Chapter 5: The Rh Factor Flashcards
What is The Rh Factor?
A specific protein found on the surface of red blood cells.
People with the Rh protein are described as?
Rh positive (Rh+).
People without the Rh protein are described as?
RH negative (Rh-).
The inclusion of the Rh. factor creates what?
Eight blood types: A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-
What is the most common blood type in the U.S.?
Type O+.
What type is the universal recipient (can receive from all blood types)?
Type AB+
What type is the universal donor (can donate to all blood types)?
Type O-.
When is very dangerous in pregnancy?
Rh incompatibility in pregnancy.
What happens when an Rh- mother is carrying an Rh+ fetus?
The mother’s body sees the Rh protein as a foreign antigen and produces antibodies against it, destroying the unborn baby’s blood cells. Doctors are able to detect and treat Rh disease in the fetus.
Why in a transcribed report you may see a blood type written as A- or A+ but according to the professional Book of Style for medical transcriptionists the words positive and negative should be written out?
Because the symbols can be overlooked. Therefore you would transcribe “The patient’s blood type is B negative” or “The patient has B-negative blood type”.