A ________ is defined as any gas whose density is greater than the density of the ambient air through which it is being dispersed.
b. Dense gas
The dense cloud slumps toward the ground under the influence of ________, increasing its diameter and reducing its height.
a. Gravity
A model that was developed by performing a dimensional analysis and correlating existing data on dense cloud dispersion.
c.Britter and McQuaid Model
With Eq. 5-64, if the group has a value greater than or equal to 2.5, then the dense gas release is considered as?
a. Continuous
With Eq. 5-64, if the group value is less than or equal to 0.6, then the release is considered as?
b. Instantaneous
What assumption was made in the Britter-Mcquaid Model about the release of dense gases?
a. occurs at ambient temperature and without aerosol or liquid droplet formation.
What was found to have little effect on the results and is not a part of the Britter-Mcquaid model.
d. Atmospheric Stability
What is the area that most data of the dispersion tests came from?
c. rural area on flat terrain
The model requires a specification of the wind speed, distance downwind, and ambient gas density. At what elevation is required for the wind speed?
b. 10 m
As a dense gas moves downstream the concentration ________.
c. Decreases
This case is the same as case 2 but with eddy diffusivity as a function of direction. The applicable conditions are:
-Puff release (Qm= constant)
-No wind ((uj)=0), and
- Each coordinate direction has a different but constant eddy diffusivity( Kx,Ky,andKz)
d. Case 5: Puff with No Wind and Eddy Diffusivity Is a Function of Direction
This case is the same as case 5 but with wind.he applicable conditions are,
-Puff release (Qm= constant)
-Wind blowing in x direction only (uj)=(ux)=u=constant, and
-Each coordinate direction has a different but constant eddy diffusivity( Kx,Ky,andKz)
b. Case 7: Puff with Wind
This case is the same as case 4 but with eddy diffusivity a function of direction. The applicable conditions are:
-Continuous release (Qm= constant)
-Steady State (d(c)/dt=0),
-Wind blowing in x direction only ((uj)=(ux)=u=constant
-Each coordinate direction has a different but constant eddy diffusivity( Kx,Ky,andKz)
a. Case 6: Steady-State Continuous Point Source Release with Wind and Eddy Diffusivity Is a Function of Direction
The EPA9 suggests that F stability can exist with wind speeds as low as ____.
a. 1.5 m/s
Pasquill-Gifford or Gaussian dispersion applies only to neutrally buoyant dispersion of gasses in which the turbulent mixing is the dominant feature of the dispersion. It is typically valid only for a distance of ______ km from the release point.
a. 0.1–10 km
In the Gaussian plume model, what does a “puff” refer to?
b. An instantaneous release of gas in a single, compact cloud.