Chapter 6 Flashcards
what are two things that children need to be able to do for language development
understand what others say to you
be able to produce language through talking, writing, signing, etc
what is required for language
human brain (universal grammar (chomsky))
human environment (behaviourism (skinner))
explain universal grammar (chomsky)
Argued Skinner is wrong
Chomsky thought infants will understand and produce sentences they have never heard before, therefore it can’t be the environment. Innate skill to learn language innately
Universal grammar: Children all over the world share certain universal grammar rules
human environment (behaviourism (skinner))
Skinner is the psychologist behind operant conditioning and taught rats to press levers
Children learn language through reinforcement and punishment
human brain (nature) in language development
species specific
species universal
brain lateralization
sensitive period
Language is species-specific
Language development is specific to humans
Language being natural
Humans are the only ones with developed language to learn. Other animals have more basic ways to communicate (ex: mating calls)
language is species-universal
Within all humans, language development is achieved by typically developing children around the world
Argue that an infant will learn language before they are directly taught, innate and natural
brain lateralization in language development
Opposite sides of the brain that impact language development
Around 90% of right-handed people learn language using the left side of the brain
Sensitive period of language development
The period where it’s really easy to learn new words and languages
Ages 5-10ish to learn a full language sweet spot
Mostly due in part to brain development and how the brain is maturing
Some people think it’s easier to learn a language at this time due to motivation
Kids have an easier time digesting bite-sized info than adults. Words are bite-sized, so they may have an easier time learning language
When sensitive period is skipped, language is always at a deficit, trying unsuccessfully to catch up
infant directed speech (IDS)
environment, nurture
Will learn language by listening and imitation
Adults use baby talk to talk to babies (aka infant directed speech)
In another language: Know that that pitch and tone is something they should pay attention to, even if it’s not in their own language
features of IDS
Greater pitch variability
Shorter utterances
More word repetition
Slower speech
More questions
Enhanced clarity of vowels
Exaggerated facial features
Large rhythmic modulations
another name for IDS
Also referred to as “parentese” or “motherese”
________ is a common component of IDS
Giving narrative of what you’re doing/ what’s going on
Tell infant what’s going on, what you’re seeing, etc
Process/ steps of language acquisition
- speech perception
- word segments/segmentation
- prep for production
- first words
- joining words/ putting words together
- conversational skills
- later development
speech perception in the process of language acquisition
Before being able to understand speech, they have to know that speech is a thing
Child shows preference to mothers voice and language from the womb
categorical perception