Chapter 1 — Part 2 Flashcards
★What is coaching psychology? 11
Coaching Psychology: A branch of psychology that is concerned with the systematic application of the behavioral science of psychology to the enhancement of life experience, work performance and well-being for individuals, groups, and organizations. Coaching psychology focuses on facilitating goal attainment and on enhancing the personal and professional growth and development of clients in personal life and domains. It is not aimed at directly treating clinically significant mental illness issues or abnormal levels of distress. (pp. 84 – 99) — Anthony Grant (2011)
Coaching Psychology = Coaching Science = Science of Coaching Relationships
★What is the End-game of coaching? 11
★What is Self-Determination? 11
Self-Determination Theory — Developed by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan at the University of Rochester
Self-Determination = A client’s ability to reach his or her highest level of motivation, engagement, performance, persistence, and creativity — Deci and Ryan (1985)
The need to feel:
- Autonomous (not controlled)
- Competent (confident and effective)
- Related (having social support and connection that are autonomy-supporting)
★What are the 3 dimensions of the social environment that can facilitate autonomy, competence, and relatedness according to Deci and Ryan (1985)?
★How are these 3 dimensions related to the coaching relationship? 11 - 12
- Structure
- Autonomy support
- Involvement
- Structure — Developing clear, realistic expectations, achievable goals; and encouraging capability while providing feedback, autonomy support, and involvement.
- Autonomy support —Acknowledging that clients have choices regarding behavior. This can be accomplished by encouraging a client to
* Identify the purpose for behavior,
* Minimizing external rewards and punishments,
* Providing opportunities for both participation and choice, and *Acknowledging whatever negative feelings are evoked when engaging in behaviors.
The coach encourages the client to initiate behaviors based on the client’s own values and desires (internal control, not external control). Owning one’s reasons to change leads to greater autonomy and greater success.
- Involvement — concerns the quality of relationships and the perception that significant others
* Are invested,
* Understand the person’s challenges, and *Can reliably serve as psychological and emotional resources.
★What are the outcomes of self-determination? 12
Ryan and Deci (2013). Outcomes of self-determination
♣ Greater persistence ♣ More flexibility and creativity ♣ Better heuristic performance ♣ More interest and enjoyment ♣ Better mental health and well-being ♣ Better physical health ♣ Higher quality of close personal relationships
★★★★★What are the four coaching mechanisms of action that enable sustained change, a biological transformation of mindset and behavior? 12 - 16
Mechanism 1: Growth-Promoting Relationships
Mechanism 2: Elicit Self-Motivation
Mechanism 3: Build Self-Confidence
Mechanism 4: Processes of Change
What is sustained change? Define it. 12
Sustained Change: A biological transformation of mindset and behavior.
What principles/focus do coaches use in building Growth-Promoting Relationships, Mechanism 1 of the four coaching mechanisms of action? 12 - 13
- Strengths-based stance that clients are not broken and needing to be fixed, but that they have the potential to be creative, resourceful, and resilient and able to gain control and optimize health, well-being,a and performance in life and work.
- Help clients figure out what they want and need
♣ Help them find their own way
♣ Create a safe, nonjudgmental, challenging, and invigorating space
♣ Value the client’s learning process more than they value their own expert knowledge
♣ Help clients broaden and build on their strengths
♣ Hold a curious beginner’s mind
♣ Know that they don’t know many of the answers
Distinguish between external and autonomous motivation? 14
To which of the four coaching mechanisms of action does autonomous motivation belong?
External Motivation:
- Someone other than ourselves tells us what to do and we don’t think much about it — “I am exercising because my wife will get upset if I don’t.”
- We internalize the external ideal without a deeper alignment with personal values and desires — “I should. . . “ or “I ought . . .”
Autonomous Motivation:
Motivation that comes from within and leads to sustainable motivation.
Two Kinds —
- It is often future focused or fits with the identity that we want to project/aspire. And, it is connected to something that we value.
