Chapter-6 Flashcards
As an NCO, what are your responsibilities regardingstandards of conduct? (113)
To learn the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), Code of Conductand general standards well enough to clearly explainthem to subordinates, follow them and ensure other membersobserve them properly.
What international law arises from civilized nations’humanitarian desire to lessen the effects of conflicts, preventunnecessary suffering, and protect combatants, noncombatants,civilians, POWs, the wounded and sick?(113)
The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC).
DoDD 2311.0lE, DoD Law of War Program, requireseach military department to design a program to ensureLaw of Armed Conflict (LOAC) observance and preventLOAC violations. What else does it require? (113)
That each military department 1) ensures prompt reporting ofalleged LOAC violations; 2) appropriately trains all forces inthe LOAC; and 3) completes a legal review of all new weapons.
How do other services often refer to the Law ofArmed Conflict (LOAC)? (113)
As the law of war. (Within this chapter, LOAC and law ofwar are the same.)
The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) training is anobligation of the US under the provisions of what treaty?(113)
The 1949 Geneva Conventions.
Which Air Force publication requires that all personnelreceive instruction on the principles and rules ofthe Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) commensurate withtheir duties and responsibilities? (113)
AFI 51-401, Training and Reporting to Ensure Compliancewith the Law of Armed Conflict.
Name three groups who receive additional specializedLaw of Armed Conflict (LOAC) training to addressunique issues they may encounter. (113)
Aircrews, medical personnel and security forces.
What is the foundation of the Law of Armed Conflict(LOAC)? (113)
Customary international law and treaties. (Everyone subjectto US laws must observe the US’ LOAC obligations.)
Which Article of the US Constitution states that treatyobligations of the US are the “supreme law of theland”? (113)
Article VI.
According to the US Supreme Court, US internationallegal obligations and customs are not a part of USlaw. T/F (113)
Why must military personnel, civilians and contractorsauthorized to accompany the armed forces in combatfollow the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) when plan- ._.Ining and executing combat operations? (113)
Because treaties and international agreements enjoy equalstatus to laws passed by Congress and signed by the President.(Those who violate the LOAC can be held criminallyliable for war crimes and court-martialed under the UCMJ.)
What five important Law of Armed Conflict(LOAC) principles govern armed conflict? (113)
1) Military necessity; 2) distinction; 3) proportionality; 4)humanity; and 5) chivalry.
Which Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) principlepermits only the degree of regulated force not prohibitedby the laws of war needed to obtain the enemy’s partialor complete submission with the least expenditure of life,time and physical resources? (113)
Military necessity.
The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) principle ofmilitary necessity limits Air Force targets to what? (113)
Military objectives - those objects that make an effectivecontribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction,capture or neutralization offers a definite militaryadvantage.
List some examples of military objectives that may be targeted under the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC).(113)
Enemy troops, bases, supplies, lines of communications andheadquarters.
Under the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), militarynecessity does not authorize all military action and destruction.T/F (114)
True. (Military necessity never authorizes actions specificallyprohibited by the LOAC.)
Under the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), __means discriminating between military objectives andcivilian objects such as places of worship, schools, hospitalsand dwellings. (114)
When may civilian objects lose their Law of ArmedConflict (LOAC) protection? (114)
When they are used to make an effective contribution tomilitary action.
What does the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) principleof distinction require attackers to do? (114)
To not intentionally attack civilians or use weapons or tacticsthat would cause excessive civilian collateral casualties.
Under the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), are defendersrequired to separate military targets from civiliansand civilian objects? (114)
Employing human shields to protect military objectivesis a fundamental violation of the Law of ArmedConflict (LOAC) principle of __ . (114)
To meet the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) principleof proportionality, those who plan military operationsmust seek to avoid or minimize what? (114)
The extent of civilian destruction and probable casualties thatwill result (to the extent consistent with military necessity).
Under the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), proportionalitynever applies to military facilities and forces.T/F (114)
True. (They are always legitimate targets.)
Does the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) principleof proportionality require attackers to expose their forcesto extraordinary risks to avoid or minimize civilian losses?(114)
Which Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) principleprohibits employing any kind or degree of force not neeessary for the purposes of war? (114)
Humanity. (Also referred to as unnecessary suffering.)
Give several examples of weapons banned under theLaw of Armed Conflict (LOAC) because they cause unnecessarysuffering. (114)
Poison or poisoned weapons, expanding hollow-point bullets,and indiscriminate chemical, biological and bacterialweapons.
What Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) principle demandsa certain amount of offensive and defensive fairnessas well as mutual respect and trust between opposingforces? (114)
The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) principle ofchivalry forbids treacherous attempts to injure the enemy,such as while displaying the white flag in good faith.What is another example of chivalry? (114)
Treating and protecting an individual as one would wish tobe treated by the enemy, were the roles reversed. (Personshors de combat (outside the fight) or military personnel whoare unable to fight due to sickness, injury or shipwreck.)
he Geneva Conventions are four separate internationaltreaties. What do these treaties govern? (114-115)
The treatment of wounded and sick forces, POWs and civiliansduring war or armed conflict.
What do the Geneva Conventions’ four treaties aimto protect from unnecessary suffering? (115)
Combatants and noncombatants, including the wounded,sick, shipwrecked and POWs during hostilities. (They alsoprotect civilians and private property.)
The Geneva Conventions distinguish between whatthree groups of people? (115)
1) Combatants; 2) noncombatants; and 3) civilians.
Under the Geneva Conventions, who is a combatant?(115)
Anyone who engages in violent acts on behalf of a state partyto an armed conflict.
Under the Geneva Conventions, what two conditionsmust be met for combatants to be immune from prosecutionfor belligerent acts in armed conflict? (115)
They must act I) with the authority of a sovereign state; and2) in accordance with the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC).
Under the Geneva Conventions, a combatant may bea member of either a regular armed force or a militia.T/F (115)
Name the four Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) requirementsof a lawful combatant’s force. (115)
It must 1) be commanded by a person responsible for subordinates;2) have fixed distinctive emblems recognizable at adistance (such as uniforms); 3) carry arms openly; and 4)conduct its combat operations according to the LOAC.
__ are protected persons and military personnelnot authorized by governmental authority or the Law ofArmed Conflict (LOAC) to engage in hostilities. (115)
Noncombatants are protected under the GenevaConventions and may not be the object of attack. Nametwo examples of noncombatants. (115)
Certain military personnel not authorized to engage in combatantactivities, such as permanent medical personnel andchaplains.
Under what circumstances may civilians suffer injuryor death without the attack violating the Law ofArmed Conflict (LOAC)? (115)
Incident to a direct lawful attack on a military objective.
The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) always forbidscivilians from taking an active or direct part in hostilities.T/F (115)
False. (Civilians who take a direct part in hostilities withoutauthority are unlawful combatants.)
The term “unlawful combatant” is defined in theGeneva Conventions of 1949. T/F (115)
False. (It is not used in the Geneva Conventions.)
How does DoDD 2310.0lE, The Department of DefenseDetainee Program, define unlawful combatants?(115)
Persons not entitled to combatant immunity, who engage inacts against the US or its coalition partners in violation of thelaws and customs of war during an armed conflict.
Unlawful combatants become lawful targets. If captured,can they be tried as criminals for their unlawfulactions? (115)
If there is doubt about a captured individual’s Lawof Armed Conflict (LOAC) status, what protectionsshould the individual receive until his or her status isdetermined? (115)
Those of the Geneva Prisoner of War Convention.
The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) principle of military necessity authorizes aerial attacks on combatantsand other lawful military objectives. Define lawfulmilitary objectives. (115)
Those that by their own nature, location, purpose or usemake an effective contribution to military action and whosetotal or partial destruction, capture or neutralization offers adefinite military advantage.
How does the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) protectcivilian populations? (115)
It forbids attacks not justified by military necessity againstcities, towns or villages, and forbids attacking civilians forthe sole purpose of terrorizing them.
Which personnel are critical in determining the proprietyof targets and the choice of weapons when planningan attack? (115)
Judge advocate, intelligence and operations personnel.
Examples of objects specifically protected under theLaw of Armed Conflict (LOAC) include medical units orestablishments and transports of wounded and sick personnel.Name five others. (116)
I) Military and civilian hospital ships; 2) safety zones establishedunder the Geneva Conventions; 3) religious, culturaland charitable buildings; 4) monuments; and 5) POW camps.
When may objects that are normally protected fromdirect attacks lose their protected status? (116)
When they are used for military purposes. (They may alsosuffer collateral damage if they are located near lawful militaryobjectives.)
According to the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC),what is the only place enemy military aircraft may not beattacked or destroyed? (116)
In neutral airspace or territory.
When must an attack on enemy military aircraft bediscontinued, according to the Law of Armed Conflict(LOAC)? (116)
When the aircraft is clearly disabled and has lost its means ofcombat.
According to the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC),when may Airmen who parachute from a disabled aircraftbe attacked? (116)
When they resist, or are downed behind their own lines andcontinue to fight. (Those who offer no resistance may not beattacked.)
Name two conditions that allow civil aircraft in flightto be lawfully attacked. (116)
!) When the civil aircraft initiates an attack; or 2) when a reasonable suspicion of hostile intent exists. (Examples: anaircraft approaches a military base at high speed or entersenemy territory without permission and disregards signals orwarnings to land or proceed to a designated place.)
