Chapter 6 Flashcards
Identifying criminals or terrorist activities
“”” includes
Identifying the hazard
Interpreting the information available
Assessing what is happening
Predicting potential outcome
Situational awareness
The inability to establish a maintains situation. All awareness during an incident is likely to result in ‘’
Failure to achieve the desired outcome p. 239
Situational awareness is sometimes referred to as a process working at three levels, which are?
Level 1- perception
Level 2 - comprehension
Level 3 -application
The following factors may lead to an emergency responders loss of situational awareness. They include five parts.
Information received is confusing or unclear ?
Loss of focus of the original mission without appropriate rationale
To focus on a single element of a situation
Task information overwhelms us, or we attempt to perform all the tasks ourselves is what ?
False Sense of comfort based on misconceptions of hazard risk or situation sometimes based on past
Responders at terrorist incident and crime scenes must ensure’’, implement protocols for control, perform’’, as well as’’ evidence while maintaining situational awareness
Ensure scene safety,
perform rescue as well as preserve evidence
Perimeters are also known as
Isolation zone
The reasons to establish a perimeter include
Safety of the public and preservation of seen in the evidence p. 240
A loss of Situational awareness can result in the loss or accidental Destruction of ?
Valuable evidence/information
A crime can be an act or failure to act which is prohibited by criminal law and punishable by fine of imprisonment. Criminal activities involving hazards materials/WMD include
Illegal hazmat dumps
illicit lab p. 241
What natural disasters Create Hazmat incidents or expose environmental crimes, such as illegal hazmat dumps
Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes
Illegal hazmat dump contains abandoned containers, such as
Drums, tanks, containers, and cylinders
Abandoned containers are sometimes referred to as
Orphan containers. 242
Frequently illegal dumped posed the following significant problems and hazards, which are:
Unlabeled containers
Mixed chemicals
Aged chemicals
Environmental contamination
illicit laboratories, maybe used to manufacture ?
Drugs, explosives, biological weapons, or chemical warfare agents
The following clues that may indicate ‘’’
Dead or discolored vegetation
Additional modified electrical services
Increased pedestrian and vehicle
Increased security
Unusual odors
Excessive corrosion on metal fixtures
Laboratory glass bar, and unusual locations
Large quantity of household chemicals, pharmaceuticals
Unusual use of materials, such as water bottles, and food process
Disinfectant p. 243
What may be set to protect illicit laboratories and other criminal activities
Booby traps
Booby traps may utilize conventional mutations which are x3 C,B,R
Chemical , biological, radiological p. 244
The unlawful use of force against persons or properties to intimidate or coerce a government, civil population or any segment thereof in the furtherance of political or social objectives is what and defined by who?
FBI - terrorism
Terrorist can operate as what x2
Group or alone p. 245
Terrorism is designed to cause what x 3
Disruption, fear and panic
Terrorism attack target on x 3
Land, sea or air
Traditional terrorist attacks include:
Assassination, armored assaults , and bombings
The following is a list of probable WMD’s threats from most likely to least likely based on emergency response records:
- Explosives.
- Biological toxins( rican)
- Industrial chemicals.( chlorine / phosgene
- Biological pathogens.( contagious diseases.)
- Radiological materials.
- Military grade. chemical weapons.
- Nuclear weapons.
p. 246
Difference between terrorism and other emergencies include
Intent and severity and complexity
All incidents ( terrorist or other) have the same priorities of
Life, safety, incident stabilization, and protecting property
Examples of potential include:
Areas of public assembly and recreation( hotels, casinos shopping malls)
Critical infrastructure( dams, water, treatment, facilities, powerplants electrical stations, nuclear plants)
Educational sites
High profile buildings and locations
Industrial sites
Mass transportation
Medical and science facilities p. 247-8
terrorists Locations
The following are a few examples of situations that can queue the responder to consider the possibility of a ‘’ :
Report on multiple similar medical emergencies in public locations
Unusual large number of people with the similar medical signs and symptoms
Reported explosion or gunfire
What does CBRNE stand for?
Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive p. 248
the use of what at terrorist attacks illicit laboratories is always a possibility
Secondary devices
What are often designed to affect an oncoming emergency response in order to create more chaos and injury to respond by standards
Secondary devices
If responders find anything suspicious, they should
Note the item and location
Treat the item with appropriate caution
Notify appropriate person law enforcement/bomb
Evacuate immediately p. 249
What is biological terrorism known as?
Bio terrorism
The intentional release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs that can sicken or kill people, livestock or crops is known as defined by who
Biological terrorism
center for disease, control, and prevention( CDC)
Biological agents include
Viral agents
Bacterial agents
Biological toxins
What are the simplest types of microorganisms that can only replicate in their house living cells they do not respond to antibiotics making them an attractive weapon
Viral agents
What are Microscopic, single celled organisms, do not cause disease in people, but when they do two different mechanisms are possible invade the tissue or producing poison
Bacterial agents
What are poison produced by living organisms, however, is not usually harmful to people similar to chemical agents.
Biological toxins
Biological agents can be disseminated(spread) via:
How long do biological agents cause health effects?
Hours, days or weeks to make someone else depending on the agent. Difficult to trace.
However, certain ‘’ organisms biological toxins could potentially act more quickly in minutes to hours
Marine organisms
Biological attacks utilize what x3
Viruses, bacteria and or biological toxins p. 250
’’’’ indicators include
warning Or threat of an attack
Large number of people with flu like symptoms during non-flu months
Unusual number of sick or dying people or animals
Multiple people with similar signs or symptoms
Abandoned spray devices
Casualties distribution aligned with wind direction
Electronic tracking of signs and symptoms reported by hospitals
Illness is associated with a common source of food, water location
Presentation of specific unusual diseases
Diagnosis of illness, not common to the geographical area
Biological attacks
Methods of ‘’ disease transmission include:
Airborne transmission
Contact with infected droplets( contact with mucus membrane of eyes, nose, and mouth)
Direct contact
Indirect contact(touching contaminated services)
Ingestion of contaminated food or water
vectors( flies fleas, and mosquitoes) p. 251
If biological attacked is suspected First responders should immediately notify their
Local healthcare agencies
An event of an overt( not a secret attack) attack or incident versus respond first focus on
Isolation and contamination
’’’ ATTACKS could include;
White powder incident
Discovery of suspected biological laboratory
Witness use of spray device p. 252
Overt attacks
to ensure containment, following guidelines.
Initially contained person who may be affect
De-contaminate victim, transport to medical facility
( record name and contact information) follow up isrequired
A typical chemical Incident has a rapid onset of what ?
Minutes to hours of medical symptoms
By biological incident, the onset time is usually what
Days to weeks
What agents are usually odorless /colorless
Biological agents
what is the deliberate release of toxic gases, liquids, or solids that can poison people and the environment
Chemical attack
What are intended to use in warfare or terrorist activities to kill, seriously injured or seriously incapacitate people through their physiological effects
Chemical agents also referred to chemical weapons p. 253
What does TIMs stand for?
