Chapter 5 — Celebrating Our Best = Appreciative Inquiry Flashcards


What five basic principles of appreciative inquiry or AI? Give a brief explanation of each. 65 – 66,

Figure 5.1: 65


AI is a philosophy as well as an approach for motivating change and enhancing well-being that focuses on exploring and amplifying the best in a person or situation. AI is a valuable coaching tool for uncovering and celebrating the best of what is and what could be.
Figure 5.1. The principle five principles of AI lead to positive actions and outcomes. It is in the shape of a triangle.

Positive Principle: Positive actions and outcomes stem from positive energy and emotion.

Constructionist Principle: Positive energy and emotion stem from positive conversations and interactions.

Simultaneity Priniciple: Positive conversations and interactions stem from positive questions and reflections.

Anticipatory Principle: Positive questions and reflections stem from positive anticipation of the future.

Poetic Principle: Positive anticipation of the future stems from positive attention in the present.

Positive Actions & Outcomes

Positive Energy & Emotion
Positive Principle

Positive Conversations & Interactions
Constructionist Principle

Positive Questions & Reflections
Simultaneity Principle

Positive Anticipation of the Future
Anticipatory Principle

Positive Attention in the Present
Poetic Principle

Start: David Whyte reading poetry → A Graduate (The Vision) → Coaches ask Q & R → Coach and Client — BBSH graduate channeling energy & positive feelings → Coach Action Plan and + Outcomes

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What is the five-D cycle of AI? Describe each of the five D’s. 67 - 71

  1. Define
  2. Discover
  3. Dream
  4. Design
  5. Destiny

1. Start the process by securing an agreement between coach and client as to —
♣ Topic Choice —What the client wants to learn
♣ Method Choice — How the client wants to learn it
2. The effectiveness of the AI process depends on the agreement being both clear and appropriate.
3. Note: Some clients may not be ready, willing, are able to implement a strengths-based approach to transformational change. Determine this by noticing how much the client wants to talk about her problems in pains.
4. Express compassion —This is an entry point to move the conversation forward.
5. If the client does not move forward within a reasonable amount of time, consider referring the client to a therapist or counselor who can develop ways to heal or process negative emotions and experiences.

Discover — The most important phase of the coaching session 68 - 70

  1. Discover promising examples of the client’s desired outcomes, both past and present.
  2. AI assumption: In every person’s life and situation, some things are always working, even if they are buried and need to be unearthed.
  3. AI protocol: This can be used to facilitate the discovery process at any point in the coaching process.

The Four Discoveries —

  1. Best experience
  2. Core values
  3. Generative conditions
  4. Three wishes
  5. Effectiveness of AI: AI is particularly effective when clients discouraged or stuck.
  6. What it does: Elevates self-confidence and lays the foundation for all that follows.
  7. The Discovery Phase — Facilitates creating a dream (in the Dream Phase) that is grounded in the client’s history, as it expands the client’s potential. This allows the dream to be larger than the client would have otherwise imagined out the discovery phase being done.

Simultaneity Principle:
♣ asking appreciative questions is not a prelude to the work of coaching; it is the work of coaching
♣ Inquiry into what happens when the client functions at his or her best is transformational in and of itself. It not only forms the basis for change, it is the change in which they seek.

Dream 70

The Poetic Principle — Goes beyond the limitations of analysis by using stories, metaphors, narratives, and images to make dreams come alive.

Considerations that impact the dream making process are:

  1. A Calling. What is life calling a client to be or become?
  2. Energy: What possibilities generate excitement?
  3. Support: What is the positive core that supports a client?

Is the client who finds the answers, not the coach.
Encourage the client to generate their own possibilities by thinking outside box without regard to consequences.

When is it time to move on to the design phase?
When the dream becomes the target that beckons and an anticipatory field surrounds and supports the client’s best self, it is time to move on to design.

Design 71
The Design Phase of the AI process gives the dream legs by working to align the client’s infrastructure with the dream. This is done by asking clients to:
1. Make proposals
2. Set goals as to how the dream would manifest itself in terms of ___________. Describing those shifts and details is the fundamental work of the design phase. this work aligns the client’s infrastructure with his or her dream.
♣ Habits
♣ Procedures
♣ Systems
♣ Technology
♣ Roles
♣ Resources
♣ Relationships
♣ Finances
♣ Structures
♣ Stakeholders
3. Make the design phase as detailed and personal as possible. Encourage clients to make:
♣ Commitments: actions that the client promises to take in response to the request of another.
♣ Offers: actions that the client volunteers to take.
♣ Requests: actions that clients seek from others in order to successfully implement the design.
Destiny 71

AI is and action process that makes dreams come true and make streaming intrinsic to the client’s way of being in the world. It is by being an “appreciative by” the clients learn to make the five-D cycle their preferred approach to problems and opportunities to fulfill their destinies.

