Chapter 3 Flashcards
The Late Bronze Age in the Middle East was a “comopolitan era” because
elements of culture were widely shared
The two divisions within the population of Mesopotamia were
Assyrians and Babylonians
The foremost power in Anatolia from 1700 to 1200 BCE was the
The language of diplomacy and government correspondence in the Mesopotamian regions was
The Hyksos were able to conquer Egypt because they had
horse-drawn chariots carrying archers with composite bows
Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt wanted a source for myrrh resi, which was
a fragrant substance burned on Egyptian altars
Transportation in western Asia was revolutionizd in the Later Bronze Age by the introduction of
The Minoan civilization was established in
the island of Crete
Although Minoan writing is undeciphered, Minoan artifacts indicated that
they had widespread trade connecitons
Which civilization collapsed first?
Writing in Mycaenean Greece is done in what form?
Linear B
What resources did southern Greece and the Aegean have most?
Grapes, olives, and some grains
The epic poem of Homer, The Iliad, related the story of a war between the Greeks and the Hittites, based in the city of:
The Assyrian ruler was
a king and a priest
The collapse of the Mycenaean civilization is indicated by all of the following except
emergence of monotheism
Once of the positive cultural contributions from the Assyrian empire was
development of a base-60 math system
The history of Israel was first written down in what script?
The homeland of the Assryian Empire was in
northern Mesopotamia
The chief tactic that the Assyrians used to maintain trnaquility in their empire was
The Assyrian government used mass deportation to
break the spirit of rebellious peoples
Information about ancient Israel can be found in the
Hebrew Bible
Israel is important partly because
it is a crossroads to the Near East, Egypt, and Arabia
The stories fo Cain and Abel and Sdome and Gomorrah reflect
friction between the nomadic and settled people of the region
The Israelites became devoted to their stern and warlike god, Yahweh; during
forty years of wandering in the desert
What was the Ark of the Covenant?
a sacred box containing the tablets of law given to Moses
The basic Israelite political structure before King Saul was
rule by chieftains of the twelve tribes (descendants of Joseph and Jacob)
In the time of King Solomon, the commercial wealth of Israel was derived from trade with
Phoenicia, Arabia, and East Africa
Solomon began an ambitious building project ot create
the First Temple
After Solomon’s death, the kingdom of Israel was split into
Judah and Israel
Diaspora means
Which of the following rituals did not aid the Jews in maintaining a strong cultural identity after the loss of their state?
The requirement that men grow beards
The exile of Hebrews to Babylon in 587 BCE occurred under
The Phoenicians developed a system of writing based on
an alphabet, in which each symbol represent a sound
What made certain Phoenician textiles unique?
Purple dye
Carthage was founded bu people migrating from
The foreign policy of the Carthaginian state
reflected an interest in protecting the sea trade
The merchant aristocracy that controlled Cartahge was unique because it
allowed ambitious and successful individuals and families to gain political influence
Carthaginian explorer Hanno replortedly sailed
down the West african coast