Toxic industrial materials
Responders are more likely to deal with what use as a weapon than chemical warfare agents because they are cheaper and easier to obtain
Toxic industrial materials
What are particularly poises hazardous material that are normally used for industrial purposes, but they could be used by Terrorist to deliberately kill, injure or incapacitate people
Toxic industrial materials
Types of agents that may be used in chemical attacks include:
Nerve agents
Blister agents
Blood agents
Choking agents
Riot control agents
Vomiting agents
What are organophosphate compounds that affect the function of the nervous system their primary root of entry is through direct contact with the skin
Nerve agents
Blister agents
Blood agents
Choking agents
Riot control agents
Vomiting agents
Nerve agents
Blisters/burns the skin or any part of the body they contact
Nerve agents
Blister agents
Blood agents
Choking agents
Riot control agents
Vomiting agents
Blister agents
Tear gas or irritant agents are chemical compounds that cause immediate irritation of the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin
Nerve agents
Blister agents
Blood agents
Choking agents
Riot control agents
Vomiting agents
Riot control agents
Chemical asphyxiants , sometimes categorized as TIMs because they have an industrial application
Nerve agents
Blister agents
Blood agents
Choking agents
Riot control agents
Vomiting agents
Blood agents
Attacks and causes tissue damage to the lungs
Nerve agents
Blister agents
Blood agents
Choking agents
Riot control agents
Vomiting agents
Choking agents
What produce a temporary disabling condition that persist for hours or two days after exposure has occurred
Nerve agents
Blister agents
Blood agents
Choking agents
Riot control agents
Vomiting agents
What causes violent, uncontrollable, seizing, coughing, nausea, vomiting, and a general feel bodily discomfort, appears as aerosol and produce effects by inhalation or direct action in the eye
Nerve agents
Blister agents
Blood agents
Choking agents
Riot control agents
Vomiting agents
Vomiting agents
Common hazardous material use for terrorist purposes are industrial chemicals that are toxic at a certain concentration and are produced in quantities exceeding 30 tons per year at one production facility
TIMs our divided into three categories, which are
High hazard- indicates a Wiley produce, stored or transported that has high, toxic and easily vaporized
Medium hazard- indicates they may rank high in some categories
Low hazard- not likely to be a hazard p. 254
’’ attacks indicators include :
warning or threats of an attack or received intelligence
presence of hazmat or labs equip that is not relevant to occupant
intentional release of hazmat
What Agent may consist of two separate nontoxic compounds that one makes become the active nerve Agent. The components are known as fourth generation, chemical weapons, and some variants are thought to be 5 to 8 times more toxic than nerve agents.
novichok agent
’’’ attack indicators include:
Warning or threats of an attack or received intelligence
Presence of hazardous materials laboratories
Intentionally release of hazardous mate
Unexplained patterns of sudden onset of similar illnesses or deaths
Unexplained orders or taste
Multiple individuals, exhibiting unexplained skin irritation
Unexplained bomb or munition like material
Unexplained vapor, clouds, mist and plumes
Unexplained health problems(nausea, vomiting, twitching)
Unexplained deaths
Casualties distributed downwind
Multiple individuals experiencing blisters or rash
Trees, shrubs, bushes, food, crops, and lawn that are dead
Surfaces, exhibiting oil droplets or
Abnormal sick or dead birds animals
Unusual security, lock bars, or windows
Radiological materials have been implicated in
Assassinations and homicides
The only way to confirm if radiation is present, at an incident is to use
Radiological monitoring equipment
Radiological attacks, utilize weapons that release radiological most likely in the form of
Dust or powder
Warning or threats of an attack
Individual exhibiting signs and symptoms of ‘‘exposure
’’ material packages left unattended
Suspicious packages
Anticipation of ‘’ devices
radiological attack
Nuclear attacks are a little different from radiological attacks. What is the difference?
Nuclear attacks are the intentional detonation of a nuclear weapon
Indicators of ‘’ attacks include:
Warning or threat of
Mushroom Cloud
Exceptionally large/powerful Explosion
Electromagnetic pulse
Radiological devices are sometimes referred to as a’’ because the contaminants they spread could ruin property, crops or livestock, and caused large areas to become unstable
dirty Bombs
Examples of radiological devices
Radiation exposure device ( RED)
Radiological dispersal device( RDD)
Radiological dispersal weapon( RDW) p. 258
What device is a powerful gamma, emitting radiation source. terrorist may place it in high profile locations such as high traffic, entertainment, areas or complexes:
Radiation exposure device
Any device, including weapons or equipment, other than nuclear explosive devices specifically designed to disseminate radioactive material to cause destruction, damage or injury by the means of radiation produced by the decay of such materials. Use these to create panic by exposing people to react to materials.
Radiological dispersal device
What device can be inexpensive and common item such as pressurized containers, building, ventilation systems, fans, and mechanical devices to spread radioactive contents.
Radiological dispersal weapons. 259
Responders conducting scene size need to look for what?
