Chapter 1: The essentials of human communication Flashcards
Human communication
Consist of the sending and receiving of verbal and nonverbal messages between two or more people
Form of Human Communication
1) Intrapersonal communication
2) Interpersonal communication
Intrapersonal communication is
The communication you have with yourself when you talk with, learn about, and judge yourself
Interpersonal communication is
Occur when you interact with a person with whom you have some kind of relationship
Interviewing is
A form of interpersonal communication that proceeds by questions and answer
Small group communication
Communication among groups of, say, five to ten people may take place face-to-face or increasingly in virtual space.
Public communication
Communication between a speaker and an audience
Computer-mediated communication is
A general term that includes all forms of communication between people that take place through some kind of computer, whether social media or any kind of digital communication
Mass communication refers to
Communication from one source to many receivers who may be scattered throughout the world
To explain the concepts and principles, the theory and research in human communication
Have a firm understanding of what communication is how it works
To provide you with skills in human communication that will help
Increase communication competence and effectiveness in your personal and professional lives
Critical and creative thinking skills
Approach new situations mindfully with full conscious awareness
Interaction skills
Improve communication in a wide range of forms, from the seemingly simple small talk to the employment interview for the job of the lifetime
Relationship skills
Enable you to build friendships, enter into love relationships, work with colleague,s and interact with family members
Leadership skills
Enable you to communicate information effectively in small groups or with large audiences and the ability to influence others in these same situation
Presentation skills
Enable you to present yourself as a confident, likable, approachable, and credible person
The more you communicate,
The better your communication will be
When two people are in a close relationship, neither person should have to
Communicate needs and wants explicitly; the other person should know what these are
Interpersonal or group conflict is
A reliable sign that the relationship or group is in trouble
Like good communicators, leaders are
Born, not made
Fear of speaking in public is
Detrimental and must be eliminated
According to the transactional model, each person involved in communication is
Both a source (speaker) and a receiver (listener) and hence the term of sources-receivers
When put ideas into speech, putting them into a code
Translate the speech signals that impinge on-ear and reads the words on a screen, into ideas you take them out of the code they are in
Takes many forms and are transmitted or received through one or more sensory organs or a combination of them
Feedforward is
Information provide before sending the primary messages
Another type of feedforward is
Phatic communication small talk that opens the way for big talk
A message that refers to another message; it is communication about communication
Communication exists in a
Context that determines to a large extent, the meaning of any verbal or nonverbal message
Physical context
The tangible or concrete environment
Cultural context
Involves the lifestyles, beliefs, values, behavior, and communication of a group
Social-psychological context
It has to do with the status relationships among speakers, the formality of the situation, the norms of a group or organizations
Temporal context is
A message’s position within a sequence of events
Communication channel is
The vehicle or medium through which message pass
Things that interfere with receiving the message
Physical noise
Interference that is external to both speaker and listener; it interferes with the physical transmission of the signal or message
Physiological noise
Created by barriers within the sender or receiver and would include visual impairment, hearing loss, articulation problems, and memory loss
Psychological noise refers to
Mental interference in the speaker or listener and include pre-conceived ideas, wandering thoughts biases, and prejudices and close-mindedness and extreme emotionalism
Semantic noise
Interference occurs when the speaker and listener have different meaning systems
Signal-to-noise ratio
Useful concept in understanding noise and its importance in communication
Communication always have effect on those involved in communication act
To learn
To acquire knowledge of others, the world, and yourself
To relate
To form relationship with others, to interact with others as individuals
To help
To assist others by listening, offering solutions
To influence
To strengthen or change the attitudes or behaviors of others
To play
To enjoy the experience of the moment
The condition in which something can be interpreted in more than one way
Communication exists on at least two levels.
1) A message referring to something external to both the speaker and listener
2) To the relationship between speaker and listener
Two aspects are referred to as
Content and relationship dimensions of communication
Punctuation of communication is
The segmenting of the continuous stream of communication into smaller pieces
Communication is inevitable that is in interactional situations it always taking place, even when a person may not intend or want to communicate
Another all-important attribute of communication is its irreversibility
Communication also possesses the characteristics of unrepeatability
Principles of Communication
1) Purposeful
2) Take places in varied form
3) Ambiguous
4) Involves content and relationship dimensions
5) Punctuated
6) Inevitable, irreversible, and unrepeatable
The importance of culture
1) Demographic changes
2) Sensitivity to cultural differences
3) Economic interdependence
4) Communication technology
5) Culture-specific nature of communication
Dimensions of culture
1) Uncertainty avoidance
2) Masculinity femininity
3) Power distance
4) Individualism-collectivism
5) High and low context
6) Indulgence and restraint
7) Long and short-term orientation
Ethnic identity
Culture’s ways by self-identify as a member of the group, embrace (essentially) the attitudes and beliefs of the group
Extreme ethnic identity, is tendency to see others and their behaviors through their own cultural filters
Communication competence
Your ability to communicate effectively
A state of awareness in which you are conscious of the reasons for thinking and behaving
Refer to using more than one language in a conversion often in the same situation
Objective view
The rightness and wrongness of an act are absolute and exist apart from the value or belief of any individual or culture
Subjective view
Absolute statements about right and wrong are too rigid and that the ethnic of a message depends on the culture’s value and beliefs as well as on the particular circumstances