Chapter 14 (Test Review) Flashcards
The Council of the Trent was the _____ of the Catholic Church.
Due to the Council of Trent, what is one result in the guidelines for art.
Mannerism (Nudes, Commoners, Pagan Images), Nothing Profane
An ______ object could be made with the right objective after the council of Trent
After the Council of Trent, regarding Art, the _______ could be worshipped but not the image
What was the Treaty that ended religious wars?
Treaty of Westphalia
Which treaty ended the Thirty Years War?
Treaty of Westphalia
During the Mid 17th Century, which part of Europe could not keep up with the rest of it?
Central Europe
The Baroque appeals to the _____, while the Renaissance appeals to the ______
Senses; Mind
What was the first major commission for the Habsburgs in Flanders?
The Raising of the Cross by Peter Paul Rubens
The Habsburg came until oppressive ____ rule.
Peter Paul Rubens is associated with what family?
The Habsburgs
The Jesuits used art as a _____ and _____
teaching tool; religious statement
What did the Jesuits do during the Counter-Reformation?
They converted many to Catholicism.
What happened on Sept. 27, 1540?
The Jesuits received a formal charter from Pope Paul III
Who is described as “unorthodox”?
This person avoided color, even though other Baroque architects used it.
Who was more innovative? Borromini or Bernini
Who was closer to traditional Classicism? Borromini or Bernini
Where is Caravaggio from?
What special features does the San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane have?
- It was designed around a fountain.
- On the interior there are coffers that are different shapes and oval domes.
What type of art did Caravaggio typically like to do?
Who was known for their Dramatic Lighting?
Who was commissioned to paint the Canatrelli Chapel?
Who was known for Tenerbrism (Tenebrism is exaggerated Chiaroscuro)
What is the formula for Baroque interiors?
Paintng + Sculpture + Architecture
“Opens arms of the Church”
What is this Describing?
St. Peters Basilica by Bernini
In _____ and the ____ Religious conflict led to the split of the Netherlands.
Flanders; Dutch Republic
Flanders was _____
Duch Republic was _____
Hardouin Mansart did what to Versailles?
He did the addition of the wings
Le Vau did what to Versailles?
He did the side facing the garden
Parterres are
green areas
Where did Rococo originate?
Where is the Cantarelli Chapel located?
Where is the Calling of St. Matthew painting located (by Carvaggio)
Cantarelli Chapel
Where is the Triumph of the Name of Jesus and the Fall of the Damned located?
Il Gesu
Why was Rubens able to pump out so much work?
Because he had a workshop with specialists, so everyone did different parts of the paintings
In the Portrait Henry IV Received the portrait of Maria de Medici, who commissioned it?
Marie de Medici (her)
Portrait Henry IV Received the portrait of Maria de Medici
What does the lady behind Henry IV represnt?
The Country of France and how the people of France support the Marriage… This is an example of Personification
The Baldacchino in Old St. Peters have in common with….
Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem
The chair of St. Peter’s symbolizes what?
The direct descent of Christian authority from him to the reigning pope
In the Church of San Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane…. The lantern framed a hovering represents…
The Dove of the Holy Spirit
What is the subject of the Triumph of Jesus and the Fall of the Damned?
The Last Judgement
Rembrandts self-portrait with Saskia is an example of
What is fete galante?
Elegant outdoor entertainment