Military medical aircraft are subject to lawful attackwhen they initiate an attack. If not known to be engagedin medical operations at the time, name two of the fourother times they are subject to lawful attack. (116)
Any two of the following: when I) they do not bear a clearlymarked Red Cross, Red Crescent or other recognized symbol;2) they do not fly at heights, times and on routes specificallyagreed to; 3) they fly over enemy territory or enemyoccupiedterritory, unless otherwise agreed; and 4) they approachenemy territory or a combat zone and disregard asummons to land.
Where may military members who violate the Lawof Armed Conflict (LOAC) face criminal prosecution andpunishment? (116)
In a national or international forum.
Is “I was following orders” an acceptable defense ina war crime trial? (116)
No. (Individual Airmen are responsible for their actions andmust comply with the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC).)
__ are illegal acts that may be justified as a lastresort under the circumstances to stop illegal acts committedfirst by the adversary. (116)
Who may authorize a reprisal by US forces underthe Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)? (117)
Only the President of the US (as Commander in Chief(CINC)).
Which Air Force publication contains guidance onhandling a possible Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) violation?(117)
AFI 51-401.
You must inform your commander if you know of orreceive a report of apparent Law of Armed Conflict(LOAC) violations by the enemy, allies, US Armed Forcesor any others. T/F (117)
To whom would you report an alleged Law of ArmedConflict (LOAC) violation by a US commander? (117)
To the next higher US command authority or the nearestjudge advocate, a special agent of the OSI, a chaplain or asecurity forces member.
What ensures force is used according to nationalpolicy goals, mission requirements and the rule of law?(117)
Rules of Engagement (ROE).
What do mission-specific Rules of Engagement(ROE) provide? (117)
More detailed application of Law of Armed Conflict(LOAC) principles tailored to the political and military natureof a mission’s execution orders, operations plans andoperations orders.
Who must understand, remember and apply missionRules of Engagement (ROE)? (117)
All Airmen.
The US Standing Rules of Engagement (SROE) provideguidance on self-defense and applying force for missionaccomplishment. Who issues and approves theSROE? (117)
The Chairman, Joint Chiefs ofStaff(CJCS) issues the SROEand the President and Sec Def approve them.
Do Standing Rules of Engagement (SROE) limit acommander’s inherent authority and obligation to use allmeans necessary and appropriate for personal, unit orUS forces self-defense? (117)
What are the four methods of self-defense listed inthe Standing Rules of Engagement (SROE)? (117)
1) National; 2) collective; 3) unit; and 4) individual.
Under the Rules of Engagement (ROE), two elementsthat must be considered before using force in self-defenseare l) military necessity and 2) proportionality. Namethree other considerations. (117)
3) Hostile act; 4) hostile intent; and 5) declared hostile force.
Under the Rules of Engagement (ROE), how doesproportionality constrain the use of force in self-defense?(117)
The force used must be reasonable in intensity, duration andmagnitude compared to the threat as known at the time.
What do the Standing Rules of Engagement (SROE)consider a declared hostile force? (117)
Any civilian, paramilitary or military force, or terrorist(s)declared hostile by an appropriate US authority.
What document outlines the basic responsibilitiesand obligations of members of the US Armed Forces, particularly as POWs or hostile detainees? (117)
The Code of Conduct.
POWs and other members under hostile detentionshould survive __ while resisting their captor’s exploitationefforts. (117)
How many articles are in the Code of Conduct? (117)
Who must fully understand the Code of Conduct andensure personnel have the training and education necessaryto support it? (118)
DoD personnel who plan, schedule, commit or control theuse of the armed forces.
What three considerations dictate the degree ofknowledge of the Code of Conduct members require?(118)
1) How likely they are to be captured; 2) their exposure tosensitive information; and 3) how useful or valuable a captorconsiders them.
How many levels of Code of Conduct training arethere? (118)
Three. (Levels A, Band C.)
What level of understanding is required at Code ofConduct training Level A (Entry Level Training), andwhen is it conducted? (118)
The minimum level needed for all members of the armedforces. It is imparted to all personnel during entry training.
What level of understanding is required at Code ofConduct training Level B (Training After Assumption ofDuty Eligibility) and when is it conducted? (118)
The minimum level needed for service members whose militaryjobs, specialties or assignments entail moderate risk ofcapture, such as members of ground combat units. (Conductedas soon as their assumption of duty makes them eligible.)
Describe Code of Conduct training Level C (TrainingUpon Assumption of Duties or Responsibilities). (118)
The minimum level of understanding needed for memberswhose military jobs, specialties or assignments entail significantor high risk of capture and whose position, rank or senioritymake them vulnerable to greater-than-average exploitationefforts by a captor.
When is Code of Conduct training Level C conducted?(118)
Upon assumption of the duties or responsibilities requiringLevel C training.