- One that produces flow experiences. We do this because we love it and do it for its own sake. It is fun, engages us, and taps into our strengths.
Future-oriented and desired identify-oriented autonomous motivation is the kind of motivation that works best. — Deci & Ryan (2002)
The other kind of Autonomous Motivation is one that produces flow experiences in our lives. When we love to do something, we do it for its own sake. We do it because it taps into our strengths, and it is fun and engaging.
Coaching Mechanisms: Coaching Mechanism 2: Elicit Self-Motivation
What are the outcomes of autonomous motivation? 14
Improved — ♣ Cognitive function ♣ Attention ♣ Emotional regulation ♣ Creativity
Bringing meaningful and dependable intentions to the challenging journey of change.
Is it enough for a client to lose weight if they are focused solely on wearing smaller sized clothes to a family celebration in 3 months? 14
The coach may have to dig deeper — Deepen the inquiry until the client taps into a longer lasting, more meaningful motivation that will keep her on track while making dozens of health decisions each day.
Clients need help developing — future oriented, positive identity-based autonomous motivation, digging deeper to get to the “why behind the why.”
How do coaches help clients change their brains? 13
To which of the four coaching mechanisms of action does this active process belong?
We facilitate client-directed neuroplasticity over time, fostering the ideal conditions for a client’s brain to change. Neuroplasticity: the brain’s ability to grow, adapt, and change. Rewiring the brain underlies biological self-determination or self-directed neuroplasty.
We do this with:
1. Mindful Presence —
♣ Enables coaches to improve listening skills
♣ Gives coaches a better sense a client’s positive and negative emotions
♣ Encourages a client to be more mindful during the coaching conversation
♣ Encourages more mindful moments during the day ♣ Improves: ♣ Self-reflection ♣ Self-awareness ♣ Self-regulation ♣ Self-compassion ♣ Positivity ♣ Creativity
- Coaching Conversations — Help clients focus the brain’s attentional resources on:
♣ Personal ambitions and growth -
♣ Enhances the brain’s ability to learn This is the first step in building the brain’s neuroplasticity. Undistracted attention, a state of full awareness - Enhances neuroactivity by harnessing various regions of the brain including the pre-frontal cortex and subcortical limbic and brain stem areas into an integrated, coherent state.
An attentive brain can focus and learn without distractions, be productive and creative, and make fewer errors. (Hammerness & Moore, 2012)
- Coaching is a Creative Process —See Carson’s 7 Brain Activation States that Enable the Creative Process
- The brain is a connection machine — constantly making connectionsto reflect conclusions about how everything fits together, to make meaning of it all.” (Kegan, 1983)
- Coaching sessions explore and make meaning of a client’s values, vision, health, way of life and learning, challenges, and experiences along the journey of change. - No longer on autopilot - increased awareness and thriving
- Coaching skills: Engage, arouse, energize and challenge clients to do the work needed to change their brains.
♣ Doing Skills: Listening, curiosity, open inquiry, and perceptive reflections.
♣ Being Skills: Mindfulness, empathy, authenticity, affirmation, courage, zest, calm, playfulness, and warmth.
Coaching Mechanism of Action:
Mechanism 1: Growth-Promoting Relationships
What is the first step in building the brain’s neuroplasticity? 13
A focuses of the brain’s attentional resources. (Not distracted, rather fully focused) Undistracted attention, a state of full awareness
What are Carson’s 7 Brain activation States or Brainsets that Enable the Creative Process? 13
Which coaching mechanism are they a part of?
- Mindful absorbing of new information
- Intense reasoning or thinking about a problem to solve
- Envisioning or imagining a possible outcome
- Brainstorming to generate new possibilities
- Flow state that produces a creative outcome
- Evaluation phase to enable sifting through options and
- Implementing an action plan
Note: This is part of the first of the four coaching mechanisms. Coaching Mechanism 1: Growth-Promoting Relationships.
