chapter 5: Spinal Column Disorders Flashcards
Why is the Spine crucial?
Because it is supporting and moving the upper body while protecting the spinal cord.
What causes medical conditions originating in the Spinal column?
Can cause pain, and mobility problems through the body.
What are the most common disorders affecting the Spine?
Herniated discs and Spondylolisthesis.
What can lead to Herniated discs?
Too. much tear on spinal cord the outer covering of the disc is weekend or torn.
Discs that become Herniated usually are in the early stages of what?
Of Degeneration
When Herniated discs often press on spinal nerves leads to what?
Leads to pain, numbness and weakness in one or both legs.
What is the cure for Herniated discs?
Medications and physical therapy but not all people will require sugery.
What type of disorder is Spondylolisthesis?
Degenerative Disorder.
What does Spondylolisthesis do to the body?
Makes the lumbar vertebra slip forward onto the bone below it.
What causes Spondylolisthesis in the body?
Difficult while standing or bending over or numbness of legs.
What is the treatment for Spondylolisthesis?
Anti-inflammatory but severe Spondylolisthesis may require surgery.
What is the most common metabolic bone disorder?
Why are metabolic bone disorders are caused by?
By abnormalities of mineral like calcium, phosphorous or vitamin d.
What causes Osteoporosis do to the bone?
Decrease in bone strength, loss outpaces the growth of the new bone, fragile, prone to fracture (especially hips) spine and wrists.
What does Osteoporosis literally mean?
Porous bone
What is the treatment for Osteoporosis?
Rebuilding bone with healthy lifestyle choices (Diet and exercise) or medication.
Bone cancer is a specific subtype of a group of cancer known as?
What are Sarcomas
Cancers that start in bone, muscle, connective tissue, blood vessels or fat (can break found anywhere in the body)
What is Secondary Bone Cancer
When someone has cancer and it spreads to the bones to somewhere else.
Why does the cancer spreads to other organs?
Because the cancer has metastasized.
The bone is a common site for metastasis for what type of cancer?
Breast, kidney, prostate, thyroid, and lung cancer.
What does secondary bone cancer are looked under microscope?
They look just like the tissue they came from.(if someone has primary lung cancer that has metastasized to the bone, the cancer cells in the bone look and act like lung cancer cells, and they need to be treated with drugs that are used for lung cancer)