Chapter-11 Flashcards
Training management involves what subjects? (275)
1) OJT; 2) Upgrade Training (UGT); 3) skill levels; 4) retraining;5) training responsibilities; 6) forms; and 7) documentation.
What Education and Training (E&T) program producesskilled and trained personnel capable of maintaininga strong national defense? (275)
The Air Force OJT program.
What is the Air Force’s strategy for enlisted training?(275)
To develop, manage and execute realistic and flexible trainingthat produces a highly skilled, motivated force able tocarry out all tasks and functions supporting the Air Forcemission.
Training is an integral part of the unit’s mission.What does an effective training program require? (275)
Commander and supervisory involvement at all levels.
What determines the overall success of training andthe Airman Career Program? (275)
The supervisor’s ability to help Airmen reach their longrangecareer objectives. (Supervisors must take an active rolein trainees’ career progression.)
What are the three components of the Air Force OJTprogram? (275)
1) Job knowledge; 2) job proficiency; and 3) job experience.
How is AFSC-specific career, general task and deployment/Unit Type Code (UTC) task knowledge gainedin enlisted training? (275)
Through CDCs or technical references identified by the supervisorand/or applicable Career Field Education and TrainingPlan (CFETP).
Why is Upgrade Training (UGT) vital in the totaltraining program? (275)
It leads to award of higher skill levels and increases skillsand abilities.
Airmen must complete a(n) __ skills course to beawarded the apprentice 3-skill level. (276)
When may retraining into an AFSC be accomplishedvia OJT alone? (276)
Only when specified in the retraining instructions and asapproved by the Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM)or the Air Reserve Component (ARC) career field functionalmanager.
When may personnel retraining via OJT be awardedthe 3-skill level? (276)
Only after completing all knowledge training for tasks taughtin the initial skills course, and other tasks and mandatoryrequirements identified by the Air Force Career Field Manager(AFCFM).
What are the minimum requirements for award ofthe journeyman 5-skill level? (276)
Airmen must 1) complete mandatory CDCs if available; 2)complete applicable mandatory core tasks identified in theCareer Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP); 3) completea minimum of 12 months in Upgrade Training (UGT);4) meet mandatory requirements listed in the Air Force EnlistedClassification Directory (AFECD); and 5) be recommendedby their supervisor and approved by their commander.
Individuals in journeyman retraining status (TrainingStatus Code (TSC) “F”) are subject to the same trainingrequirements as normal upgrade trainees, but mustcomplete a minimum of __ months in Upgrade Training(UGT). (276)
Nine months.
What are the minimum requirements for award ofthe craftsman 7-skill level? (276)
An Airman must 1) be at least a SS gt; 2) complete mandatoryCDCs if available; 3) complete applicable mandatory coretasks identified by the Career Field Education and TrainingPlan (CFETP); 4) complete the 7-skill level craftsmancourse, ifrequired; 5) fulfill mandatory requirements listed in the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD); 6)complete a minimum of 12 months in training; and 7) berecommended by their supervisor and approved by theircommander.
Individuals in craftsman retraining status (TrainingStatus Code (TSC) “G”) are subject to the same trainingrequirements as normal upgrade trainees but must completea minimum of __ months in Upgrade Training(UGT). (276)
Six months.
What are the minimum requirements for award ofthe superintendent 9-skill level? (276)
The Airman must 1) be at least a SMSgt; 2) meet mandatoryrequirements listed in the Air Force Enlisted ClassificationDirectory (AFECD); and 3) be recommended by their supervisorand approved by their commander.
What is the retraining program designed to do?(276)
Balance the number of personnel in specific grades and yeargroups ofan AFS.
Training requirements for retrainees are usually thesame as for non-retrainees in upgrade training. T/F (276)
__ manage the overall training program for thecommander, serve as training consultants to all unitmembers and determine if a quality training program isin effect within all sections. (276)
Unit Training Managers (UTM).
Unit Training Manager (UTM) training responsibilitiesinclude 1) developing, managing and conductingtraining in support of in-garrison and expeditionary missionrequirements; 2) advising and assisting commandersand unit personnel in executing their training responsibilities;and 3) conducting a Staff Assistance Visit (SA V)of the unit’s training program every 24 months. Nameseveral others. (276)
4) Interviewing newly assigned personnel within 30 days (60days for Air Reserve Component (ARC)) to determine trainingstatus and CDC enrollment/progression requirements; 5)initiating AF Form 623, Individual Training Record, six-partfolders (when required by the Air Force Career Field Manager(AFCFM)), or approved electronic equivalent for all traineesentering Upgrade Training (UGT) for the first time, andproviding it to the supervisor; 6) conducting a comprehensivetrainee orientation according to AFI 36-2201, Air ForceTraining Program within 60 days of assignment (90 days forARC) for trainees initially entering UGT; 7) managing theunit CDC program; 8) conducting a training progress reviewwith the supervisor and trainee at the 24th month of UGT; and 9) helping work centers develop a Master Training Plan(MTP) to plan, manage and execute training activities.
