Chapter-15 Flashcards
What do mission support organizations ensure?(337)
That I) the family of each Airman is cared for; 2) pay andentitlements are properly addressed; and 3) individual rightsare secured.
From what two sources are all budgeted and programmedmanpower resources for the total Air Force -Regular Air Force, AFR and ANG- derived? (337)
I) The DoD Future Years Defense Program (FYDP); and 2)the Air Force’s Force and Financial Plan (F&FP)
Who allocates programmed manpower resources tothe MAJCOMs, who in turn translate manpower resourcesinto manpower authorizations? (337)
The Headquarters, US Air Force Directorate of Manpowerand Organization (HQ USAF/AIM).
Who serves as issue liaison between installationagencies and the MAJCOM Directorate of Manpowerand Organization (AlM) staff for manpower and organizationissues? (337)
The installation manpower and organization section.
Who certifies and approves command-specific militaryand civilian manpower requirements before they canbe used in the programming and resourcing process?(337)
MAJCOM Directorate of Manpower and Organization(AIM) certifies and Headquarters, US Air Force (HQUSAF/AIM) approves.
Before manpower allocations can be changed, therequesting organization must give reasons for the requestedchange. What must the MAJCOM propose if theinitiative requires an increase in military or civilianmanpower? (337)
Specific tradeoffs.
Is Air Force manpower changed to accommodatecyclical or temporary requirements? (337)
No. (The Air Force authorizes civilian overtime, temporaryfull- and part-time civilian positions, TDY of military orcivilian personnel and the use of contract services instead.)
What does the Air Force manpower requirementsdetermination process systematically identify? (337)
The minimum-essential manpower required for the mosteffective and economical accomplishment of approved missionsand functions within organizational and resource constraints.
Headquarters US Air Force (HQ USAF) functionalmanagers work with Headquarters US Air Force, Directorateof Manpower and Organization (HQ USAF/AlM)to determine the appropriate manpower managementtool consistent with what three things? (337)
The 1) resources needed to develop the manpower standard;2) required mix of military, civilian or contract services; and3) required military category (officer or enlisted) and grade.
How do manpower and organization section personnelhelp Air Force commanders and functional managersobjectively quantify manpower requirements to distributemanpower resources? (337-338)
Through 1) developing peacetime manpower standards; 2)wartime manpower requirements; and 3) commercial servicesmanagement actions.
Why are manpower standards established? (338)
To ensure work center operations are efficient and standardizedto create the most efficient organization.
In a Most Efficient Organization (MEO), what is theultimate goal of organizational performance? (338)
Mission accomplishment.
What should resource requirements reflected in amanpower standard be based on? (338)
An organization and process design which most effectivelyand efficiently accomplishes the mission.
Functional experts develop work centers, known asMost Efficient Organizations (MEO), as part of a publicprivatecompetition. What does this process emphasize?(338)
Innovation in meeting requirements for the work being completed.
Why is the Most Efficient Organization (MEO) allowedlatitude in its organization and processes outside ofthe standard Air Force structure? (338)
To enable greater efficiency and effectiveness.
To be effective, organizational change effort mustinclude redesign and/or coordination on what five interrelated”Fronts”? (338)
The I) Organization and People; 2) Technology; 3) Policies,Legislation and Regulations; 4) Physical Infrastructure; and5) Process.
In the requirements determination process, wheredoes the Organization and People Front focus as processesare redesigned or other changes are made? (338)
On the worker who must be I) enabled with appropriateknowledge, skills, experiences and tools; 2) empowered tolearn and act; and 3) rewarded based on the organization’svalues and measures.
In the requirements determination process, whatdoes the Technology Front allow? (338)
Compression of cycles, lead time and distance; broader accessto information and knowledge assets; and elimination ofbarriers between customers and suppliers.