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Why is it important to not rush through the discovery process? 68 - 70


The Discovery Phase assists client to discover promising examples of their desired outcomes.

The Discovery Phase is the Most Important Phase of the 5-D Cycle.

The Purpose of these discoveries is to boost the energy and strengthen self-efficacy of clients through the vivid reconnaissance of mastery experiences. The more direct, personal, and relevant the mastery experiences, the greater their positive impact on a client’s motivation for and approach to change.

The Discovery Phase —facilitates creating a dream (in the Dream Phase) that is grounded in the client’s history, as it expands the client’s potential. This allows the dream to be larger than the client would have otherwise imagined out the discovery phase being done.

The four discoveries of the AI Protocol:

  1. Best Experience
  2. Core Values
  3. Generative Conditions
  4. Three Wishes

These four discoveries help clients reach into their positive core and energizes the behavior change process to bring out the best so that solutions expand in scope, sustainability, and effectiveness. And this process can help lighten the load in the course of moving forward. it energizes clients to learn to make new contributions and express new ways of being in the world. And, it helps identify and set up conditions for success including —environments, systems, communities, organizations, networks, movements, relationships, processes, policies, practices, structures, and resources.

This purpose of these discoveries is to boost energy and strengthen self-efficacy of clients through the vivid reconnaissance of mastery experiences.

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Define reframing. Give an example. 38 - 39


Positive Reframing: Framing a client’s experiences in positive terms.

I’m overweight. I hear your discouragement because you want to look and feel really good.

I blew my diet this week. I am so mad at myself.
I hear that you are disappointed and frustrated because you really wanted to feel successful with this goal. Tell me about the good choices you did make this week.

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If using AI a coach cannot assist a client to move forward (and if the coach is certain he or she is not provoking client resistance), what should the coach do? 68


Some clients not ready, willing, or able to implement a strengths-based approach to transformational change.

How do you know?
The client may not be able to get past talking about their problems and their pains.

What do you do when this happens?
♣ Express compassion to move the conversation forward.

What you do if forward movement does not happen?

  1. Try Motivational Interviewing
  2. After a reasonable amount of time if the client is not moving forward in a reasonable amount of time, refer to a therapist for counseling counselor who can develop ways to heal or process negative emotions and experiences. Client may make more progress this way.
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Which of the 5-D’s in the 5-D Cycle is the purpose of AI? 71



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How can the coach keep the coaching process light and fun for clients and why is that important if the client is to be successful? 72

Get creative — encourage clients to be creative by imagining, articulating, and designing their dreams for the future. Clients can use pictures, images, metaphors, art, movement, music, and our stories (the poetic print principle). Clients often enjoy the invitation to use their whole selves in the development of their dreams and designs for the future. There is no end to what they will come up with once they have the permission and encouragement to get creative:
♣	Changing body position
♣	Drawing pictures
♣	Modeling clay
♣	Standing on tables
♣	Stepping over lines
♣	Writing poetry
♣	Ringing bells
♣	Singing songs
♣	Stretching muscles
♣	Controlling breath
♣	Telling stories
♣	Shouting affirmations
♣	Imagining visualizations
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AI encourages the coach to think of problem-solving through strength building rather than analyzing and “tackling problems head on.” Explain what the statement means and how to do that in the coaching conversation. 72


AI solves problems through the back door. AI assists clients to outgrow problems through engaging in new and stronger life urges. In the process, problems that once seemed overwhelming and intractable lose their energy and sometimes even fade from view.

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What is the Positive Principle? 66


Positive Principle: Positive actions and outcomes stem from positive energy and emotion.

Positive energy and emotions broaden thinking, expand awareness, increase abilities, build resiliency, offset negatives, generate new possibilities, and create an upward spiral of learning and growth.

By using strengths —identifying, appreciating, and amplifying strengths people go beyond problem-solving to make bold shifts forward. This is “why it’s good to feel good.” Actions become positively charged and positive outcomes are evoked.— Barb Fredrickson

The Positive Principle asserts that positive actions and outcomes stem from the unbalanced force generated by positive energy and emotion. This follows Newton’s first law of motion that states: Objects at rest tend to stay at rest while objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Applying Newton’s law to human systems, the positive principle holds that the negative energy and emotion associated with problems —identifying, analyzing, fixing, or correcting weaknesses —last sufficient force to transform systems and propel them in new directions.

