Chapter 4 Midterm Flashcards
The population of the Chesapeake colonies throughout the first half of the seventeenth century was notable for its
Scarcity of woman
The “headright” system, which made some people very wealthy, consisted of
Giving the right to acquire fifty acres of land to the person paying the passage of a laborer to America
_________ reaped the greatest benefit from the land policies of the “headright” system
Slave owners
English yeomen who agreed to exchange their labor temporarily in return for payment of their passage to an American colony were called
Indentured servants
Throughout the greater part of the seventeenth century, the Chesapeake colonies acquired most of the labor they needed from
White servants
By the end of the seventeenth century, indentured servants who gained their freedom
Had little choice but to hire themselves out for low wages to their former masses
Bacon’s Rebellion was supported mainly by
Young men frustrated by their inability to acquire land
As a result of Bacon’s Rebellion,
Planters began to look for less troublesome laborers
The majority of African slaves coming to the New World
Were delivered to South America and the West Indies
For those Africans who were sold into slavery, the “middle passage” can be best described as
The gruesome ocean voyage to America
African American contributions to American culture include all of the following except
The guitar
While slavery might have begun in America for economic reasons,
Racial discrimination also powerfully misled the American slave system
The slave society that developed in North America was one of the few slave societies in history to
Perpetuate itself by its own natural reproduction
The slave culture that developed in America
Was a uniquely New World creation
Most of the inhabitants of the colonial American South were
Landowning small farmers
The New England family can be best described as
A very stable institution
In seventeenth century colonial America all of the following are true regarding women except
Women had no rights as individuals
The Puritan system of Congregational church government logically led to
Democracy in political government
Thomas Jefferson once observed that “the best school of political liberty the world ever saw” was the
New England town meeting
The half-way covenant
admitted to baptism but not full membership the unconverted children of existing members
The Salem witchcraft trials were
The result of unsettled social and religious conditions in rapidly evolving Massachusetts
The English justified taking land from the native inhabitants on the grounds that the Indians
Wasted the earth
As a result of poor soil, all of the following conditions prevailed in New England except that
Reliance on a single, staple crop became a necessity