The Code of Conduct was first published by PresidentEisenhower on 17 August 1955. Why did PresidentReagan amend the Code in March 1988? (118)
To make the language gender-neutral.
What does Article I of the Code of Conduct requireyou to do? (118)
Always oppose the enemies of the US and support our nationalinterests, in combat or captivity, and be prepared togive your life.
What personal qualities does honorable survival incaptivity require? (118)
A high degree of dedication, motivation, and faith in, andloyalty to, POWs.
How can you maintain the qualities necessary forhonorable survival in captivity? (118)
Know and strongly believe in the advantages of Americandemocratic institutions and concepts; love and have faith inthe US; and have conviction that the US cause is just.
What is required by Article II of the Code of Conduct?(118)
Members of the armed forces may never surrender voluntarily.(Make every effort to avoid capture.)
According to the Code of Conduct, when can themeans to resist or evade capture be considered exhausted?(118-119)
When evasion is impossible and further fighting would leadto death with no significant loss to the enemy. (Capture ispermissible without dishonor.)
Which article of the Code of Conduct states that ifyou are captured, you should continue to resist exploitationby all means available? (119)
Article III.
May a POW seek special privileges or accept specialfavors at the expense of fellow POWs? (119)
When pondering escape from communal detention,what must POWs consider? (119)
The welfare of POWs who remain behind.
May an American POW ever sign or enter into aparole agreement? (119)
Some captors accuse POWs of being “war crimi- Vnals” simply because they waged war against them. T/F(119)
True. (Know the rights and obligations of captors and POWs~ under the Geneva Conventions.)
How does a POW’s successful escape help the UScause? (119)
It 1) diverts enemy forces; 2) provides the US with valuableinformation about the enemy and other POWs; and 3) servesas a positive example for all members.
What is expressly forbidden in Article IV of theCode of Conduct? (119)
Informing on or any other action detrimental to a fellowPOW.
What is the key to POW camp organization, resistanceand survival? (119)
Discipline. (Strong leadership is essential.)
Who must accept command in a POW facility? (119)
The senior military POW, regardless of military service. (Ifunable to act, the next senior POW assumes command.)
Failure to accept the command of the senior POWmay result in what? (119)
Legal proceedings under the UCMJ.
A POW who voluntarily informs or __ with thecaptor is a traitor to the US and fellow POWs, and is subjectto punishment under the UCMJ after repatriation.(119)
According to Article V of the Code of Conduct, whatinformation is a POW required (by the Geneva Conventions)and permitted (by the UCMJ) to give his or hercaptor? (120)
Name, rank, service number and date of birth. (A POW mayalso fill out a Geneva Conventions “capture card,” write lettershome and communicate on matters of health and welfare.)
Give seven examples of statements or actions POWsshould resist. (120)
1) Oral or written confessions; 2) answering questionnaires;3) providing personal history statements; 4) making propagandarecordings or broadcast appeals; 5) appealing for USsurrender or parole; 6) engaging in self-criticism; and 7)providing oral or written communications on behalf of theenemy that are harmful to the US, its allies, the armed forcesor other POWs.
What is the best way a POW can keep faith with theUS, other POWs and his or her self? (120)
Provide the enemy with as little information as possible.
Name four ways to limit information disclosure when being interrogated. (120)
Claiming you are unable to furnish information because of 1)previous orders; 2) poor memory; 3) ignorance; or 4) lack ofcomprehension.
A POW is unlikely to prevent a skilled enemy interrogatorfrom obtaining some degree of compliance withcaptor demands. T/F (120)
True. (Recover as quickly as possible and resist successiveefforts.)
What does Article VI of the Code of Conduct state?(120)
You are responsible for your personal actions at all times.(Your actions are subject to review when repatriated.)
The US will use every means to contact, support andobtain the release of POWs. Will it also support and carefor dependent family members of POWs? (120)
When repatriated, POW actions are reviewed forcircumstances of capture and conduct during detention.Why? (120)
To recognize meritorious performance and, if necessary,investigate any allegations of misconduct.
Failure to follow the Code of Conduct may result inviolations punishable under the UCMJ. T/F (120)
What does DoDI 1300.21, Code of Conduct (CoC)Training and Education, Enclosure 3, provide? (120)
Guidance to all US military personnel who find themselvesisolated from US control in operations other than war or in asituation not specifically in the Code of Conduct.
Give three examples of exploitation of detained USmilitary personnel by a hostile government or terroristgroup. (121)
1) Confessions to crimes never committed; 2) exploitation ofinternational news media; and 3) substantial ransom demands.
What is your duty if you are detained or held hostageby a hostile government or terrorist group? (121)
To survive with honor and make every reasonable effort toprevent or minimize exploitation.
