Chapter 5: Intelligence Flashcards
What are the 3 common types of intelligence tests?
- Stanford-Binet intelligence scales (SB5) –> focuses on age related questions
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) –> focuses on specific set of tests based on verbal and non verbal (performance based)
- Kaufman assessment battery for children, 2nd edition (KABC-II) –> focuses on flexibility because it allows use of different words and gestures. Good for second language people
What is fluid vs. crystallized intelligence?
fluid intelligence focuses on information processing capabilities like reasoning and memory to come up with a solution
crystallized uses cumulative information of skills and an already learned set of skills to solve a problem
What was vygotsky’s view of intelligence?
that it should have dynamic assessment –> we should not only asses person on what they know currently but also asses them on what they CAN learn with a little help
What was sternberg’s view of intelligence?
focused on information processing and how people store material to access it to use for other intellectual tasks. He focused on process of underlying behaviour rather than structure
What theory did stern berg’s view of intelligence lead to?
triarchic theory of intelligence
What are three components in sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence?
- componential/analytic –> math and problem solving ways
- experiential/creative –> insightfulness and combining new and old facts in creative ways
- Contextual/ practical –> “street smarts”
What else did sternberg say in regards to physical structures of the brain that increase IQ?
he said that if you have a large brain size to body ratio then your IQ is bigger because that means you have larger pre-frontal cortex.
What was spearman’s idea in regards to intelligence?
there is a general, broad g-factor that governs all of our intelligence
What is carol’s hierarchical theory of intelligence?
suggests that we have a general g-factor and then on top we have clusters of broad categories such as “fluid” and crystallized intelligence, and within the broad categories theres clumps of narrow categories and within the clumps of narrow categories theres specific categories
What is Gardner’s theory of intelligence?
Called theory of multiple intelligence.
Looked at 8 specific categories
What are gardner’s 9 categories in theory of multiple intelligences
- linguistic
2) logical-mathematical
3) spatial - musical
- bodily-kinaesthetic
- interpersonal
- interpersonal
- naturalistic
- existential
What IQ defines someone has intellectual disability? what does it mean?
below 70
means they have difficulty adapting to life changes
What is mild, moderate, severe and profound typ(es of intelligence? what are their corresponding IQ scores and percentage of people in it?
- mild –> 55 - 70 –> 89%
- moderate –> 40 - 54 –> 6%
- severe –> 25- 39 –> 4%
- profound –> below 25 –> 1%
What could be a major contributor to the 89% of people who have mild IQ?
a major contributor could be cultural-familiar intellectual disabilities results from below average intellectual environment (89% OF PEOPLE WITH IQ BETWEEN 60-70 FALL INTO THIS CATEGORY)