Chapter 6 Flashcards
Brain and Sexual Arousal
- Brain plays an important role in sexuality
- We do not all respond similarly to the same stimuli in sexual arousal
- Cultural influences play an important role
Sexuality and Diversity
- There are universal biological mechanisms for sexual arousal
- Particular sexual stimuli and behaviors that people find arousing are greatly influenced by cultural conditioning
Limbic System
Subcortical brain system composed of several interrelated structures that influences the sexual behavior of humans and other animals
Cerebral Cortex
Outer layer of the brain’s cerebrum that controls higher mental processes
Neurotransmitter that facilitates sexual arousal and activity
Neurotransmitter that inhibits sexual arousal and activity
Erogenous Zones
Areas of the body that are particularly responsive to sexual stimulation
Primary Erogenous Zones
Areas of the body that contain dense concentrations of nerve endings
- Genitals, buttocks, anus, perineum, breasts
- Does not always mean it produces sexual arousal
Secondary Erogenous Zones
Areas of the body that have become erotically sensitive through learning and experience
- Depends on the person and where they like to be touched
Certain odors produced by the body that relate to reproductive functions
Senses and Sexual Arousal
- touch
- vision
- smell
- taste
- hearing
- Some areas of your body are more sensitive than others
- Primary and secondary erogenous zones
- Males more aroused by visual stimuli than females
- All cultures are different in what odors and scents are upon them
- Pheromones by the body play a role in this
- A very minor role in sexual arousal
- Some people can detect and appreciate certain tastes