Chapter 5: basic questions Flashcards
What are 3 disorders that affect normal intelligence in children aged 6-12 years old?
- Sensory difficulties (visual and auditory and speech)
- Learning disabilities
What 4 things occur during the end of the pre operational stage and into the concrete operational stage?
- Decentration –> ability to think about more than one aspect of a stimulus
- Reversibility –> some things can be replaced to give u the same thing you began with
- Inductive logic: prediction of a general principle from a specific set of outcomes
- deductive logic (harder for them to do): prediction of a specific outcome from a general principle
What were two teaching strategies (child-child) imposed by vygotsky?
- cooperative learning –> children are put in groups with one expert child and work together to complete a task
- Reciprocal learning –> when teacher and student “switch” roles to describe a book (good for comprehension)
What are the 3 steps involved in Galesburg’s Indexal hypothesis?
- Indexing –> breaking words in sentence into small parts and internalizing it
- Derivation of affordances –> determining what you can do with the components that you have split.. what is more useful
- Meshing –> putting together useful pieces to comprehend the string of phonemes
What are the 4 stages of reading?
Stage 0: from birth to grade 1. Children learn the pre-requisites of reading such as identifying familiar words and recognizing letters
Stage 1: form grade 1-2: children sound out words using phonological recoding skills (sound each letter/component of word and then blend together)
Stage 2: from grade 2-3: children can read out loud fluently
Stage 3: from grade 3-8: means to an end, transition from learning to read and reading to learn usually occurs somewhere between gr 3 and 5. However, everything they read is viewed in first person perspective
Stage 4: from grade 9+: children read and learn material from multiple perspectives and are able to integrate it