Chapter 5: Non-verbal messages Flashcards
Touching behaviors and movements that indicate internal states typically related to arousal or anxiety
Affect display
The verbal and non-verbal displays of affect (emotion)
Refer to the physical movements and manipulations that help people to reduce stress
Artifactual messages
Messages that are conveyed by objects made by human hands
A force that draws people together
Boundary markers
Identify the edges of territory
Central markers
The relationship that involves interaction between participants
The study of the use of time in nonverbal communication
Civil inattention
The practice of giving some minimal acknowledgement of the presence of a stranger
Color communication
Mental expression and add diversity in language communication.
Cultural time
A process of creating shared meaning
A marker that identifies an item as belonging to a specific person
Gestures that have very precise meanings known within an ethnic, cultural, or sub-cultural group
A small group of symbols arranged to show happiness, sadness, and other emotions.
Facial feedback hypothesis
The contractions of the facial muscles may not only communicate what a person feels to others but also to the person him- or herself
Facial management techniques
The process of exchanging messages between individuals through verbal and nonverbal cues to reach a shared understanding
A branch of nonverbal communication that refers to the ways in which people and animals communicate and interact via the sense of touch
Home field advantage
Refers to the tendency for sports performers to win more often when competing at their home facility
Nonverbal cues directly linked with words
Interpersonal time
A process by which we share ideas or information with other people
Intimate distance
Used for very confidential communications
Refers to the study of how we use our bodies to communicate
Words or phrases with little meaning that are used to suggest relationships
Monochronic time orientation
Events are scheduled one at a time, with one event following another
Nonverbal communication
Transfer of information from one person to another without the use of words or spoken language
Object adaptors
Touching behaviors and movements that indicate internal states typically related to arousal or anxiety
The study of nonverbal communication behavior involving the eyes
Olfactory communication
The process by which organisms are able to communicate with each other through different scents and odors
The vocal but nonverbal elements of communication by speech
Personal distance
The amount of distance that people are comfortable putting between themselves and others
Polychronic time orientation
To a method of managing time, where many events occur at once
Primary territories
A space controlled by and identified with the person or group who uses it exclusively and to whom it is essential
The study of how space is used in human interactions
Psychological time
Temporal dimensions such as duration, pace and the order of perceived and internal events
Public distance
An impersonal interaction, about 12 - 25 feet away
Public territories
Refers to the territory that is not owned by the individual, but is open to all
Nonverbal messages that accompany speech to control or regulate what the speaker is saying
Secondary territories
Signals a person’s affiliation with a certain area or object
A form of nonverbal communication—a class of gestures and movements that help people deal with discomfort
When you don’t use words or sounds during a conversation
Social clock
A culturally defined timeline for social milestones
Social distance
Refers to the level of acceptance people have of others outside of their own social group or class
Temporal communication
Refers to the way that individuals rely on past behaviors to set the tone for communication
Refers to how people use space (territory) to communicate ownership or occupancy of areas and possessions
Tie signs
Signs, signals, and symbols, that are revealed through people’s actions
Touch avoidance
A measure of a person’s attitude toward touching, where being touched produces varying degrees of discomfort
Touch communication
To express interpersonal attitudes of considerable importance
A linear, one-way process in which a sender intentionally transmits a message to a receiver
Turn-taking cues
A part of the conversation structure in which one person listens while the other person speaks