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Which AI Principle best fits the phrase, “Words create worlds”? 66


The Constructionist Principle embodies phrase “words create worlds”. This phrase is the motto of AI in general and the Constructionist Principle in particular. The Constructionist Principle asserts that positive energy and emotion are generated through positive conversations and interactions → leading to positive actions and outcomes.

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Which AI Principle makes clear the importance of social context and environment in creating the present moment and changing future moments? 66


Constructionist Principle
♣ Words create worlds — through positive conversations and interactions.
♣ Makes clear the importance of social context and environment — wrt creating the present moment and changing future moments.
♣ Different environments generate different trees and different possibilities.
♣ Different environments generate different dimensions of individual experience.
♣ “It’s all invented! So, we might as well invent a story or framework of meaning that enhances our quality of life in the lives of those around us.” (See page 12). — Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander (2000).
♣ Clients can invent those stories and frameworks and conversations with their coaches.

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What is the Simultaneity Principle?


Simultaneity Principle 66
Positive conversations interactions stem from positive questions and reflections.
♣ Conversations and interactions become positive the instant we
♣ Ask a positive question
♣ Tell a positive story
♣ Share a positive reflection
♣ Positive questions and reflections are themselves the “change we seek”. they are not just a prelude to change; they are the change.
♣ Positive questions and reflections simultaneously create a positive present.
♣ Positive conversations with a coach can create a positive world for the client.
♣ The inquiries and reflections used in a coaching conversation are fateful. “There are no ‘neutral’questions. Every inquiry takes us somewhere, even if it is back to what we originally believed. Inhabiting the spirit of wonder can transform our lives, and the unconditional positive question is one of the greatest tools we have to this and” (page 54 close parenthesis. — Jacqueline Bascobert Kelm (2005)
♣ Asking Appreciative Questions is not a prelude to the work of coaching; it is the work of coaching.

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What is the Anticipatory Principle? 66- 67


Anticipatory Principle: Positive questions and reflection stem from positive anticipation of the future.

Anticipatory Principle: Positive Anticipation of the Future.
Stems From: Poetic Principle: Positive Attention in the Present.

The Anticipatory Principle Asserts:

  1. Positive anticipation of the future is a proleptic force that energizes the present — it tilts everything in that direction. Proplepsis: A forward look.
  2. It takes a specific, positive image of the future to impact the dynamics of the present.
  3. “Vision is a target that beckons” as a field (P. 53 FF). As such, it is “a power, not a place, and influence, not a destination.” It is best served, then by imbuing the present with a “visionary messages match by visionary behaviors” — Margaret Wheatley (1999).
  4. Equipped with a glimpse of what things look like at their best, a client will become more creative, resourceful, and resilient, finding ways to make things happen.
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What is the Poetic Principle? 66 - 67


Poetic Principle: Positive anticipation of the future stems from positive attention in the present.

The Poetic Principle asserts:

  1. The more one attends to positive dimensions of the present moment, the more positive the intentions for future moments will be.
  2. A focus on problems begets more problems; a focus on possibility begets possibilities.
  3. With positive emotions, one’s vision widens, and through this broadened mind comes more flexibility, attunement to others, creativity, and wisdom (Fredrickson, 2013 a, 2013 b).
  4. It’s not that problems disappear. Rather, other things become more important. Life’s poetry evolves into a spiral of positive imagination.

The Poetic Principle: Connects hope with mindfulness and intention with attention.

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What is the purpose of AI? 71


The purpose of AI is to: ________- of clients.

  1. ↑ Positive Energy
  2. ↑ Self-Efficacy
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Looking at the design phase of AI, what are the actions that take place here? 71


The Key actions are:

  1. Commitments: Actions that clients promise to take in response to the requests of others. That is, the client agrees to do something that the coach asks them to do.
  2. Offers: Actions that clients volunteered to take. That is, the client uses their autonomous motivation and volunteers tol take a specific action.
  3. Requests: Actions client seek from others in order to successfully implement the design. That is, the client makes a request.

What is the value of Appreciative Inquiry in coaching? 71 - 72

  1. Energize, motivate, and mobilize →a client to behavioral change.
  2. Support Self-efficacy.
  3. No clear focus → Kindle the embers of desire until the fire is burning bright.

Coach asks: Best experience story specifically related to their positive visions (or desired futures). This is targeted learning from a positive frame dramatically accelerate the behavior change process.