In the requirements determination process, the Policies,Legislation and __ Front makes the changes requiredfor new processes. (338)
In the requirements determination process, whichFront supports and maximizes changes in workflow, informationtechnology and human resources by designingappropriate facilities, equipment and tools? (338)
The Physical Infrastructure Front.
In the requirements determination process, the__ Front redesigns work and information flow toovercome the constraints of traditional functions orboundaries. (338)
Process Front.
The __ is the primary document that reflects themanpower (funded and unfunded) required to accomplishthe unit’s mission. (338)
Unit Manpower Document (UMD).
What data elements on the Unit Manpower Document(UMD) identify the unique attributes of a position?(338)
I) Position number; 2) AFSC; 3) Functional Account Code(FAC); 4) work center; 5) grade; 6) number of authorizations;7) personnel accounting symbol data; and 8) reason code to reflect the workforce mix decision for an activity.
Why should supervisors routinely check the Unit ~Manpower Document (UMD)? (338)
For accuracy and to track their authorized manpowerstrength.
The Air Force Directorate of Manpower and Organization(AF/AIM) and the Air Force Manpower Agency(AFMA) produce reports based on Unit Manpower Document(UMD) data, which makes continuous coding reviewcritical. T/F (338)
Which agencies produce reports based on Unit ManpowerDocument (UMD) data? (338)
The Air Force Directorate of Manpower and Organization(AF/AIM) and the Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA).(This makes it critical to continuously review coding.)
__ is a quality-of-life measurement of the timeAirmen spend away from their home station for operationaland training purposes during a 12-month period.(339)
Personnel Tempo (PERS TEMPO).
The Air Force classifies and assigns Airmen worldwideas equitably as possible to ensure a high state ofreadiness. T/F (339)
True. (It also recognizes the need for special assignmentconsiderations to care for Airmen with exceptional needs.)
What is the primary consideration when selectingAirmen for reassignment? (339)
The Airman’s qualification to accomplish the mission.
To the maximum extent possible, the Air Force assignsAirmen on a(n) __ basis and in the most equitablemanner feasible. (339)
Why does the Air Force equitably distribute involuntaryassignments among similarly qualified Airmen?(339)
To minimize family separations and avoid creating severepersonal hardships for Airmen.
Why may limitations be established on involuntaryselection for PCS following some TDY? (339)
To allow Airmen to attend to essential military and personalpre-PCS requirements, and to reduce Airman and familydisturbance.
Who allocates funds, delegates authority and directs policies for the PCS assignment of Airmen? (339)
Which AFI governs operational (including rotational)training (including formal education and PME andforce structure assignments? (339)
AFI 36-2110, Assignments.
Who may initiate assignment requests for memberscurrently assigned to their MAJCOM, Field OperatingAgency (FOA) or Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) to fillvalid vacant manpower authorizations? (339)
The director of assignments (or equivalent) in coordinationwith MAJCOM, FOA or DRU.
Who is the final approval authority for Airman assignments?(339)
Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC).
The Airman Assignment Division (AFPC/DPAA) isthe final approval authority for Airmen assignments inthe grades of __ and below. (339)
SM Sgt.
Who is the final approval authority for CMSgt andCMSgt-select assignments? (339)
The Chiefs Group (AF/DPE).
Airmen are distributed to meet the overall needs ofthe Air Force using what four factors? (339)
1) Law, and DoD and Air Force directives and instructions;2) to maintain equity between MAJCOMs within a specialtyand grade; 3) guidance from the Air Staff functional areaOffice of Primary Responsibility (OPR); and 4) directionfrom the designated assignment authority as outlined in AFI36-2110.
The Air Force assigns Airmen without regard to color,race, religious preference, national origin, ethnicbackground, age, marital status, gender or spouse’s employment,education or volunteer service activities.Which three of these characteristics may have some exceptions?(339)
1) Religious preference in chaplains; 2) marital status inmilitary couples; and 3) gender when required by statute orother policies.