Whether detained by an unfriendly government orheld hostage by a terrorist group, what is the key to survivingwith your honor intact? (121)
Faith in your country, fellow detainees and yourself (Maintain military bearing and remain calm, courteous and respectful.)
What frequently results from a detainee, captive orhostage showing aggressive, discourteous, unmilitarybehavior? (121)
Unnecessary punishment, or jeopardizing survival and effortsto gain his or her release.
Are US military members protected by the GenevaConventions when detained by a hostile government duringpeacetime? (121)
No. (They are subject to the laws of that country.)
When detained during operations other than war,who should American detainees immediately and continuallyask to see? (121)
US embassy personnel or a representative of an allied orneutral government.
If you are detained during operations other thanwar, what information should you provide your captors?(121)
In addition to asking for a US representative, provide name,rank, service number, date of birth and the innocent circumstancesthat led to your detention.
Military detainees in operations other than war arelikely to secure their release through cooperation. T/F(121)
As a military detainee during operations other thanwar, why must escape attempts be made only after carefulconsideration? (121)
Escape attempts often provide further justification for detentionand may result in violence and be detrimental to theescapee or those left behind.
What is generally the least predictable and structuredform of detention in operations other than war?(121-122)
A terrorist hostage situation.
In a terrorist hostage situation, why does the DoDaccept and promote establishing rapport with the terrorist(s)? (121)
Critical to survival, it helps the terrorists see you as a personrather than a symbol of America.
What does the Air Force mission and our responsibilityto the nation require of Air Force members? (122)
That we adhere to higher standards than nonmilitary members both on- and off-duty. (Remember the Air Force corevalues of “Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellencein All We Do.”)
What may result if military personnel violate thepunitive provisions of DoDD 5500.07, Standards of Conduct,DoD 5500.07-R, The Joint Ethics Regulation (JER)and AFI 1-1, Air Force Standards? (122)
Prosecution under the UCMJ and/or administrative action.
What may result if civilian personnel violate the punitiveprovisions of DoDD 5500.07, Standards of Conduct,DoD 5500.07-R, The Joint Ethics Regulation (JER) andAFI l-l,Air Force Standards? (122)
Disciplinary action without regard to the issue of criminalliability, or administrative actions such as reprimands.
______ are standards of conduct based on values.(122)
Ethics. (Ethical values relate to what is right and wrong andtake precedence over nonethical values when making decisions.)
Ethical __ are core beliefs (such as duty, honorand integrity) that motivate attitudes and actions. (122)
What 10 primary ethical values should DoD employeescarefully consider when making decisions in theirofficial duties? (122-123)
1) Honesty; 2) integrity; 3) loyalty; 4) accountability; 5) fairness;6) caring; 7) respect; 8) promise-keeping; 9) responsiblecitizenship; and 10) pursuit of excellence.
Name three aspects of honesty as an ethical value.(122)
Being truthful, straightforward and candid.
How can you display the ethical value “integrity” inyour everyday conduct? (122)
Be faithful to your convictions, follow your principles, actwith honor, maintain independent judgment and performyour duties with impartiality.
What ethical value is synonymous with fidelity, faithfulness,allegiance and devotion, and requires carefulbalance among various interests, values and institutions?(123)
Loyalty. (It is the bond that holds the nation and the USGovernment (USG) together.)
When you accept responsibility for your decisionsand the resulting consequences, what ethical value do you uphold? (123)
Open-minded, impartial, unbiased and tolerant describea person who upholds what ethical value? (123)
What ethical value is the counterbalance to the temptationto pursue the mission at any cost? (123)
Caring for others. (Compassion, courtesy and kindness.)
What does lack of the ethical value “respect” in governmentlead to? (123)
A breakdown of loyalty and honesty, leading to chaos in theinternational community.
Keeping your commitments and promoting trust andcooperation are aspects of what ethical value? (123)
Promise-keeping. (Only make commitments within yourauthority.)
Justice must be pursued and injustice must be challengedthrough accepted means according to what ethicalvalue? (123)
Responsible citizenship.
Setting an example of superior diligence and commitmentand striving to be better than mediocre are aspectsof what ethical value? (123)
Pursuit of excellence.
When do personal relationships between Air Forcemembers become a matter of official concern? (123)
When they adversely affect (or might adversely affect) theAir Force by eroding morale, good order, discipline, respectfor authority, unit cohesion or mission accomplishment.
AFI __ ,Professional and Unprofessional Relationships,establishes responsibilities for maintaining professionalrelationships. (123)
AFI 36-2909.
Professional relationships extend to organizationalactivities such as athletic competitions, religious activities,community welfare projects and youth programs.T/F (123)
Why do unprofessional relationships undermine moraleand discipline? (124)
They detract from the authority of superiors and create animpression of favoritism, misuse of position or abandonment of organizational goals in favor of personal interests.
