Chapter 5 Midterm Flashcards
All of the following are reasons the thirteen Atlantic seaboard colonies sought independence except
Distinctive ethic or racial structures
The average age of the American colonists in 1775 was
By the end of the 1700’s, what was the percentage of people living in rural areas of colonial America
By 1775, the ____ were the largest non-English ethic group in colonial America
The most ethnically diverse region of colonial America was ______, whereas _____ was the least ethnically diverse
The middle colonies, New England
All of the following conditions cause many Scots to migrate to Northern Ireland and thence to America except
Persecution for their catholic religion
When it came to religion, the Scots-Irish
Found it to be a bond that held them together
When several colonial legislatures attempted to restrict or halt the importation of slaves, British authorities
Vetoed such efforts
By the eighteenth century, the various colonial regions had distinct economic identities; the northern colonies relied on ______, the Chesapeake colonies relied on ____, and the southern colonies relied on _____
Cattle and grain, tobacco, rice and indigo
The leading industry in the American colonies was
The triangular trade of the colonial American shopping industry
Involved the trading of run for African slaves
Although manufacturing in the colonies was of only secondary importance, they did produce which of the following?
All of the above
The major manufacturing enterprise in colonial America in the eighteenth century was
One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies an Britain was the
Growing desire of the Americans to trade with other nations in addition to Britain
When the British parliament passed the Molasses Act in 1773, it intended the act to
Inhibit colonial trade with the French West Indies
American colonists sought trade with countries other than Great Britain
To make money to but what they wanted in Britain
English officials tried to “establish” the Church of England in as many colonies as possible because
The church would act as a major prop for kingly authority
New England
The South
The frontier
By the early eighteenth century, religion in colonial America was
Less fervid than when the colonies were established
Jonathan Edwards
Benjamin Franklin
Phillis Wheatley
The Great Awakening
All of the above
In colonial America, education was most zealously promoted
In New England
Colonial schools and colleges placed their main emphasis on
The first American college free from determined control was
The University of Pennsylvania
The person most often called the “first civilized American” was
Benjamin Franklin
All of the following are achievements of Benjamin Franklin except
Influential poetry
The jury’s decision in the case of John Peter Zenger, a newspaper printer, was significant because
It pointed the way to open public discussion
One political principle that colonial Americans came to cherish above most others was
Self-taxation through representation
Colonial legislature were often able to bend the power of the governors to their will because
Colonial legislatures controlled taxes and expenditures that paid the governors’ salaries