Chapter 5 Flashcards
At risk
A term used for children who may, in the future, have problems with their development that may affect learning or development.
Core academic subjects
A core academic subject is one where students receive core content credit (e.g., English; language arts; reading; mathematics; science; the arts, including music and visual arts; social studies, which includes civics, government, economics, history, and geography; and modern and classical languages).
Early intervention services
Refers to a broad application of scientifically based prevention and support services for students who are not identified as needing special education programs or service but who need additional academic and behavioral support to succeed in the general education classroom.
With respect to RTI, fidelity refers to the intensity and accuracy with which instruction and intervention are implemented.
Office of special education programs
A federal program of the U.S. Department of Education dedicated to improving results for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities ages birth through 21 by providing leadership and financial support to assist states and local districts.
Progress monitoring
A set of assessment procedures for determining the extent to which students are benefiting from classroom instruction.
Research-based interventions
Instructional strategies and curricular components used to enhance student learning. The effectiveness of these interventions is backed by experimental design studies that have been applied to a large study sample, show a direct correlation between the intervention and student progress, and have been reported in peer-reviewed journals.
Research based interventions
A system used at schools to screen, assess, identify, plan for, and provide interventions to any student at risk of school failure due to academic or behavior needs. It is an assessment and intervention process for systematically monitoring student progress and making decisions about the need for instructional modifications or increasingly intensified services using progress monitoring data.
Schoolwide screening
An assessment characterized as a quick, low-cost, repeatable test of age-appropriate critical skills (e.g., identifying letters of the alphabet or reading a list of high-frequency words) or behaviors (e.g., tardiness or discipline reports). Measures are not too complicated and can be administered by someone with a minimal amount of training.
SLD= specific learning disabilities
SLD is defined as “a disorder of one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in [the] imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations.
Tiered or multitiered service delivery model:
A model intended to address academic and behavioral needs through prevention and early intervention to provide students who are struggling with the supports they need immediately to reach standards. It provides tiers of increasingly intense interventions directed at more specific deficits and at smaller segments of the population.