Chapter 12: Public speaking preparation and delivery (Step 7-10) Flashcards
The process of communicating using concepts that can differ from reality
The repetition of the same sound at the start of a series of words in succession
The act of expressing something in a coherent verbal form
The act of expressing disapproval and of noting the problems or faults of a person or thing
Delivery outline
Meant to give you all you will need to present your speech in the way you have planned and rehearsed
Extemporaneous speech
A type of public speaking that involves delivering a prepared but not memorized speech on a given topic
Figure of speech
A creative use of language to generate an effect
A kind of figurative language where the speaker says something while meaning
A phrase that, when taken as a whole, has a meaning you wouldn’t be able to deduce from the meanings of the individual words
Impromptu speech
Given with little or no preparation, yet almost always with some advance knowledge on the topic
Internal summary
It is delivered to remind an audience of what they just heard within the speech
Manuscript speech
A written text read to an audience from a paper script or teleprompter
a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable
Oral style
The manner in which one conveys messages through the spoken words
The vocal but nonverbal elements of communication by speech
To stop doing something for a short time
The person or thing embodying a quality or the like
The way in which a word is pronounced
Usually varies depending on the speaker’s emotions at the time of speaking or the type of message one is communicating
Rhetorical question
An inquiry that ends in a question mark but is asked for effect rather than to elicit an answer
A figure of speech that compares two unlike things and uses the words “like” or “as”
Template outline
A process whereby humans collectively create and regulate social reality
Words, phrases, or visual devices that help the audience follow the speaker’s ideas, connect the main points to each other
How loud a speaker’s voice is during a presentation