Chapter 1 (Midterm) Flashcards
Composite Pose
Some parts of the body (for example horns, eyes, hooves) are shown from the front, heads, and bodies in profiles.
large stones, used to describe Neolithic ceremonial structures and tombs.
simple megalithic tomb built using post-and-lintel principle.
Huge and upright stones supporting tablelike rocks
circle of stones or posts surrounded by a ditch with built-up embankments
stones that topped pairs of upright stones
rows or layers of stone are laid with the end of each row projecting beyond the row beneath, until they can be capped with a stone on top.
Pech Merle Cave

- charcoal, negative image (painted around image) - spotted horses and human hands
Hall of Bulls, Lascaux, France

- made over long period of time (animals overlapping) - used to teach hunters how to hunt - religious festivals (lots of footprints) - composite pose
Bison from a cave at Altamira, Spain

- high relief - painted on natural rocks (protrusions)
Bison from Le Tuc d’Audobert, France

- Relief sculpture - Used Clay (modeling) like playdough
Stonehenge (Neolithic)

Religious Purposes Buried dead around the site Stonehenge was used for death and woodhenge for life. Lined with the solstice