Chapter 5 Flashcards
<p>The economic wealth of the ealry Roman state was based on</p>
<p>The center of political action in the Roamn Republic was</p>
<p>the senate</p>
<p>In Roman society a father's word was</p>
<p>law in his household</p>
<p>The covenant of protection between the gods and the Romans was called</p>
<p>pax deorum</p>
<p>A significant difference in Roman expansion versus Greek was that Romans</p>
<p>extended citizenship in degrees to most conquered populations</p>
<p>For a period of over 60 years, Rome fought a war of expansion with which people?</p>
<p>Two protracted and bloody wars against the Carthaginians were important because</p>
<p>Rome won control of the western Mediterranean</p>
<p>During the Republic, Romans managed their imperial territories by</p>
<p>establishing a provincial administration and sending a Roman senator to oversee matters</p>
<p>As the numbers of independent farmers declined in the later Republic, Italian landowners increasingly turned to</p>
<p>inexpensive slaves</p>
<p>What factor caused a decrease in small farms in the Late Roman Republic?</p>
<p>The growth of latifundia and a shift to nonstaple crops</p>
<p>The emperor responsible for the reorganization of the Roman government after 31 BCE was</p>
<p>The main reason for the decline of the Roman Republic was</p>
<p>military leaders with armies loyal to them rather than to the state</p>
<p>Under the Principate, Roman law</p>
<p>came largely from the emperor himself</p>
<p>One of the factors that most helped the growth of commerce was:</p>
<p>the implementation of the 'pax romana' or roman peace</p>
<p>One of the most enduring consequences of the roman Empire has been the</p>
<p>Romanization of the western Mediterranean</p>
<p>The circumstance surrounding Jesus' ministry and acclamation by his followers as the messiah was</p>
<p>the Roman occupation of Judea</p>
<p>How is the career of Paul an example of the "cosmopolitan" nature of the Roman empire?</p>
<p>He was able to use benefits of Roman citizenship, roads, and cities to spread Christianity</p>
<p>Why was becoming Christian considered an act of disloyalty in the Roman Empire?</p>
<p>Christians could not worship the emperor as a deity</p>
<p>The engineering expertise of the Romans is seen in all of these except:</p>
<p>gothic cathedrals</p>
<p>Before 212 BCE, many people living outside Italy became Roman citizens</p>
<p>after serving lengthy terms of military service</p>
<p>Starting with the reign of Augustus, the Roman army was reorganized and redeployed to</p>
<p>shift from an offensive to a defensive strategy</p>
<p>The most visible symptom of Rome's "third-century crisis" was the</p>
<p>frequent change of rulers</p>
<p>What city became the new imperial capital of the Roman Empire in 324 CE?</p>
<p>The competition among states in the Warring States Period resulted in</p>
<p>the creation of the first empire in the Warring Sates Period resulted in</p>
<p>In an effort to increase his power, Shi Huangdi cracked down on</p>
<p>Which of the following was NOT a tactic used to re-centralize power under the Qin?</p>
<p>a return to Confucianist values</p>
<p>Because of the influence of Confucian ethics, Chinese values emphasized</p>
<p>obedience and proper conduct</p>
<p>One of the great construction projects of Shi Huang-di was</p>
<p>connection of walls which ultimately made up the Great Wall</p>
<p>What was buried with the emperor Shi Huang-di in his elaborate tomb?</p>
<p>statues of his soldier</p>
<p>The Confucian view of proper female behavior was exemplified by the</p>
<p>three submissions</p>
<p>It was customary for young brides in China to</p>
<p>live with their husbands family</p>
<p>The Qin ruler took the title Shi Huangdi, which meant</p>
<p>The First Emperor</p>
<p>Which is NOT one of the reasons for the fall of the Qin Empire?</p>
<p>incorporation in the empire of different ethnicities</p>
<p>The well-planned urban capital of the Han dynasty was</p>
<p>How did Gaozu deal with the Xiongnu confederation threat?</p>
<p>he adopted a policy of appeasement</p>
<p>In what way did Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty significantly differ from previous emperors?</p>
<p>He was ambitious in exploring and conquering more territory</p>
<p>The important Han innovations include the development of</p>
<p>the horse collar, the watermill, and the crossbow</p>
<p>The leading export commodity of China during the Han was</p>