CHAPTER 1 Flashcards
Occupational Safety & Health (OSH)
devoted to the recognition and control of factors
(hazards) in the workplace, which may cause death, disability, injury, sickness, or great
discomfort and inefficiency among the workers.
Focus of OSH
- Environment
- People
- Equipment
- Materials
Occupational accidents occ
commercial fishing
49.7% Manufacturing
11.4% Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles
7.2% Administrative and Support Service Activities Theater
Legal Bases
Labor Code of the Philippines (PD 442, 1974)
OSH Standards (1978, amended in 1989)
Republic Act No. 11058 and its IRR (January 24, 2019)
Republic Act No. 11058 and its IRR (January 24, 2019)
An Act Strengthening
Compliance with the OSH Standards and Providing Penalties for Violations
thereof. (Latest Working law of OSH)
OSH Standards (1978, amended in 1989)
A set of mandatory rules on OSH which
codifies all safety orders issued prior to its promulgation.
Labor Code of the Philippines (PD 442, 1974)
Consolidation of labor and social laws
to afford full protection to labor, promote employment and human resources
development, and ensure industrial peace.
SECTION 2: Coverage
It shall apply to all establishments, projects and sites and all other places where work is
being undertaken in all branches of economic activity including:
Certified first-aider
any person trained and duly certified to administer first aid by the
Philippine Red Cross (PRC) or any organization authorized by the DOLE Secretary (like BFP,
Covered Workplaces
establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is
being undertaken wherein the number of employees, nature of operations and risk or hazard
involved in the business as determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment, require
compliance with the provisions of DO 198-18. (DO-Department Order)
any person, natural or juridical, including the contractor subcontractor, and
principal employer who directly or indirectly benefit. from the services of the employee.
High risk establishment
refers to a workplace wherein the presence of hazard or potential
hazard within the company may affect the safety and/or health of workers The following are
workplaces commonly associated with potentially high-risk activities
Medium risk establishment
a workplace where there is moderate exposure to safety and
health hazards and with probability of an accident, injury or illness.
Low risk establishment
a workplace where there is low level of danger or exposure to
safety and health hazards and not likely or with low probability to result in accident, harm or
Imminent danger
situation caused a condition or practice in any place of employment
that could reasonably expected to lead to death or serious physical harm.
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
establishments employing less than 10 employees
and the establishments employing less than 100 employees, respectively, regardless of
capitalization. (<10 employees- micro; <100 employees -small)
Safety Officer 1 (S01)
an employee who has completed the mandatory 8-hour OSH
orientation course as prescribed in the OSH standards and 2-hour trainer’s training.
Safety Officer 2 (SO2)
an employee who has completed the mandatory forty 40-hour OSH
training course applicable to the industry as prescribed in the OSH standards.
Safety Officer 3 (S03)
40-hour OSH training course applicable to the industry *additional
48 hours of advanced/ specialized OSH training course which is specific to the industry
where he/she works *at least 2 years experience in OSH.
Safety Officer (S04)
40-hour OSH training course - 80 hours of advanced/ specialized
Occupational Safety training course “aggregate of 320 hours of OSH related training or
experience. (320 is general)
N - Notification and Keeping of Records of Accidents and/or Occupational Illnesses
(Rule 1050)
0 - Occupational Health Services (Rule 1960)
R - Registration of business (Rule 1020)
T - Training of Personnel in OSH (Rule 1030)
H - Health & Safety Committee (Rule 1040)
O - Occupational Safety and Health Program
Rule 1070 - Occupational Health and Environmental Control
The employer shall exert efforts to maintain and control the working environment in
comfortable and healthy conditions for the purpose of promoting and maintaining
the health of his workers.
Rule 1967 Physical Examination
All workers, irrespective of age and sex, shall undergo physical examinations
Visitorial Powers of the Secretary of Labor and Employment
The conduct of annual spot audit must be attended by a safety officer and
representative of the management and workers of the establishment. In the absence
of the safety officer.
Employee’s Compensation Claim
A worker may file claims for compensation benefit arising out of work-related disability or
death. Such claims shall be processed independently of the finding of fault, gross
negligence or bad faith of the employer in a proceeding instituted for the purpose. The
employer shall provide the necessary assistance to employees applying for claims.
Incentives to Employers and Workers
There shall be established package of incentives under such rules and regulations as may
be promulgated by the DOLE to qualified employers and workers to recognize their efforts
towards ensuring compliance with OSH and general labor standards such as OSH training
packages, additional protective equipment. technical guidance. recognition awards, and
other similar incentives.
Workers’ Welfare Facilities
a) c) Adequate supply of safe drinking water;
b) Adequate sanitary and washing facilities;
c) Suitable living accommodation for workers, as may be applicable such as in
construction, shipping, fishing and night workers;
d) Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping facilities for all gender, as may be
e) Lactation station except those establishments as provided for under DOLE
Department Order No. 143-15;
f) Ramps, railings and the like; and
g) Other workers’ welfare facilities as may be prescribed by the OSH standards and
other issuances
W - Work Accident and illness Report (20 day, following month)
A - Annual Work Accident/Injury Exposure Data Report (Jan 30)
R - Report of Safety Organization (annually)
M- Minutes of OSH Committee Meeting
A- Annual Medical Report (March 30)
OH Personnel and Facilities
The employer may not establish a hospital or
dental clinic in the workplace where there is a
hospital or dental clinic which is located not
more than five (5) kilometers away from the
workplace, accessible in not more than
twenty-five (25) minutes travel time, and the
employer has facilities readily available for
transporting workers to the hospital or dental
clinic in cases of emergency.