  1. AI uses a mixture of analytic activities and creative activities two engage the client’s heart and stir their clients imagination. SMART goals themselves would not be enough. And, the SMART goals must be compelling goals.
5.	Encourages clients to be creative by imagining, articulating, and designing their dreams for the future. Clients can use:
♣	Pictures
♣	Images
♣	Metaphors
♣	Movement
♣	Music
♣	Stories (Poetic Principle)

Examples: Changing body position, drawing pictures, modeling clay, standing on tables, stepping over lines, writing poetry, ringing bells, singing songs, stretching muscles, controlling breath, telling stories, shouting affirmations, and imagining visualizations.

  1. Sets in motion an appreciative and innovative approach to life long learning.
  2. The 5-D Cycle is not just a tool or technique. It is also —and most importantly — a way of living. By using and sharing AI with our clients we empower lifelong upward spirals of personal and organizational development.

But really, what about problem-solving an AI? 65


AI solves problems through the back door. AI assists clients to outgrow problems through engaging in new and stronger life urges. In the process, problems that once seemed overwhelming and intractable lose their energy and sometimes even fade from view.

AI is a philosophy and an approach for motivating change and enhancing well-being that focuses on exploring and amplifying the best in a person or situation.

AI does not focus on weaknesses and problems to fix. Instead AI acknowledge his strengths and encourages clients to imagine possibilities to outgrow their problems. AI is a valuable coaching tool for uncovering and celebrating the best of what is and could be.


What are the Uses of AI? 73, 65


Rule: AI before MI
No clear focus
If the lasting clear focus, ask them for a best experience story that is specifically related to their positive visions (or desired futures). This kind of targeted learning from a positive frame can dramatically accelerate the behavior change process.

A way of living — empower lifelong peppered spirals personal and organizational development.

Set in motion creativity.
Set in motion and appreciative and innovative approach to lifelong learning.
Increase Positive Emotions
Increase Self-Efficacy

AI is a philosophy and an approach for motivating change and enhancing well-being that focuses on exploring and amplifying the best in a person or situation.

AI does not focus on weaknesses and problems to fix. Instead AI acknowledge his strengths and encourages clients to imagine possibilities to outgrow their problems. AI is a valuable coaching tool for uncovering and celebrating the best of what is and could be. AI is a philosophy and an approach for motivating change and enhancing well-being that focuses on exploring and amplifying the best in a person or situation.

AI does not focus on weaknesses and problems to fix. Instead AI acknowledge his strengths and encourages clients to imagine possibilities to outgrow their problems. AI is a valuable coaching tool for uncovering and celebrating the best of what is and could be.


What is important with respect to coaching the environment in AI? What does environment include? 73


Designing environments to be supportive of the client’s goals and promises is essential success. Design phase of the five-D cycle, the role of the coaches to make sure that a client does not overlook or ignore any aspect of the system which includes —internal/external and individual/collective dynamics.

The client may need to learn new skills, modify his or her environment to eliminate triggers, gather social support. Friends, colleagues, and relatives can provide emotional support, practical support, partnering, or listening ears.


What is the purpose of “Trial and Correction” Not “Trial and Error”? 74


The AI process is analogous to learning to walk. Toddlers figure out how to walk for themselves in a gradual process of trial and correction. After the first steps, toddlers inevitably fall down. This does not provoke criticism or condemnation. No one takes it as a failure. On the contrary, toddlers are cheered on, encouraged to try again and again until they master the skill.

Enabling clients to loosen up and experiment with different strategies without the fear of failure it is the essential work not only of AI but also of coaching. Brainstorming is a way to help achieve this.

Sharing stories with each other. Stories have a way of inducing people to discover and discern their own meanings and movements. When we listen to each other’s stories, the stories awaken our ambition and evoke more robust motivation for change. This is like a toddler who did you see watches others walk.


What is the point of acknowledging successes in AI? 74


It’s easily lose sight of their progress when they have setbacks or do not reach your goals as quickly as they hoped.

Keep reminding the client of past progress matter how much they have made.


Which AI principle says that anything it is possible? 71


Constructionist Principle: Positive energy and emotion stem from positive conversations and interactions.

“Words create worlds.”. This is the motto of AI in general and the constructionist principle in particular.

Constructionist Principle
♣ Words create worlds — through positive conversations and interactions.
♣ Makes clear the importance of social context and environment — wrt creating the present moment and changing future moments.
♣ Different environments generate different trees and different possibilities.
♣ Different environments generate different dimensions of individual experience.
♣ “It’s all invented! So, we might as well invent a story or framework of meaning that enhances our quality of life in the lives of those around us.” (See page 12). — Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander (2000).
♣ Clients can invent those stories and frameworks and conversations with their coaches.


Which AI Phase in the 5-D Cycle is used to generate the energy and motivation for change? 71


Discovery Phase: Creates mounting energy and motivation for change.

