Chapter 5 Definitions Flashcards
planning committee
a group of institutional employees who work with an architect to develop the design of a building
primary decision makers
institutional members who have formal authority over large units or subunits of an organization
secondary decision makers
professional staff members primarily responsible for delivering a program within an organization
people who use or receive the services of a program
program statement
a document, prepared by the users, the architect, or both, that specifies the anticipated space requirements based on known work patterns provided by the users
lump-sum bidding
a process wherby general contractors provide cost quotations for the right to construct or renovate a building
construction management
a method that invovles the general contractor as part of the design team from the beginning of the building process
a method that uses only one firm both to design and to construct a new building
schematic drawings
a graphic representation, derived fromt he program statement, that illustrates the relationships among the principal functiosn of a building
traffic patterns
the anticipated flow of people from one area of a building to another
relationship chart
a table used to justify the placement of various rooms within a building
bubble diagram
an abstract, graphic representation fo the relationship of one funciton of a building to another based on the proximity factors established by relationship chart
commercial loan
an amount of money, borrowed from a lending instituion, for the purpose of establishign, improving, or maintaining a business
business plan
used by commercial loan officers to assess the viability of a business. Includes a written description of the activities the business will engage in, a market analysis, historical and projected financial statments, and other associated information
market analysis
includes a written description of hte competitive advantages of a business, analysis of the competition, pricing structure, and marketing plan
capital campaign
a program, usually of fixed length, designed to raise funds for program creation, development, and improvement
tax-exempt bonds
bonds authorized and sold by governmental agencies to provide funding for construciton projects
the portion fo an institution’s assets in cash and investments not normally used for operational purposes
construction documents
the highly detailed technical drawings that a contractor will use to detemine building costs and guide construction
bidding documents
the package of materials prepared by the architect and sent to contractors, indlucind the invitation to bid, the bid form, and special bidding instructions
general contractor
the company responsible for coordinating the construciton of a building
a company hired byt he general contractor to complete a particular portion of the building project. the subcontractor’s work is usually devoted to a particular skilled trade, such as plumbing, electrical work, or landscaping
the scientific study of human work
ground fault interrupter (GFI)
a highly sensitive device designed to discontinue the flow of electricity in an electrical circuit during a power surge
standpipe drain
a type of drain that is raised above floor level
plumbing fixtures
the extenral hardware used to control the flow and termperature of water
mixing valve
a type of plumbing fisture designed to blend hot and cold water, eliminating the need for separate hot- and cold-water controls
foot-pedal activator
a water-flow device, controlled by a foot pedal, used with hand-washing stations
a a device that controls heating and coolign equipment
natural lighting
outside light used to illuminate indoor spaces, usually through windows or skylights
data port
a dedicated phone line or network terminal used to connect computers in different locations