Chapter 5: Learning One's Culture Flashcards
A process similar to enculturation that emphasizes social rather than cultural factor in learning one’s culture.
social birth
Social recognition of the transition to personhood
child rearing practices
methods used to take care of infants and young children, including ways of feeding, playing with, and carrying, as well as sleeping arrangements
Texts that relate traditional stories, the exploits of cultural heroes and characters handed down from generation to generation
The position or rank that one occupies in a group or society that carries role expectations.
gender identity
The way that people think about themselves in terms of their sex, or how they present themselves as men or women
rites of passage
rituals that mark culturally significant transitions throughout the life cycle, including birth, puberty, marriage, and death.
initiation rites
Rituals that mark a person’s transition from childhood to adulthood
psychological anthropology
A subfield of cultural anthropology that studies the psychological motivations of behavior and the personality types prevalent in society.
The process of learning and incorporating attitudes, values, and behaviors so that they seem natural or part of one’s nature rather than learned cultural behavior.
A constellation of behavioral traits and dispositions. Some features of personality emerge at birth, whereas others are acquired in the process of enculturation and psychological and cognitive growth.
Private Self
One’s inner feelings and concepts of oneself
public self
The self one projects in public, in interactions with others.
Attitudes that people hold about themselves
independent selves
Concepts of individuals as self-constrained, independent agents with a focus on their own thoughts, feelings, and achievements
interdependent self
Concepts of individuals as connected to others, related to other people, with a focus on group needs rather than individual inner feelings, opinions, and attitudes.
national character
personality type prevalent in a particular country
Behaviors that violate cultural norms and expectations
culture-specific psychological disorders
Psychological disorders that seem to occur with some frequency in certain culturss but are rare or absent in others.