Chapter 5 Flashcards
process where the individual acquires and applies knowledge.
Cognitive Style
way that you organize and comprehend the world
Originality or the ability to produce valued outcomes in a novel way
Empirical Reasoning
Experience and cognitive operations drawn from everyday activities
Field-Dependent Style
ability to rely more on external visual cues and to be primarily socially oriented.
Field-Independent Style
ability to rely primarily on bodily cues within themselves and to be less oriented toward social engagement with others.
Formal Reasoning
Basic cognitive operations based on abstract analysis of given premises and deriving a conclusion from them.
Global capacity to think rationally, acts purposefully, overcome obstacles, and adapt to a changing environment
Low-Effort Syndrome
Low level of motivation on intelligence tests based on the belief that the tests are biased and test results are unimportant for success in life.
Nativist View
The view that all cognitive phenomena are inborn, that they unravel as a result of biological - programming, and that environmental perception requires little active construction by the organism.
Psychometric Approach to Intelligence
assumption that our intelligence can - receive a numerical value. (think IQ tests like the Wechsler’s)
intelligence according to Einstein
intelligence is defined as helping one to adapt to a changing environment
Cattell on intelligence
argued that “G” or general ability was made up of 2 components – Fluid intelligence (reasoning & using info) which is free from social influence and Crystallized intelligence (skills & knowledge)
Gardner on intelligence
multiple intelligence has since argued for 9 types includes – language, music, logic & mathematical reasoning, spatial skills, body, social, self. Based largely on the existence of savants (think “rainman”)
Sternberg’s Triarchic theory
deals w/:
- info-processing & other cognitive processes
- efficiency & effectiveness of their thought processes
- situational influences
He argues that what’s intelligent depends on the sociocultural context in which it occurs! And thus, part of this is street smarts & adaptability as well as how this relates to the external world (experience). He also includes the cognitive perspective that automatization counts – or how automatic experience & practice has made your info-processing system
Ceci’s Bioecological Theory of Intelligence
- context plays an active role in development of intelligence
- 4 types of context:
1. physical, or external stimuli that may influence expression or development of intelligence
2. social, or socially appropriate knowledge (i.e., sex role stereotypical behavior)
3. mental or knowledge and representation
4. historical, which is how the time you live in affects the development of intelligence.