Chapter 11 Flashcards
Parenthood Optional
- This is a choice and a question to ask yourself
- More couples and individuals want to be kid free now
- There are advantages to being childless
- Being parents of adopted or biological children also has advantages
Non Parent Advantages
- Couples have more time together
- Work and career are further pursued
- Financial crisis thins
- Intimacy and companionship increases in relationships
Adopted/Biological Child Advantages
- Children also respond with love and care when the parents do
- Builds self-esteem and accomplishment
- Gives the parents lives’ more meaning and satisfaction
Enhancing Possibility of Conception
- Find the right time for intercourse increases probability for conception
- Conception occurs within a 6-day period
- Ovulation predictor tests identify conception
- Mucus method also determines conception
- Sex pre selection offers benefits for couples passing on an X-chromosome for diseases with their children
Ovulation Predictor Tests
Measure rise in luteinizing hormone in urine before ovulation
- Incapability to conceive children
- Cost and how easy it is, is how it is determined
- 60% of couples are pregnant within 3 months
- Distressing problem, and can effect the relationship vastly
- 85-90% of infertility cases are handled with drug therapy or surgical procedures
Infertility Diagnosis
- 3 Months
- 6 Months
- 1 in 6 couples seek help (past 6 month mark)
- secondary infertility
Infertility Impact on Relationships (Effects Sexuality)
- Most people growing up believe they can conceive children
- When a couple finds out they have infertility, they are uncomfortable and isolated when others speak of their pregnancies
- Partners can also isolate each other
- Might feel grief over the entire subject
- In some relationships, finding out about infertility has helped them
Secondary Infertility
Not able to have a second child
Female Infertility
- Older you are, infertility increases and more unexplainable
- Ovulation problems go emotionally and physically
- Ovulation problems are treated with many medications
- Infections anywhere in the vagina can effect the spermicide reaching the egg
Below normal body weight and smoking/tobacco have an effect
Ovulatory Problems
- Hormone imbalance
- Severe vitamin deficiencies
- Metabolic disturbances
- Poor nutrition
- Genetic factors
- Emotional stress
- Medical conditions
Male Infertility
- May be few sperm cells to fertilize the egg
- Varicocele is a main reason it is damaged
- Diseases can alter sperm production
- Improving quality of the sperm, ejaculatory daily helps
- Low sperm count, ejaculate every 6 days
Damaged vein in the testes or vas deferens
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
A single sperm is injected into an egg
Alternatives for Intercourse
- Artificial insemination
- Surrogacy
- Assisted reproductive technology
- In vitro fertilization
- Health and financial problems
Assisted Reproductive Technology
Techniques of extrauterine conception: surgical biopsy and intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Artificial Insemination
Medical procedure where semen is placed Ina woman’s vagina, cervix, or uterus
Surrogate Mother (Surrogacy)
Woman artificially inseminated in a childless couple, the man carries the child, delivers the child, and gives it to the couple for adoption
Assisted Reproductive Technology
Tweaking standard intercourse
In Vitro Fertilization
Mature eggs are removed from a woman’s ovary and fertilized by sperm in a laboratory dish
Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT)
Egg is fertilized with sperm in the laboratory, and then placed in a Fallopian tube
Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT)
Sperm and ovum are placed directly in a Fallopian tube
Health and Financial Problems
You want to get as close to nature as you can get for health. Financially, this is expensive like $15-20K and not guaranteed
Pregnancy Detection
- First signs: light period, spotting, or no period; fatigue; tender breasts
- Nausea/vomiting; appetite change
- Blood or urine tests (human chorionic gonadotropin)
- Subtle softening of uterus (6 weeks)
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Hormone in the urine of a pregnant woman within 1 month of conception
Spontaneous Abortion (Miscarriage)
Expulsion of the fetus from the uterus early in pregnancy, before it can survive on its own
- occurs in first 20 weeks
- 10-15% of pregnancies
- emotional impact can be significant
Elective Abortion
Medical procedure used to terminate pregnancy
Medical Abortion
Medicines to end a pregnancy of 7 weeks or less
Vacuum Aspiration
Abortion taking place in 7-13 weeks, will dialate cervix with vacuum tube
Suction Curettage
Procedure used within 7 to 13 weeks past the last menstrual period. Small plastic tube going into the cervical os into the uterus.
Dilation and Evacuation
Abortion procedure where the curette and suction equipment are used to scrape the walls of the uterus and is from 13-20 weeks
Late-Term Abortion
Done between 20-24 weeks when serious health risks exist for the woman
Illegal Abortion
Against the law to have this
Controversy of Abortion
- Early America abortion until quickening
- 1973 Roe vs. Wade (women’s body, they have authority)
- 1977 Hyde Amendment (government health care will not be used for abortions)
- State restrictions and limitations
- Waiting period, parent notification (making sure they are ok)
Current Debate of Abortion
- Americans believe abortion should be legal
- Pro-life goals
- Pro-choice goals
- Recent debate is more violent
Hormones used to induce uterine contractions and fetal expulsion for second-trimester abortions
Single cell from sperm and egg cells
Multicellular descendant of the zygote that goes to the wall of the uterus
Vernix Caseosa
Waxy, protective substance on the fetus’s skin
Organ attached to the uterine wall and connected to the fetus by the umbilical cord. Nutrients, oxygen, and waste pass between mother and fetus through cell walls of the placenta
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Syndrome in infants caused by alcohol use. Brings heart defects, damage to the brain and nervous system, physical malformations, and below normal IQ
Prepared Childbirth
Birth following an education process involving information, exercises, and working with a labor coach
Experience of Pregnancy (Women)
Wide range of emotions
Physical changes
- 1st Trimester: fatigue, nausea, breast changes
- 2nd Trimester: movement, sense of well being
- 3rd Trimester: increased size, discomfort, pack on weight
Experience of Pregnancy (Men)
- Ecstasy to ambivalence to fearfulness
- Sense of separation, varying on which trimester
- Concern about financial impact
- Active involvement helps
Stages of Childbirth
- First Stage (effacement)
- Second Stage (middle stage)
- Third Stage (afterbirth)
First Stage Labor
Regular contractions begin and cervix dilates. Head of the infant is starting to come out
Flattening of the cervix occurring before and after birth
Second Stage Labor
When the infant descends through the vagina, and delivery to the world
Third Stage Labor
Placenta separates from the uterine wall and comes out of the vagina, involves blood and fluid
Placenta and amniotic sac going through the vagina after birth
Cesarean Section (C-section)
Childbirth procedure where the infant is removed through an incision in the abdomen and uterus
Postpartum Period
First several weeks after childbirth
Postpartum Depression
Symptoms of depression and thoughts of hurting the baby
Thin fluid brought by the breasts during later stages of pregnancy and first few days of delivery
Reddish uterine discharge occurring after childbirth
Incision in perineum sometimes made during childbirth
Sexual Interaction During Pregnancy
- Inhibited or progressive decline
- Some women experience increases in desire
- No restrictions on sexual activity or orgasm
- Modified positions often needed
First Trimester Fetal Development
Zygote Blastocyst 9-10 weeks: heartbeat present 8 weeks: spinal canal, arms/legs, fingers/toes 3rd month: internal organs
2nd/3rd Trimester Fetal Development
Fetal movements
End of 5th month: 1 pound, head hair, fat
6th month: eyes open
Further differentiation and fat stores, limbs, finger nails and toe nails, ear lobes
Fetal Development Risks
Harmful substances pass from mother to baby
- prescription and nonprescription drugs
- 1997; viable fetal protected under abuse laws
- nicotine and alcohol
- bacteria and viruses