Chapter 5 & 6 Flashcards
anything that we get from the living or nonliving environment to meet our needs and wants
Resource in Human Terms
- Perpetual=inexhaustible
- nonrenewable=finite supply
- potentially renewable=can be renewed by natural processes
Natural Growth
below renewal capacity (use at a rate that can be sustained)
at renewal capacity (maintain levels consistently)
Above renewal capacity
change in composition (used to be one species then planted another)
threatens health (byproduct of changing matter into another form of matter)
Economic Systems for Resources
- Private Enterprise
- Socialism
- Commons
- Philanthropy
Private Enterprise
one company making money
-Used by- individual
Proceeds to- individual
tribal culture group always vested in the resources
Used by- group
Proceeds to- group
group uses but 1 individual gets money
Used by- group
Proceeds go to- individual
ex) Bill Gates
Used by- individual
Proceeds to- group
pursuit of wisdom
- most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes or an individual or gorup
- sets the stage for best practives and problem-solving in Environmental Science
To improve resource and Enviro management
- Use science to inform decision making (*not economics, politics, or relationships)
- Use management decisions to reflect what are accepted and best planning and management approaches.
sets of commonly shared values, ideas, and images concerning the nature of reality and the role of humanity within it
Ecocentric perspective
natural order exists on earth; balance is disrupted by humans
Technocentric perspective
humans can understand,, control, and manipulate nature to meet our needs and wants
Leopold’s Land Ethic
- nature valued without consumption
- each of us is a steward
- impacts of today’s environment will affect future generations
Challenges in Resource and Enviro Management
developing more effective ways to integrate high quality, objective scientific and technical assessment with key decision needs
Two Approaches to problem solving
1) Standardized approach- treat every tregion the same
2. Custom designed solutions- design management that addresses specific conditions of a place and time (may be criticized for playing favourites)
- every area is unique and has its own challenges that needs individual attention
Preservationist- quasi religious
- need nature to enhance spiritual needs
- stop humans from going in, limit access
-ecological/evolutionary land ethic
management of Banff Springs snail
resource conservationland ethic, wide use *anthropocentric) utilitarian (human use)
-takes resources out of environment
Rio Summet 1992
- resource management is multi-jurisdictional (federal, provincial, municipal)
- can have conflicting legal mandates and interests
- ex) provincial=fishing license, federal= fisheries and oceans, municipal pay water bills to