Special Experience Identifiers (SEI) may be usedwhen specific experience or training is critical to the joband no other means of assignment is appropriate oravailable. How else may they be used? (339-340)
To rapidly identify Airmen to meet unique circumstances,contingency requirements or other critical needs.
Manpower positions are coded with a Special ExperienceIdentifier (SEI) to identify positions that requireor provide unique experiences or qualifications. T/F (340)
True. (Personnel records for Airmen who earn an SEI aresimilarly coded.)
Manpower positions often require that assignedAirmen have access to a specific level of classified information.How can the urgency to fill a position affect theassignment process? (340)
Selection from Airmen who currently have access or can begranted access immediately may be necessary.
Who may be assigned in any AFSC or Chief EnlistedManager (CEM) code they possess or are qualified to beawarded? (340)
CMSgts and CMSgt-selects.
How are Airmen in the grade of SMSgt and belownormally selected for assignment? (340)
In their Control AFSC (CAFSC).
How are Airmen with an incompatible grade andControl AFSC (CAFSC) skill level due to retraining orreclassification selected? (340)
They are selected and allocated against requirements commensuratewith their grade, regardless of their CAFSC skilllevel.
Upon what factors are most Airmen selected for assignment?(340)
Grade and skill level.
CMSgts fill Chief Enlisted Manager (CEM) codepositions. In descending rank order, what skill level positionsdo all other enlisted members fill? (340)
I) SMSgts fill 9-skill level positions; 2) MSgts and TSgts fill7-skill level positions; 3) SSgts and Sr A fill 5-skill level positions;and 4) Al Cs, Arnn and AB fill 3-skill level positions.
Who is selected first within a group of qualifiedAirmen who meet the minimum PCS eligibility criteria?(340)
Qualified volunteers who meet minimum eligibilitycriteria are selected for PCS assignment first. Who isselected next, qualified nonvolunteers who meet the criteriaor qualified volunteers who do not? (340)
Qualified nonvolunteers who meet the minimum eligibilitycriteria.
Is Time on Station (TOS) a PCS eligibility requirement?(340)
Yes. (Qualified volunteers who meet the minimum TOS requirement are considered first in order of longest on station.)
Policies that support the continued development ofCMSgts include 1) Three-Year Limits for HQ Staff andSpecial-Duty Tours; 2) Date Eligible for Return fromOverseas (DEROS) Management; and 3) Home-BasingRequests. Name two more. (340-341)
4) Nominative Selection for Strategic Level Assignm~nts;and 5) Command Chief Master Sergeant (CCM) Assignments.
Why are CMSgts serving in MAJCOM, HQ AirForce, Joint Staff positions and special-duty positionslimited to serving 3-year tours? (340)
To increase the opportunities for CMSgts to serve in thesepositions and improve the flow of field experience intoheadquarters staff positions and staff experience into baselevelunits.
Date Eligible for Return from Overseas (DEROS)adjustment requests for CMSgts (DEROS extensions,indefinite DEROS and in-place consecutive overseas (OS)tours) are closely scrutinized. When are they considered?(340)
Only when in the best interest of the Air Force and supportiveof CMSgt development. (The same scrutiny applies tohome-basing requests. Adjustments are not routinely approvedfor either.)
Specific strategic level assignments (such as AirForce Career Field Managers (AFCFM)) and CommandChief Master Sergeants (CCM) are filled using a(n) ____selection process. (340)
Nominative. (The hiring authority for these positions requestsnominations from appropriate organizations (frequentlyeach MAJCOM) and each organization then identifiestheir most qualified CMSgts and nominates them to the hiringauthority.)
Command Chief Master Sergeant (CCM) assignmentsare 2-year minimum tours and __ -year maximumtours to ensure balance between fresh enlisted leadershipand stable organizational leadership. (341)
3-year maximum tours.
What are the assignment restrictions on First-TermAirmen (FT A) serving an initial enlistment of four ormore years? (341)
No more than two assignments in different locations followinginitial basic and skill training during their first four yearsof service, regardless of tour length.
