Chapter 5: Colorectal Cancer Flashcards
What is one of the most common types of cancer in the Western countries?
Colorectal cancer (cancer of the large intestine and rectum)
According to the American Cancer Society, Colorectal. cancer is accounted what percent of new cancer diagnosed for men and for women in 2018?
9% for new cancer diagnosed for men and 7% of new cancer diagnosed for women.
How does Colorectal cancer often begins?
As a growth called a Polyp on the surface of the intestinal or rectal lining.
Are Polyps cancerous?
Most of them are not but some may develop into cancer time.
As Colorectal cancer growths what invades?
The wall of the intestine or rectum and nearby lymph nodes.
Why Colorectal cancer can metastasize to the liver?
Because blood from the wall of the intestine and much of the rectum is carried to the liver.
What symptoms should be evaluated for Colorectal cancer?
Blood in the stool or a change in bowel habits.
What are is Fecal Occult Blood Test?
A laboratory test to check stool for blood that can be seen with a microscope.
What is Barium Enema?
A liquid contrast medium (barium), is injected into the rectum that coats the lower GI tract.
Barium Enema is also called?
Lower GI series.
After Barium is injected into the rectum what would be the next step?
X-rays of the rectum and colon will be taken.
What is a Colonoscope?
A flexible tube with a tiny camera at the end.
What is Colonoscopy?
The insertion of a Colonoscope through the rectum and into the colon.
What does the tiny camera at the end of the scope do?
Transmits video images onto a screen, to examine the inner walls of the colon.
If its necessary how a physician would remove polyps?
By using tools inserted though the colonoscope.
What would the treatment for Colorectal cancer?
Surgical resection, sometimes combined with chemotherapy, radiation or both.