With regard to training responsibilities, who has thegreatest single impact on mission accomplishment? (276)
Supervisors. (They share their experience and expertise tomeet mission requirements and provide trainees with a qualitytraining program. They also plan, conduct and evaluatetraining.)
Supervisors 1) use Career Field Education andTraining Plans (CFETP) (or approved electronic equivalent)to manage workcenter and individual training; 2)develop a Master Training Plan (MTP) to ensure 100%task coverage; 3) integrate training with day-to-dayworkcenter operations; 4) consider trainer and equipmentavailability, training opportunities and schedules;and 5) conduct and document workcenter training orientationsand initial evaluations of newly assigned personnelwithin 60 days (120 days for Air Reserve Component(ARC)) of initial PCS or Permanent Change of Assignment(PCA). Name several more responsibilities of supervisors.(276-277)
They 6) select trainers (and certifiers as required by the AirForce Career Field Manager (AFCFM)) based on skill qualifications;7) administer the CDC program for assigned trainees;8) maintain AF Form 623, Individual Training Record,six-part folder or other approved training record for Airmenin the grades of AB-TSgt (or personnel in combat-ready dutypositions if required by the AFC FM) and SNCOs in retrainingstatus, or as directed by the AFCFM; and 9) ensure thetrainee, at a minimum, meets all mandatory requirements asdefined in the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory(AFECD), CFETP and the Air Force Job QualificationStandard (AFJQS) before submitting them for UpgradeTraining (UGT).
The trainer and supervisor may be the same person,but supervisors may assign someone else to provide training.How are trainers selected? (277)
Based on their experience and ability to provide instructionto the trainees. (Trainers must be qualified to perform thetask being taught and must have completed the Air ForceTraining Course.)
What are four trainer responsibilities? (277)
1) Planning, conducting and documenting training; 2) preparingand using teaching outlines or task breakdowns as necessary;3) developing evaluation tools; and 4) briefing thetrainee and supervisor on the training evaluation results.
Task certifiers provide third-party certification andevaluation on tasks identified by the Air Force CareerField Manager (AFCFM), if applicable. They must be atleast a SSgt with a 5-skill level or civilian equivalent, haveattended the Air Force Training Course and be capableof evaluating the task being certified. What are their responsibilities?(277)
They 1) conduct additional evaluations and certify qualification for those designated tasks; 2) develop or use existingevaluation tools and methods to determine the trainee’s abilityand the training program’s effectiveness; and 3) brief thetrainee, supervisor and trainer on the training evaluation results.
Why is training documentation important to personnelat all levels? (277)
Because it 1) validates the status of training and task qualification;2) defines the requirements for individual career progression;and 3) helps management assess mission capabilitiesand readiness.
Which AF Form is the standard folder used as atraining record, reflecting past and current qualificationsand determining training requirements? (278)
AF Form 623, Individual Training Record Folder (or electronicequivalent).
AF Form 623, Individual Training Record Folder, orelectronic equivalent, is returned to the member uponseparation, retirement, commissioning or promotion to__ , unless otherwise directed by the Air Force CareerField Manager (AFCFM) or when the form contains classifiedinformation. (278)
MS gt.
The __ identifies a specialty’s life-cycle Educationand Training (E&T) requirements, training support resources,core and Home Station Training (HST), anddeployment/Unit Type Code (UTC) task requirements.(278)
Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP).
How do supervisors use the Career Field Educationand Training Plan (CFETP)? (278)
To plan, prioritize, manage and execute training within the career field.
Career Field Education and Training Plans (CFETP)are used to identify and certify all past and current qualifications.How are they maintained? (278)
1) Keep at least one copy of the entire CFETP (Parts I and II)in the workcenter for general access and Master TrainingPlan (MTP) development; 2) unless otherwise directed by theAir Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM), workcenter supervisorsmay file only Part II of the CFETP (with coverpage and identification page) in the AF Form 623 or equivalentform; and 3) file only the applicable sections (current/past qualifications and current upgrade duty positiontraining requirements) if the CFETP is divided into distinctsections such as aircraft, duty position or mission.
The Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM) approvesthe __ for a particular job type or duty positionwithin an AFS. (278)
Air Force Job Qualification Standard (AFJQS).
Which AF IMT documents a member’s training progression,reflecting their status, counseling and breaks intraining? (278)
AF IMT 623A, On-the-Job Training Record ContinuationSheet, or automated version. (The supervisor and/or trainerand the trainee must sign and date all entries.)
AF IMT 797, Joh Qualification Standard Continuation/Command Job Qualification Standard (JQS), is a continuationof the Career Field Education and TrainingPlan (CFETP), Part II or Air Force Job QualificationStandard (AFJQS). What is its purpose? (278)
It defines locally assigned duty position, Home StationTraining (HST) and deployment/Unit Type Code (UTC)requirements not included in the CFETP, Part II.