When may First-Term Airmen (FTA) who havemade two PCS moves be permitted an additional PCS?(341)
In conjunction with an approved humanitarian reassignment,a join-spouse assignment, as a volunteer or when the PCS is a mandatory move.
With regard to First-Term Airmen (FTA) and PCS ‘-..;’moves, are low-cost moves included in the two-movecount? (341)
No. (They are excluded.)
When is an Airman considered available for PCSreassignment? (341)
On the first day of the “availability” month.
When may PCS deferments be authorized? (341)
When it’s possible (in most grades and AFSCs) to maintainan equitable assignment system and support the need forstability in certain organizations and functions.
Deferments are normally approved to preclude anAirman’s PCS while evaluating suitability to remain onactive duty or during a period of observation or rehabilitation.Name several more reasons. (341)
Completion of an educational program or degree, witness fora court-martial, accused in a court-martial, control roster,Article 15 punishment, Base of Preference (BOP) program,retraining, humanitarian reasons, etc. (See AFI 36-2110 for acomplete list.)
When can humanitarian policy provide for reassignmentor deferment? (341)
When a severe, short-term problem involving a family member1) absolutely requires your presence; 2) can normally beresolved within 12 months; and 3) you will be effectivelyutilized in your Control AFSC (CAFSC) at the new assignment.
Can parents-in-law or persons who have served inloco parentis qualify as family members under the humanitarianpolicy for reassignment or deferment? (341)
Yes. (Family members are limited to spouse, children, parents,parents-in-law and persons who have served in locoparentis.)
Jn loco parentis refers to a person who has exercisedparental rights and responsibilities in place of a naturalparent for at least __ year(s) before the Airman’s orthe Airman’s spouse’s 21st birthday, or before the Airman’sentry in to the Regular Air Force, whichever isearlier. (341)
Five years.
Brothers and sisters are not included in the definitionof a family member for humanitarian consideration.Are exceptions ever allowed? (341)
Yes. (A request involving a brother’s or sister’s terminal illnessmay be considered.)
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)is separate and distinct from humanitarian policy. What is this program based on? (341)
An Airman’s need for long-term or permanent special medicalor educational care for a spouse or child.
Why isn’t the Exceptional Family Member Program(EFMP) considered a base-of-choice program? (341)
Because assignment decisions are based on manning needsof the Air Force at locations where an Airman’s special medicalor educational needs for a spouse or child can be met.
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) requiresmandatory enrollment and identification of exceptionalfamily members. T/F (341)
Under the Exceptional Family Member Program(EFMP), may an Airman receive a reassignment if a needarises for specialized care that cannot be met where currentlyassigned? (341)
Under the Exceptional Family Member Program(EFMP), a deferment may be provided for a newly identifiedcondition if the Airman’s presence is considered essential.What is the purpose of such a deferment? (341)
To allow the Airman time to establish a special medicaltreatment program or educational program for the exceptionalfamily member.
When granted an Exceptional Family Member Program(EFMP) deferment, how long is the usual initialperiod of deferment? (341)
12 months. (After which an Airman may be reconsidered forPCS ifotherwise eligible.)
What are the First-Term Airmen (FTA) Base ofPreference (BOP) program and the career airman BOPprogram incentives for? (341)
The FTA BOP is a reenlistment incentive; the career AirmanBOP program is an incentive for other Airmen to continue anAir Force career.
May reenlisting or retraining First-Term Airmen(FTA) request a PCS CONUS to CONUS or PCS fromOS to CONUS move? (341)
Is a PCS Base of Preference (BOP) authorized fromthe CONUS to OS or OS to OS? (341)
Is an in-place Base of Preference (BOP) authorizedfor Airmen assigned OS? (341)
Can career Airmen request a Base of Preference (BOP) to remain in place at a CONUS location? (341)
Yes. (They may also request a PCS BOP for CONUS-toCONUSassignment.)