What is self-motivation? Define it. 14
Self-Motivation: Tapping into an energy source or a life force that is intrinsic and biological.
It is often a heartfelt drive to ♣ Help others ♣ Be a role model ♣ Make a difference in the world ♣ Use our strengths competently ♣ Make our lives meaningful
While a client may have a high level of autonomous motivation to start and sustain a change journey, what is the other ingredient is needed to succeed? 15
Which coaching mechanism is this?
High Autonomous Motivation
High Self-Efficacy = Self-Confidence
Coaching Mechanism 3: Build Confidence
If a client is reasonably confident and motivated to make even a small change, how does this impact future change? How do we build on small successes? 15
What is the coaching mechanism in play here?
The success that follows will increase confidence and motivation further.
We build on successes by: Selecting a habit that, while a stretch, is within reach and will build confidence a little.
Coaching Mechanism 3: Build Confidence
If a client has struggled with weight loss or a chronic disease for some time and have had multiple failed attempts to change, what is the stage of change that they are in? Where is self-efficacy for this person? 15
What is the coaching mechanism here?
Chronic Contemplation
Self-efficacy is at a low.
Coaching Mechanism 3: Build Confidence
If a client is reasonably confident and motivated to make even a small change, how does this impact future change? How do we build on small successes? What coaching mechanism is being used here? 15
The success that follows will increase confidence and motivation further.
We build on successes by: Selecting a habit that, while a stretch, is within reach and will build confidence a little.
Coaching Mechanism 3: Build Confidence
How do coaches help clients build confidence? What coaching mechanism is this? 15
We leverage a good dose of positive emotions in our coaching sessions. Positive emotions allow us to be more open-minded and creative and they are the key variable in determining one’s resilience to setbacks and adversity.
1. We leverage a good dose of positive emotions in our coaching sessions. Positive emotions allow us to be more open-minded and creative and they are the key variable in determining one’s resilience to setbacks and adversity.
Ask about positive experiences - Positive emotions
◊ What’s the best thing that happened to you in the past week?
◊ What are you enjoying most in your life right now?
◊ What’s your favorite thing to do?
◊ What makes you thrive or your eyes light up?
2. Use Self-Determination Theory — the Drive to be competent. —Deci and Ryan (2002)
3. People are more competent and successful when they apply their _________ as learned from research in the application of character strengths. (Niemiec, Rashid, Linkins, Green, & Mayerson. (2013)
♣ Values
♣ Strengths
♣ Talents
4. Transtheoretical Change Model — Readiness for Change for a given behavior — This is related to the level of self-efficacy. Prochaska (1995) The four key variables are:
1. Stage of Change
2. Decisional Balance
3. Self-efficacy (Examining challenging situations to create a personal relapse prevention plan)
4. Processes of Change —102
Cognitive Processes of Change
1. Getting information
2. Being moved emotionally
3. Considering how one’s behavior affects others
4. Self-image
5. Social norms
Behavioral Processes of Change
1. Making a commitment
2. Using Cues
3. Using substitution
4. Social Support
5. Rewards
5. Evidence Based Emotional and Behavioral Processes that fit each of the stages of change — Norcross (2012) 15
1. Psych: Getting psyched 2. Prep: Getting prepared 3. Perspire: Take action 4. Persevere: Manage change 5. Persist: Maintain change
- Dealing with Setbacks and to generate new insights and increase hope and optimism — come up with creative possibilities to navigate around numerable challenges.
♣ Creative brainstorming
♣ Relational flow
Coaching Mechanism 3: Build Confidence
What is the impact of positive emotions in our lives? 15
What is the coaching mechanism where positive emotions belong?
Positive Emotions:
♣ Allow us to be more open-minded and creative
♣ Main variable in determining resilience to setbacks and adversity
Coaching Mechanism 3: Building Confidence