Residential placements are settings where students reside and receive their education for the school term. The nature and length of home visits depend on several factors that are usually determined by the residential school staff after evaluation and observation.
Special day school
A restrictive educational setting that is a desirable placement for students whose disabilities are so severe that they may require a more therapeutic environment and closer monitoring by specially trained special education teachers or staff members.
State-operated schools:
Schools run by the state that have educational programs available for students whose educational needs require a special focus.
Triennial review
Under federal law, the mandated assessment battery that must be given to a child in special education every 3 years.