The Air Force always approves joint assignments formarried Air Force members. T/F (341-342)
False. (It depends on the Air Force requirements for each.)
How does the Voluntary Stabilized Base AssignmentProgram (VSBAP) for enlisted personnel work? (342)
It provides Airmen with a stabilized tour in exchange forvolunteering for assignment to a historically hard-to-fill location.
Volunteers for the extended long OS tour serve anadditional __ month(s) beyond the standard 15-monthunaccompanied or 24-month accompanied tours. (342)
12 months.
When may Airmen who have not been selected for aPCS request an educational deferment from assignmentselection? (342)
When they have nearly completed a vocational program orcollege degree.
What program allows SMSgts and below (and officersLt Col and below) to apply for a 1-year assignmentdeferment? (342)
The High School Senior Assignment Deferment Program.(Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis.)
Unless the SECAF grants a waiver, what is the maximumTDY period at any one location in a 12-month period?(342)
180 days.
Airmen are not normally selected for involuntary OSPCS while performing certain kinds of TDY. If selectedafter one of these TDYs, the Report Not Later Than Date(RNL TD) will not be within __ days of the TDY completiondate. (342)
120 days.
What is required to ensure all military Airmen withdependents remain available for worldwide duty? (342)
A workable plan to provide parent-like care for their dependents(as outlined in AFI 36-2908, Family Care Plans).
What will happen if Airmen cannot or will not meetmilitary commitments due to family needs? (342)
They will be considered for discharge.
Airmen who adopt children may be authorized defermentduring the __ -month period following thedate the child is officially placed in their home. (342)
6-month. (They may also be authorized up to 21 days ofpermissive TDY in conjunction with ordinary leave.)
Why do minimum Time on Station (TOS) requirementsexist? (342)
To provide continuity to an Airman’s unit and reasonableperiods of stable family life.
Why must Airmen have minimum periods of obligatedservice when selected for PCS? (342)
To offset moving costs and provide continuity to the gainingunit and stability to members and their families followingPCS.
The Time on Station (TOS) for most PCS moveswithin the CONUS is at least __ month(s) for careerAirmen and First-Term Airmen (FT A) (except those applyingeligible for the FT A Base of Preference (BOP)Program). (342)
48 months.
What is the service retainability requirement forCONUS-to-CONUS PCS, regardless of career status?(342)
24 months.
First-Term Airmen (FTA) must have at least __months’ Time on Station (TOS) for a CONUS to OS PCS.(342)
12 months.
Career Airmen require __ months’ Time on Station(TOS) before a CONUS to OS PCS. (342)
24 months.
How will declining to obtain retainability for a PCSaffect First-Term Airmen (FTA)? Career Airmen? (343)
FTA become ineligible for most voluntary assignments. CareerAirmen become ineligible for promotion and reenlistment.
What tour length must members who are eligible forin the CONUS to OS PCS serve if their dependents accompanythem at government expense during their OStour? (343)
The “accompanied by dependents” OS tour length. (This touris normally longer than the unaccompanied tour and requiresobtaining obligated service retainability for the longer tour.)
Volunteers for a consecutive OS tour or in-place consecutiveOS tour must complete both full-prescribedtours. T/F (343)
To receive a reassignment from OS to CONUS, youmust have or obtain at least 12 months of obligated service retainability. What is the exception? (343)
Those Airmen serving at a dependent-restricted, short tour location of 12 months.
What happens if you do not have retainability forreassignment from OS-to-CONUS? (343)
You will be retained in the OS area involuntarily until Dateof Separation (DOS).
__ provides Airmen with a listing of assignmentrequirements available for upcoming assignment cyclesand the opportunity to align personal preferences to actualAir Force needs. (343)
Enlisted Quarterly Assignments Listing (EQUAL).