It is the anticipatory consideration of best experiences, core values, generative conditions, and heartfelt wishes through a vivid investigation of past and present increases the clients readiness, willingness, and ability to move forward into the future. “Now what?” And “How do we get it going?” Are the operative questions of the later phases.


Which AI principal increases the client’s readiness, willingness, and ability to move forward into the future? 71


Anticipatory Principle: Positive questions and reflection stem from positive anticipation of the future.
The anticipatory principal asserts that
• When there’s positive anticipation toward the future, everything tilts in that direction.
• It takes a specific, positive image of the future to impact the dynamics of the present. The more concrete and real the image, the more yearning and movement it creates. The “vision is a target that beckons” It is a field. — Margaret Wheatley. This makes the vision a power, not a place. Rather it is an influence and not a destination.

  • Positive anticipation of the future is a prophylactic force that energizes the present.
The anticipatory consideration of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ through a vivid investigation of past and present. 
•	Best experiences
•	Core values
•	Generative conditions
•	Heartfelt wishes

What are the two operative questions of the later phases of AI?

  1. Now what?

2. How do we get going?


Is the vision a destination? Explain. What AI principle it is manifested with the vision? 70


Anticipatory Principle: Positive questions and reflection stem from positive anticipation of the future.
The anticipatory principal asserts that
• When there’s positive anticipation toward the future, everything tilts in that direction.
• It takes a specific, positive image of the future to impact the dynamics of the present. The more concrete and real the image, the more yearning and movement it creates. The “vision is a target that beckons” It is a field. — Margaret Wheatley. This makes the vision a power, not a place. Rather it is an influence and not a destination.


Is the successful outcome of AI a clear plan with detailed steps? 72


Not necessarily. The outcome may be a clear plan, but it is not the only or ultimate outcome. AI sets in two motion an appreciative and innovative approach to life-long learning.

Destiny Phase 5-D Cycle has been described as going back around the cycle again and again into perpetuity. When clients learn how to define-discover-dream-design, as a way of being in the world they end up realizing their destiny as they grow into their best selves. The 5-D cycle is not just a tool or technique for coaches to master, it is also — and most importantly — a way of living. AI empowers upward spirals of personal and organizational development.


How does AI handle Self-Sabotage? 73


AI uses the 5-D cycle make sure the goals and promises are exciting to the client and appropriately scaled to the client’s capacity. Setting goals that stretch the client’s capacities’must include appropriate, capacity-building strategies in order to be stimulating and effective.

If these strategies do not work to move the client forward over a reasonable period of time, the client may be experiencing challenges that go deeper than the coaching can result. At this point it is important to make a therapeutic referral.


Which AI Principle is associated with 65 - 67

  1. Newton’s First Law of Physics: An object at rest tends to stay at rest while an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
  2. “Why its good to feel good.” Actions become positively charged and positive outcomes are evoked.— Barb Fredrickson
  3. Words create worlds
  4. Most Important AI Principle
  5. Importance of social context and environment in creating the present moment and changing future moments?
  6. It’s all invented! So, we might as well invent a story or framework of meaning that enhances our quality of life in the lives of those around us.” (See page 12). — Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander (2000).
  7. Ask a positive question, tell a positive story, share a positive reflection
  8. Positive questions and reflections are themselves the — “Change we seek.”
  9. No “Neutral” Questions —There are no neutral questions.
  10. Inhabiting the spirit of wonder can transform our lives, and the unconditional positive question is one of the greatest tools we have to this and” (page 54) — Jacqueline Bascobert Kelm (2005)
  11. Proleptic force that energizes the present
  12. Vision is the target that beckons
  13. The vision is a “a power, not a place, and influence, not a destination.”
  14. Equipped with a glimpse of what things look like at their best, a client will become more creative, resourceful, and resilient, finding ways to make things happen.
  15. The more one attends to positive dimensions of the present moment, the more positive the intentions for future moments will be.
  16. A focus on problems begets more problems; a focus on possibility begets possibilities.
  17. Anything is possible
    Connects hope with mindfulness and intention with attention
1.	Positive Principle
2.	Positive Principle
3.	Constructionist Principle
4.	Xx
5.	Constructionist Principle
6.	Constructionist Principle
7.	Simultaneity Principle
8.	Simultaneity Principle
9.	Simultaneity Principle
10.	Simultaneity Principle
11.	Anticipatory Principle
12.	Anticipatory Principle
13.	Anticipatory Principle
14.	Anticipatory Principle
15.	Poetic Principle
16.	Poetic Principle
17.	Constructionist Principle
Poetic Principle