Who can unprofessional relationships develop between?(124)
Between 1) officers; 2) enlisted members; 3) officers andenlisted members; or 4) military members and civilian employeesor contractors.
How is fraternization defined by the Manual forCourts-Martial (MCM)? (124)
A personal relationship between an officer and an enlistedmember that violates behavior acceptable in the Air Forceand prejudices good order and discipline, discredits theArmed Services or personally disgraces or dishonors theofficer involved.
Is fraternization specifically prohibited in the Manual/or Courts-Martial (MCM)? (124)
Yes. (It is punishable under Article 134 of the UCMJ.)
Members’ relative positions in the organization canchange an otherwise permissible personal relationshipinto an unprofessional relationship. Name another suchfactor. (124)
The members’ relative positions in the supervisory and commandchains.
As differences in grades __ , the risk that relationshipswithin an organization will become or be perceivedas unprofessional does so as well. (124)
As long as members are not dating within the samechain of command or unit, a relationship has no adverseaffect on morale and discipline. T/F (124-125)
Potential dangers exist in personal relationships 1)within an organization; 2) with civilian employees andcontractor personnel; and 3) with dating and closefriendships. Name three more. (124-125)
In 4) shared activities; 5) training, schools and PME; and 6)other relationships.
A supervisor and subordinate play an occasionalround of golf together. Is this an inappropriate relationship?(125)
No. (But daily or weekly activities could appear unprofessional.)
Name several examples of unprofessional activitiesthat could adversely impact morale, discipline and respectfor authority. (125)
Gambling, partying with subordinates, joint business venturesand soliciting or making sales to members junior inrank, grade or position.
If a military member violates a lawful order to ceasean unprofessional relationship or conduct, he or she issubject to prosecution under the UCMJ. T/F (125)
Can military members be prosecuted for criminaloffenses committed incidental to an unprofessional relationship?(125)
Yes. (For example, gambling, adultery or assault.)
Who is primarily responsible for maintaining appropriaterelationships between junior and senior members?(125)
The senior member, officer or enlisted. (All members sharethis responsibility and leadership requires all personnel toexercise maturity and judgment.)
Who has the authority and responsibility to maintaingood order, discipline and morale within their unit? (125)
Commanders and supervisors.
When you consider the full spectrum of administrativeactions available to respond to unprofessional relationships,which action should you normally choose?(125)
The least severe action that will end the unprofessional aspectsof the relationship. (One or more complementary actionsmay be taken.)
What may be an effective first step if a commanderor supervisor believes an unprofessional relationship isoccurring? (125)
In unprofessional relationships that show actual favoritism,partiality or misuse of grade or position, eachinstance may constitute independent violations of theUCMJ. T/F (125)
Which AFI establishes administrative and managementguidelines for alleged delinquent financial obligationsand for processing financial claims against Air Force members? (126)
AFl 36-2906, Personal Financial Responsibility.
Paying just financial obligations in a proper andtimely manner is one financial responsibility of militarymembers. Name four more. (126)
I) Providing adequate financial support of a spouse, child orany other relative for whom the member receives additionalallowances for support; 2) complying with the financial supportprovisions of a court order or written support agreement;3) responding to applications for involuntary allotments ofpay; and 4) complying with rules concerning the governmenttravel charge card program.
Commanders attempt to respond to financial complaintswithin __ days. (126)
15 days.
What action can your commander take if you fail tosatisfy a legitimate financial obligation? (126)
He or she may take administrative or disciplinary action. (Ifthe complaint reflects adversely, the action should be includedin an Unfavorable Information File (UIF).)
To help individuals and families maintain financialstability and reach their financial goals, the Personal FinancialManagement Program (PFMP) offers free assistancein what three areas? (126)
Information, education and personal financial counseling.
Who is responsible for implementing and administeringa comprehensive ethics program to ensure compliancewith the DoD’s single, uniform source of standardson ethical conduct and guidance? (126)
Each DoD agency.
All DoD employees and military members are directlyor indirectly prohibited from giving, offering, promising,demanding, seeking, receiving, accepting or agreeingto receive anything of value to influence any official act.Name several additional prohibitions regarding briberyand graft. (126)
They also may not I) influence the commission of fraud onthe US; 2) induce commitment or omission of any act inviolation of a lawful duty; or 3) influence testimony given.
What exceptions to the prohibitions on DoD employeesand military members regarding bribery and graftexist? (126)
The payment of witness fees authorized by law and certaintravel and subsistence expenses.
May DoD employees and military members receivepay, allowances or supplements of pay or benefits fromany source other than the US for performing official servicesor duties? (126)
No. (Unless specifically authorized by law.)
When may DoD employees and military membersreceive additional pay or allowances for disbursement ofpublic money or for the performance of any other serviceor duty? (127)
Only when specifically authorized by law.