What is the Enlisted Quarterly Assignments Listing(EQUAL)-Plus system designed to do? (343)
Supplement EQUAL and advertise requirements for specialduty assignments, joint/departmental assignments, shortnoticeOS assignments and all CMSgt assignments.
How do CMSgts and CMSgt-selects volunteer forassignments on Enlisted Quarterly Assignments Listing(EQUAL)-Plus? (343)
By notifying their assignment NCO at Headquarters, AirForce Senior Leader Management Office (AFSLMO).
What is the View/Change Assignment preference ..,.Iupdate feature in the Virtual Military Personnel Flight(vMPF) used for? (343)
To record a CONUS or OS assignment preferences ofSMSgts and below.
What are the benefits of home-basing and follow-onassignment programs? (343)
They increase stability for Airmen and their families andreduce PCS costs and turbulence.
Home-basing and follow-on assignment programsare addressed in briefings for Airmen serving an accompaniedOS tour of 15 months or less. T/F (343)
False. (The tour must be unaccompanied.)
Home-basing and follow-on assignment programsare addressed in AFI 36-2110, Attachment __ . (343)
Attachment 5.
Under what conditions will family members NOT beassigned to the same unit or duty location? (343)
When one family member may or will hold a command orsupervisory position over the other.
A PCS is not normally cancelled within 60 days ofthe projected departure date unless the Airman cannotbe effectively used at the projected location. Why? (343)
Because once an Airman is selected for PCS and orders arepublished, cancellation could impose a hardship on the Airman.
An Airman’s PCS is cancelled. The Military PersonnelSection (MPS) directs him or her to prepare a writtenstatement containing the details of the hardship. Thestatement is coordinated through the unit commander tothe MPS, who advises the assignment Office of PrimaryResponsibility (OPR). What occurs next? (344)
The assignment OPR considers reinstatement of the originalassignment, provides an alternate assignment or confirmscancellation and provides the reasons why the airman is requiredto remain at the present base.
Why must military members with responsibilities forfamily members have a family care plan? (344)
To ensure care for family members during deployments andTDY, as at all other times. (Members are also encouraged tohave a will.)
What can happen if a military member fails to producea family care plan within 60 days of the discussionwith the commander, supervisor or commander’s designatedrepresentative? (344)
Disciplinary action and/or administrative separation.
Single member parents with custody of children andmilitary couples with dependents must have a family careplan. Who else must have one? (344)
Members who are solely responsible for the care of a spouse,elderly family member or other adult dependent familymembers with disabilities.
Are family care plans required for family memberswith limited English or the inability to drive or gain accessto basic life-sustaining facilities? (344)
How soon must members notify their commanderwhen their family circumstances or personal statuschanges, making it necessary to develop a family careplan? (344)
As soon as possible, but within 30 days.
Family care plan provisions are only required forlong-term absences (such as operational deployments).T/F (344)
False. (Provisions are also required for short-term absencessuch as TDY for schooling or training.)
With regard to family care plans, what signed statementis required from the designated caregiver and themember? (344)
A statement that the caregiver has been thoroughly briefedon the financial arrangements, logistical arrangements, militaryfacilities, services, benefits and entitlements of the familymembers, and any additional items required to fit individualsituations.
Commanders or first sergeants counsel all Airmenwith family members on AFI 36-2908, Family Care Plans,during inprocessing at their new duty station, where theystress the importance of completing AF IMT 357, ___ .(344)
AF IMT 357, Family Care Certification. (Commanders orfirst sergeants may not delegate this counseling requirementunless members are geographically separated from the commander’slocation.)
At least annually, commanders or first sergeants arerequired to individually brief all military members whorequire an AF IMT 357 about their family care responsibilities.What does this process involve? (344)
The commander or first sergeant signs the AF IMT 357 eachtime the plan is reviewed and certified and determines theworkability of the family care plan. The member signs anddates the form to document the briefing was completed.
What remedial action will be taken if members failto make adequate and acceptable family care arrangements?(344)
Disciplinary or other actions will be taken against them.
