Chapter 12: Political Anthropology Flashcards
political anthropology
the study of the ways that communities plan and act as a collective, elect leaders and resolve intra and extra conflicts.
the ability to have an effect on the actions and decisions of others
combination of personal characteristics and social status. Entails having influence as well.
small and loosely organized groups that stick together through informal means, usually territorial units ex: Tiwi people of Northern Australia
societies with some degree of formalization of structure and leadership, including village and inter village councils whose members regularly meet to settle disputes and plan community activities.
sociopolitical groups that tie people together due to same intersests and skills
age grade (age set)
sociopolitical association of peers with similar interests/skills/social functions
organization of united tribes and bands to face a common external threat
age- linked association example
The Hidatsa and the Maasai
stratified societies organized by kinship/
a centralized political organization with the king as the paramount leader
state societies with elected rather than inherited leadership
successor or to th king or queen is usually the first born and even more usually the first born son
states expanded into larger units through conquest and the occupation or annexation of new territories
social control
informal and formal mechanisms in society through which people’s actions are controlled and social norms or laws are enforced
acts of violence perpetrated by private citizens against groups within their own country or against a foreign country without the cover and sanction of state-declared war.
societies ruled by religious leaders
tendency for groups to split into opposing parties over political issues , often a cause of violence and a threat to political unity