Chapter 5 Continued- Classical Period & Archaic Period (MIDTERM) Flashcards

Anavysos Kouros
- Archaic Period
- Votive Figure
Had Paralalles to Ancient Egypt:
- Arcahic Smile
- Hair
- Lack of Clothes

Spear Bearer
- High Classical Period
- Artist was Polykleitos
- Standing in Contraposto

Grave Stele of Hegeso
- High Classical Period
- Servant is Standing in Contrapposto
Greeks gained confisence with the victory of the _____.
Classical Period Began in ____
480 BCE
Men is the measure of all things. Humans are important
Nothing happens by accident. Human reason over human emtion.
System of perfect mathematical proortions for human depictions.
When weight is shifted more on one leg than the other
What statue was when the human body had been looked at the most realistically?
In Polykeitos
A Convex or curve to a structure for aesthetic purposes.
Triangular Area within the structure that was typically decorated with different scenes.

Cycladic Figure
- Abstract
- Females

Palace of Knossos
- Minoan
- Associated with the myth of the Minotaur

Citadel at Mycenae
- Fortified Walls
- Warror Like

Nike of Samothrace
- Hellenistic
- Time Period Had Market Woman
Colummn Identification

Column Identification


Bull Leaping Fresco
- Minoan
- in th palace of Knossos Crete
- Stucco with some Relief
After the Battle of Salamis, the Greeks gained ____ so the artwork changed.
A technqiue of Ancient Greek Pottery in which black figured are pained on a red clay ground
Black Figure
A technique characterized by redclay-colored figured reseved on a black background.
Early Classical Sculptures vs. Hellenistic Sculptures
Early Classcial Sculptures were more idealzied while Hellenistic sculptures focued more on verism.
Where is the Parthenon located?
On top of the Acropolis
What is the highest point in the city?
The Acropolis
What was at the base of the Acropolis?
Athens Agora
What style are all the buildings at the Acropolis?
High Classical
Who commissioned the buildings at the Acropolis?
What did the Temple of Athena Nike contain?
A relief sculpture of Athena