Why does the Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP)apply to all enlisted personnel? (344)
To ensure the Air Force retains only Airmen who consistentlydemonstrate high professional standards.
Is reenlistment in the Air Force a right or a privilege?(345)
A privilege.
What program helps commanders and supervisorsevaluate all first-term, second-term and career Airmen?(345)
The Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP).
When do First-Term Airmen (FTA) receive SelectiveReenlistment Program (SRP) consideration? (345)
Within 15 months of their Expiration of Term of Service(ETS).
When do second-term and career Airmen with less than 19 years of Total Active Federal Military Service(T AFMS) receive Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP)consideration? (345)
When they are within 13 months of their original Expirationof Term of Service (ETS). (Career Airmen also receive SRPconsideration when they are within 13 months of completing20 years ofTAFMS.)
When do career Airmen receive Selective ReenlistmentProgram (SRP) consideration if they have servedmore than 20 years of Total Active Federal Military Service(T AFMS)? (345)
Each time they are within 13 months of their original Expirationof Term of Service (ETS).
Who has total Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP)selection and nonselection authority for all Airmen? (345)
Unit commanders.
Does reenlistment intent or retirement eligibilityaffect the unit commander’s Selective Reenlistment Program(SRP) consideration process? (345)
Commanders may reverse their Selective ReenlistmentProgram (SRP) selection and nonselection decisionsat any time. T/F (345)
What are the immediate supervisor’s duties in theSelective Reenlistment Program (SRP) selection process?(345)
He or she 1) makes recommendations to the unit commanderconcerning Airmen’s career potential; 2) reviews the Reporton Individual Personnel (RIP) to ensure Airmen meet qualitystandards; 3) reviews AF Form 1137, Unfavorable InformationFile Summary (if applicable); and 4) evaluates dutyperformance and leadership abilities.
What constitutes formal selection of an Airman forreenlistment? (345)
The commander’s signature on the Selective ReenlistmentProgram (SRP) roster.
Which AF Form is initiated if a supervisor does notrecommend an Airman for reenlistment? (345)
AF Form 418, Selective Reenlistment Program Consideration/or Airmen in the Regular Air Force/Air Force Reserve.(The commander completes this form and ensures the Airmanunderstands his or her right to appeal the decision.)
Airmen must submit nonselection appeals to the MilitaryPersonnel Section (MPS) within __ calendardays of the date they render the appeal intent on the AFIMT 418, Section V. (345)
I 0 calendar days.
The specific Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP)appellate authority is based on Total Active Federal MilitaryService (TAFMS). Who is the authority for First-Term Airmen (FT A) and career Airmen who will completeat least 20 years T AFMS on their current expirationof term of service (ETS)? (345)
Their respective group commanders.
Who is the Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP)appellate authority for second-term and career Airmenwho will complete fewer than 16 years of Total ActiveFederal Military Service (T AFMS) on their current Expirationof Term of Service (ETS)? (345)
The Airman’s respective wing commander.
Who is the Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP)appellate authority for second-term and career Airmenwho will complete at least 16 years, but fewer than 20years of Total Active Federal Military Service (TAFMS)on their current Expiration of Term of Service (ETS)?(345)
When may an extension be requested during a RegularAir Force enlistment? (346)
Only when there’s a service-directed change reason and it’s inthe best interests of the Air Force.
What is the maximum voluntary enlistment extensionfor all Airmen? (346)
48 months per enlistment. (First-Term Airmen (FTA) extensionsmay be limited to a specified period if AFSCs are constrained.)
When may enlistment extensions be cancelled? (346)
Only when the reason for the extension no longer exists. (Forexample, if a member was approved for an extension due toan assignment and the assignment was cancelled, the membercould then cancel the extension.)
How does High Year of Tenure (HYT) stabilize thecareer structure of the enlisted force? (346)
By controlling the maximum number of years Airmen in thegrades ofSrA-CMSgt may serve.