May civilian DoD employees hold two distinctly differentfederal government positions and receive salariesfor both if the duties of each are performed? (127)
Yes, subject to certain limitations. (Absent specific authority,military members may not do so because another governmentposition is incompatible with the military member’sactual or potential military duties.)
On- or off-duty, a DoD employee or military membershall not knowingly solicit or make solicited sales to DoDpersonnel who are junior in rank, grade or position, or tothe family members of such personnel. In the absence ofcoercion or intimidation, what exceptions apply? (127)
The sale or lease of a DoD employee’s or military member’snoncommercial personal or real property or commercial salessolicited and made in a retail establishment during off-dutyemployment.
On- or off-duty, may a DoD employee or militarymember solicit the sale of insurance, stocks, mutualfunds, real estate, cosmetics, household supplies, vitaminsand other goods or services to DoD personnel or militarymembers who are junior in rank, grade or position? (127)
No. (Nor to family members of such personnel.)
DoD personnel and military members are prohibitedfrom engaging in off-duty employment or outside activitiesthat 1) detract from readiness or pose a security risk;and 2) conflict with official duties. Name three other prohibitions.(127)
3) Receiving honoraria for performing official duties or forspeaking, teaching or writing that relates to official duties; 4)misusing an official position; and 5) certain post-governmentservice employment.
AFI 51-901, Gifts from Foreign Governments, requiresthat gifts from foreign governments to Air Forcemilitary and civilian personnel and dependents be reported if they exceed$ __ in US retail value. (127)
$305. (Failure to do so may result in a penalty not to exceedthe retail value of the gift plus $5,000.)
Gifts and gift reports are due within __ days ofreceiving the gift from a foreign government to the AirForce Personnel Center’s (AFPC), Promotions, Evaluations,and Recognition Division, Special Trophies andAwards Section. (127)
60 days.
What may happen if you knowingly solicit, accept orfail to report or deposit gifts from foreign governmentswithout congressional approval? (127)
The US Attorney General may bring a civil action againstyou in any US court.
The limit on gifts from foreign governments is set byCongress and changes annually. Who can confirm thecurrent limit for you? (127-Note)
Your ethics counselor.
What gifts may be given to an official supervisor onan occasional basis by a subordinate or other employeereceiving less pay? (127)
1) Items other than cash with an aggregate market value of$10 or less; 2) food and refreshments to be shared amongseveral employees in the office; and 3) personal hospitalityprovided at a residence and items given in connection with itof a type and value customarily provided to friends.
The market value of a gift to a superior cannot exceedwhat amount, regardless of the number of employeescontributing to the purchase? (127)
$300. (The maximum contribution one DoD employee maysolicit from another cannot exceed $10.)
What is the rule regarding use of governmentequipment, property and personnel? (128)
They shall only be used by DoD employees and militarymembers for official purposes.
Agencies may allow DoD employees and militarymembers limited personal use of resources other thanpersonnel (such as computers, calculators, libraries, etc.)if the use does not adversely affect the performance ofofficial duties by the military member or other DoD personnel.Name five additional limitations. (128)
Use must 1) be of reasonable duration and frequency; 2) bemade during the employee or military member’s personaltime; 3) serve a legitimate public interest; 4) not reflect adverselyon the DoD; and 5) create no significant additionalcost to the DoD or government agency.
For what purposes can federal government communicationsystems and equipment be used? (128)
For official use and authorized purposes only. (Telephones,fax machines, email and Internet systems.)
Do communications approved by commanders in theinterest of morale and welfare constitute official uses offederal government communication systems? (128)
Authorized purposes of federal government communicationsystems do not include which of the following -all communications made while traveling on governmentbusiness; checking in with a spouse or minor children; orscheduling doctor, auto or home repair appointments?(128)
All communications made while traveling on governmentbusiness. (Communications must be briefand to notify familyof official transportation or schedule changes.)
Authorized purposes for use of federal governmentcommunication systems do not include which of the following- extensive Internet searches, or emailing directionsto visiting relatives? (128)
Extensive Internet searches. (Searches must be brief)
Name three exceptions to the prohibition of gambling,betting and lotteries for DoD employees or militarymembers while on-duty or while on federally-owned or -leased property. (128)
I) Activities by organizations composed primarily of DoDpersonnel or their dependents for the benefit of welfare fundsfor their own members or the benefit of other DoD personnelor their dependents; 2) private wagers among DoD personnel,if based on a personal relationship and transacted entirelywithin assigned government living quarters; and 3) lotteriesauthorized by any state from licensed vendors.
As a member of the armed forces, you are encouragedto carry out your obligations as a citizen, with whatrestriction? (128)
You are prohibited from engaging in certain political activitieswhile on active duty as outlined in DoDD 1344.10, PoliticalActivities by Members of the Armed Forces, and AFI 51-902, Political Activities by Members of the US Air Force.
