Chapter 2 Definitions Flashcards
vision statement
a concise statement that describes the ideal state to which an organization aspires
mission statement
a written expression of an organization’s philosophy, purposes, and characteistics
a type of decision-making process in which a course of action is determined in order to bring about a future state of affairs
strategic planning
a type of planning that involves critical self-examination to bring about organization improvement
formal recognition provided to an organization or one of its programs indicating that it meets certain prescribed quality standards
joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations (JCAHO)
the oldest and largest health care standards organization in the country. JCAHO accredits ambulatory health care facilitiies
commission on accreditation of rehabilitation facilities (CARF)
a nonprofit agency that sets quality standards for rehabilitation services & facilities
a prediction of future conditions based on various statistics & indicators that describe an athletic program’s past and present situations
WOTS UP analysis
a data collection & appraisal technique designed to determine an organization’s strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to facilitate planning
operational plan
a type of plan that defines organizational activities in the short term, usually no longer than two years
a type of plan that expresses an organization’s intended behavior relative to a specific program subfunction
a collection of incremental and mutually dependent steps designed to direct the most important tasks of an organization
a type of operational plan that provides specific directions for members if an organization to follow
the action that takes place in response to administrative problems
PERT (program evaluation & review technique)
a method of graphically depicting the time line for * interrelationships of different stages of a program
Gannt Chart
a graphic planning & control technique that maps discrete tasks on a calender
agreement-trust model
a model that indetifies & types the most important people in developing support for a plan
persons who support a particular program but dispute the implementation of a plan related to that program
persons who support a particular program but dispute the implementation of a plan related to that program
persons who exhibit support for a particular plan but who have a history of untrustworthy behavior & vacillation
person’s who are unsupportive of both a program & a particular plan related to the program
a book containing the abstracts or outlines of each speaker’s presentation
program evaluation
a systemic & comprhensive assessment of the worth of a particular program
internal chart audit
a patient records review technique performed by the sports medicine staff as part of a quality-assurance program
external chart audit
a patient records review technique, performed by an accreditation agency or a payer, intended to ensure that patient care is appropriate & meets certain minimum standards
charge-based providers contracted by the federal government charged with reviewing Medicare claims made by physicians or other health care providers
cost-based providers contracted by the federal government & charged with reviewing Medicare claims made by hospitals
summative evaluation
an assessment designed primarily to describe the effectiveness or accomplishments of a program
formative evaluation
an assessment designed primarily for improvement of a program
external evaluators
experts not affliliated with an organization who are retained to assess the various progams within the organization
general statements of program intent
specific statements of how a program intends to accomplish a particular goal
auantifiable measures used to determine whether a particular objective has been accomplished
outcome assessment
an evaluation method used in health care that seeks objective evidence that the care provided by the athletic trainer enhanced a patient’s functional ability