Evaluators use AF IMT 803, Report of Task Evaluations,to conduct and document completion of task evaluationsduring training Staff Assistance Visits (SA V),when directed by the commander or when a task certificationrequires validation. How long are completed evaluationskept in the AF Form 623? (278)
Until upgraded or no longer applicable to the current dutyposition. (If evaluations are conducted for a single trainee bythe supervisor/trainer, or task certifier.)
Which AF IMT do supervisors use to document selectedtasks that require recurring training or evaluation?(278)
AF IMT 1098, Special Task Certification and RecurringTraining.
The Master Training Plan (MTP) employs a strategyusing a master task listing. What does the MTP accomplish?(278)
1) Ensures completion of all workcenter job requirements; 2)provides milestones for task and CDC completion; and prioritizes deployment/Unit Type Code (UTC), Home StationTraining (HST) tasks, upgrade and qualification tasks.
__ provide the information needed to satisfy thecareer knowledge component of OJT. (279)
What information must CDCs contain? (279)
Basic principles, techniques and procedures common to anAFSC. (They do not contain information on specific equipmentor tasks unless the specific equipment or task best illustratesa procedure or technique having utility to the entireAFSC.)
Who electronically publishes an AFSC listing ofCDC requirements, identifying all mandatory CDCs forskill-level upgrade? (279)
Headquarters Air University (HQ AU/ A4L).
If available, supervisors use CDCs to satisfy careerknowledge requirements for Upgrade Training (UGT).Must members take CDCs that become available afterthey enter UGT? (279)
Not unless specified by the Air Force Career Field Manager(AFCFM).
Who ensures trainees are enrolled in required CDCmaterial within 45 days (60 days for OS units) ofinprocessing? (279)
The Unit Training Manager (UTM). (He or she also issuesCDC material within 10 duty days ofreceipt to the supervisorand trainee, briefs them on its proper use and makes theentry in the trainee’s AF IMT 623A, On-the-Job TrainingRecord Continuation Sheet, or equivalent automated trainingrecord.)
Supervisors determine CDC volume sequence ofstudy, set the overall course completion schedule anddevelop a tracking system to monitor progress. Traineesmust normally complete each volume within how manydays? (279)
30 days. (The Unit Training Manager (UTM) may grant anextension due to mission requirements. Air Reserve Component(ARC) and Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMA)have 60 days.)
What action does the supervisor take if CDC materialis not completed as scheduled? (279)
He or she determines the reason for slow progress, counselsthe trainee, documents the counseling on AF IMT 623A ,On-the-Job Training Record Continuation Sheet, (or automatedversion) and places the trainee in supervised study.
CDC URE questions are a(n) __ book teachingdevice. (279)
Open book.
What actions does the supervisor take after the ...Itrainee answers the URE questions and transfers the answersto the field scoring sheet? (279)
The supervisor 1) scores the URE; 2) conducts review trainingon areas missed; 3) fills in the bottom of the scoringsheet; 4) places the field scoring sheet in the AF Form 623 orautomated training records; 5) counsels the trainee; and 6)documents AF IMT 623A or automated version.
Supervisors conduct a comprehensive review of theentire CDC with the trainee to prepare them for thecourse examination; and documents this review on AFIMT 623A or automated version. The supervisor notifiesthe __ to schedule/order the course examination. (279)
Unit Training Manager (UTM).
What action does the supervisor take if the traineereceives a satisfactory result on the CDC examination?(279)
The supervisor 1) scores the URE; 2) conducts review trainingon areas missed; 3) fills in the bottom of the scoringsheet; 4) places the field scoring sheet in the AF Form 623 orautomated training records; 5) counsels the trainee; and 6)documents AF IMT 623A or automated version.
The supervisor 1) scores the URE; 2) conducts review trainingon areas missed; 3) fills in the bottom of the scoringsheet; 4) places the field scoring sheet in the AF Form 623 orautomated training records; 5) counsels the trainee; and 6)documents AF IMT 623A or automated version.
Unit Training Manager (UTM).
What action does the supervisor take if the traineereceives a satisfactory result on the CDC examination?(279)
He or she conducts and documents review training, signs thecourse examination scorecard and places it in the trainee’sAF Form 623 or automated training records until the traineecompletes Upgrade Training (UGT) or qualification training.
What action does the unit commander take if thetrainee receives an unsatisfactory result on the CDC examination?(279)
He or she (with the help of the Unit Training Manager(UTM) or base training manager) interviews the supervisorand trainee to determine the reason for failure and correctiveaction required within 30 days of initial notification (90 daysfor Air Reserve Component (ARC) and Individual MobilizationAugmentees (IMA)). The supervisor documents thecounseling on AF IMT 623A or automated version, placesthe trainee in supervised review training and forwards a copyof the evaluation to the base training office.