When voting or voicing political opinions, make sureyour personal opinions and actions are not represented aswhat? (128)
The opinions of the armed forces.
As an active duty military member, you may not Vmake monetary contributions to a political organization.T/F (128)
False. (But you cannot make campaign contributions to apartisan political candidate.)
As an active duty military member, under what circumstancesmay you attend political meetings or rallies?(128)
As a spectator, when not in uniform.
As an active duty military member, can you participatein partisan political management, campaigns orconventions? (128)
No. (Nor can you use your official authority to interfere withan election, affect the course or outcome of an election orsolicit votes or political contributions.)
A military member may not campaign as a nomineeor candidate for nomination to a partisan elected office.When may enlisted members seek and hold nonpartisancivil office (notary public, school board member, neighborhoodplanning commission or similar local agencies)?(128-129)
When the office is held in a private capacity and does notinterfere with the performance of military duties.
Reservists in certain federal, state and local governmentcivil offices must resign immediately when called toactive duty. T/F (129)
False. (In some circumstances they may remain in office forup to 270 days.)
Name three of the eight specific prohibitions on militarymembers’ political activities. (129)
Any three of the following: as a member, you may not 1)allow or publish partisan political articles to solicit votes; 2)serve in any official capacity or be listed as a sponsor of apartisan political club; 3) make partisan political speeches; 4)conduct a political opinion survey under the auspices of apartisan political group or distribute partisan political literature;5) perform clerical or other duties for a partisan politicalcommittee during a campaign or on election day; 6)march or ride in a partisan political parade; 7) use contemptuouswords against office holders; or 8) display large politicalsigns on your private vehicle (as distinguished from apolitical sticker).
What program administers the Uniformed andOverseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act? (129)
The DoD Federal Voting Assistance Program.
What is the mission of the DoD Federal Voting AssistanceProgram? (129)
To inform and educate US citizens worldwide of their rightto vote; foster voter participation; and protect the integrity ofand enhance the electoral process at federal, state and locallevels.
The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee VotingAct requires each federal department and agencywith personnel covered by the act to have a voting assistanceprogram. Who are critical to the success of thisprogram and what are their responsibilities? (129)
Voting assistance officers. They provide accurate, nonpartisanvoting information and assistance to all citizens they areappointed to help. (Voting assistance officers may be militaryor civilian.)
Commanders must quickly eliminate all politicaldissent and protest. T IF (129)
False. (Commanders must strike a balance, preserving themember’s right of expression to the maximum extent possiblewhile maintaining good order, discipline and national security.)
What is required before you post or distribute printedmaterial (other than publications of an official governmentagency or base-related activity) within an AirForce installation? (129)
Permission from the installation commander or his or herdesignee.
When may Airmen write for unofficial publicationsduring duty hours? (129)
What action may be taken when an establishmentcounsels service members to refuse to perform their duties,to desert or is involved in acts that adversely affectsthe health, welfare or morale of military members? (130)
The establishment maybe placed off-limits.
Regarding dissident and protest activities, activeparticipation in what kinds of organizations is prohibited?(130)
Those 1) supporting supremacist causes; 2) attempting tocreate illegal discrimination; 3) advocating use of force orviolence; or 4) otherwise engaged in an effort to depriveindividuals of their civil rights.
When are demonstrations or other activities prohibitedwithin an Air Force installation? (130)
When it 1) could interfere with mission accomplishments; or2) presents a clear danger to loyalty, discipline or morale.(Punishable under Article 92 of the UCMJ.)
When are Air Force members prohibited from participatingin any demonstrations? (130)
When 1) on duty; 2) in a foreign country; 3) in uniform; 4)the activities breach law and order; or 5) violence is likely toresult.
Who has personal responsibility for the success ofthe Air Force Public Affairs Program? (130)
Each Air Force member.
What must you do before releasing any proposedstatement, text or imagery to the public, including digitalproducts being loaded on an unrestricted website? (130)
Obtain the necessary review and clearance, starting withpublic affairs.
Which publication(s) address whether information(official or unofficial) is appropriate for release, accordingto classification requirements? (130)
DoDI 5200.01, DoD Information Security Program and Protectionof Sensitive Compartmented Information, and AirForce Policy Directive (AFPD) 31-4, Information Security.
You must not use your Air Force association, officialtitle or position to promote, endorse or benefit a profitmakingagency. T/F (130)
Can you wear your uniform or allow your Air Forcetitle or position to be affixed to an advertisement in anymanner or imply Air Force endorsement of a product orservice? (130)
Members may not make commitments to provideofficial Air Force information to any non-DoD memberor agency, including news media, without obtaining approvalthrough what channels? (130)
Command or public affairs channels.