Elevated’’’ readings
Unusual or out of place ‘’
Size and shape of smoke ‘’’
Large ‘’ fields
'’From explosions
Elevated radiological readings
Unusual or out of place indicators
Size and shape of smoke plume
Large debris fields
Craters From explosions
What ‘’’ environmental factors can implicate a radiological terrorism incident
Prevailing wind
Broken water mains
Vehicles or pedestrian traffic flow
Ventilation system
Air and rail corridors
Natural or man-made influences
Responder tactics for ‘’’ incidents include:
Positioning apparatus upwind
Securing the area/and prevent unauthorized entry
Stay alert and look for small explosive Dev
Use time, distance and shielding
Full PPE
Avoid contact with any visible smoke
Monitor radiation
Establish background radiation
Detain or isolate, injured people or equipment
Remove victims from high hazard
assit Medical personnel
Call for expert guidance
Preserve possible evidence
Do not conduct overhaul and cleanup operations p. 260
Explosives are often referred to as ‘’ ATTACKS
Conventional attacks
Most experts agree that explosives are the greatest ‘’ of today
Weapon of mass destruction threat
Explosives may be used to spray x3
Chemical, biological and radiological materials p. 261
What is any material or mixture that will undergo an extremely fast self propagating reaction when subjected to some form of energy
What results when material undergoes a physical or chemical reaction that releases rapidly expanding gases
A blast pressure wave has two phases. What are they?
Positive pressure phase and negative pressure phase p. 262
During WHAT ‘’ pressure phase what happens
The shock front leads the ‘’ pressure wave shrinking anything in its path with a hammering force
The’’ pressure wave continues outward and expanding radius
The energy dissipates due to distance
Positive pressure
’’’ pressure or ‘’ phase is created when the following occurs:
Displaced atmosphere Rushes back in to fill the vacuum left at the center of the explosion
Structural damage in the initial blast
Explosion ‘‘pressure phase last about three times longer than a positive pressure
Negative pressure
Suction phase
How much longer does a negative phase last on the positive phase
3 x p. 263
First responders are more likely to encounter what , then military explosives in their day-to-day response activity
Homemade explosives
What part of the ERG provides safe standup distance
Tables in the green board pages p. 264
Many oxidizers and fuels can be combined to form improvised explosive material examples of this material include:
P based explosives
C ^
N ^
Peroxide basic explosives
Chlorate based explosives
Nitrate based explosives p. 265
What devices may be constructed with components scavenge from conventional munitions and standard consumer electrical components such as speaker, wires, cellular phones, or garage door openers
Often include nails,, broken glasses, bolts, and other items that will cause additional sharp damage and fragmentation injuries
IEDS P. 266
What typically consists of bombs worn or carried by suicide bomber
Person born improvised, explosive devices(PBIED)
The FBI uses synonym ALERT to indicate a possible suicide bomber, what does this stand for?
A- alone and nervous
L- loose in our bulky clothes
E- exposed wires
R rigid midsection( explosive device or rifle)
T- tightened hands( detonation device holdin p. 269 )
The preservation of life is more important than what
Preservation of evidence
THE FOLLOWING can have tremendous significance to ‘’ and other l’’.
Location of witness
Vehicles in the vicinity
Wrapping paper/specialized pack
Debris placement
Other materials such as flares electric components, fluids, and chemicals
Forensics Investigator
Law enforcement
First responder should do the following to help ‘’’’’
Avoid disturbing are
Remember what the scene look like before arrival( who is there, what happened?, important events that occurred, where objects were located and what events unfolded)
Document Observation quickly as possible
Take photographs
Remember in document when something was touched removed
Minimize number of people working in the area
Surroundings disturbed
Identify witnesses
Preserve potential physical evidence
Do not touch anything unless necessary
Chemical or biological incident, secure and isolate, restaurants or food vendors p. 273
preserve evidence:
What does IED stand for?
Improvised explosive devices
’’'’contact diseases can generally survive on exposed surfaces for extended. Times and example would be touching a contaminated surface.
In direct contact
Normally, this occurs due to contact with infected fecal material
Ingestion of contaminated food or water
Inhalation of airborne organisms of toxins….. Diseases remain suspended in air for a long time, and when inhaled may penetrate deep into the respiratory track
Airborne transmission
Transmitted diseases through contact with mucus membrane of eyes, nose or mouth droplets generally do not stay airborne for a long period of time
Contact with infected droplets
Sexually transmitted disease fall into this category other diseases transmitted in this way typically do not survive outside the human body for long example would be touching or kissing AN infected person
Direct contact