The majority of Airmen are not permitted to reenlistor extend their enlistments if their new Date of Separation(DOS) exceeds their High Year of Tenure (HYT).T/F (346)
True. (Waiver provisions are outlined in AFI 36-3208, AdministrativeSeparation of Airmen.)
Normally, Airmen must be within __ year(s) of their High Year of Tenure (HYT) before they can extend.(346)
Two years. (To establish a Date of Separation (DOS) at HYTto retire or separate.)
What is the Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB)?(346)
A monetary incentive used to attract reenlistments in, andretraining into, critical military skills with insufficient reenlistmentsto sustain the career force. (Headquarters US AirForce (HQ USAF) adds and deletes skills from the SRB listas requirements change.)
Identify the Total Active Federal Military Service(T AFMS) range for the four Selective Reenlistment Bonus(SRB) zones. (346)
1) Zone A - between 21 months and six years; 2) Zone B -between six and 10 years; 3) Zone C - between 10 and 14years; and 4) Zone E - between 18 and 20 years.
Eligible Airmen may receive a Selective ReenlistmentBonus (SRB) in each zone, but only one SRB per zone.How does the Air Force calculate the SRB? (346)
Monthly base pay (the rate in effect on the date of discharge(day before reenlistment date) or the day before an extensionbegins), multiplied by the number of years and fractions of ayear (months) of obligated service incurred on reenlistment,multiplied by the SRB multiple for the skill.
Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) is only payablefor obligated service not exceeding __ year(s) of activeservice. (346)
24 years.
How much is the maximum Selective ReenlistmentBonus (SRB) payable to eligible Airmen and how is itpaid? (346)
$90,000 per zone. After taxes, the Air Force pays 50 percentof the bonus amount at the time of reenlistment and the remaining50 percent in equal installments on the anniversaryof the reenlistment date.
Why does the Air Force use the Career Job Reservation(CJR) Program to manage the reenlistment of FirstTermAirmen (FTA)? (346)
To prevent surpluses and shortages in various skills.
All eligible First-Term Airmen (FTA) must have anapproved __ to reenlist. (346)
Career Job Reservation (CJR).
An AFSC’s career job requirements are distributed over a(n) __ -month period. (346)
12-month period.
Airmen are automatically placed on the Career JobReservation (CJR) waiting list on the first duty day of themonth during which they complete __ months ontheir current enlistment (59 months for 6-year enlistees),but no later than the last duty day of the month duringwhich they complete __ months on their current enlistment(67 months for 6 year enlistees or 38 months forNational Call to Service enlistees). (346)
35 months; 43 months.
To keep their approved Career Job Reservation(CJR), when must Airmen reenlist? (346)
On or before the CJR expiration date.
What determines who receives an approved CareerJob Reservation (CJR) when applicants exceed availablequotas? (347)
A rank-order process.
The first three factors in the rank-order process forCareer Job Reservations (CJR) are 1) Unfavorable InformationFile (UIF) (automatic disqualifier); 2) topthree EPRs; and 3) current grade. Name the last four.(347)
4) Projected grade; 5) Date of Rank (DOR); and 6) TotalActive Federal Military Service date (TAFMSD).
How long may Airmen remain on the Career JobReservation (CJR) waiting list? (347)
Until they are within five months of their Date of Separation(DOS).
While on the Career Job Reservation (CJR) waitinglist in their AFSC, when may members request a CJR inan additionally awarded AFSC? (347)
If 1) quotas are readily available; 2) the AFSC is differentfrom their Control AFSC (CAFSC); and 3) they possess atleast a 3-skill level in the AFSC.
Does receipt of an approved Career Job Reservation(CJR) in an additionally awarded AFSC mean Airmenwill perform duty in that AFSC when they reenlist? (347)
Not necessarily.
What is the primary purpose of the Air Force RetrainingProgram? (347)
Giving Airmen a choice and voice in their career path whilemaintaining