Chapter 5 Flashcards
Sexual differentiation in Chromosomes
occurs at conception
Male - XY
Female - XX
Sexual differentiation in Gonads
occurs the 8th week after fertilization
Male - H-Y antigen influences the gonadal tissue to organize into an embryonic testis
Female - If male differentiation did not occur, about 2 weeks later the gonadal tissue is organized into an ovary
Sexual differentiation in Hormones
occurs after differentiation of gonads
Male - testosterone and MIS
Female - estrogen
Sexual differentiation in Internal reproductive tract
occurs 8th-12th week after fertilization
Male - Androgens organize the internal ducts into vas deferens epididymis, seminal vesicles, urethra, and prostate. MIS causes female ducts to atrophy
Female - In the absence of androgens, internal ducts are organized into fallopian tubes, uterus, and inner vagina
Sexual differentiation in External genitalia
occurs completed by 12th week after fertilization
Male - genital tubercle develops into a penis and labioscrotal swelling becomes a scrotum
Female - genital tubercle develops into the clitoris and swelling becomes the labia
Sexual differentiation in Brain/nervous system
occurs at a number of different stages
Male and female - brain and nervous system may become gendered through the degree of exposure to hormones
Sexual differentiation in Rearing/socialization
occurs after birth
Male and female - child is labeled as their gender and socialized to be that gender
Sex differences in rough-and-tumble play
Elevated prenatal androgens may influence the central nervous system to differentiate in such a way that the individual is more predisposed toward high-energy active play
Sex differences in aggression
Elevated prenatal androgens may influence the central nervous system to differentiate in such a way that the individual is more predisposed to learn to perform aggressive behaviour
Elevated levels of circulating androgens may make an individual more likely to engage in aggressive behaviour
Correlations found between men’s levels of circulating testosterone and aggression
Sex differences in gender-typical activities
Elevated prenatal androgens may influence the central nervous system to differentiate in such a way that the individual is more predisposed to learn skills and perform activities that are male typical
Correlation between prenatal testosterone and male-typical behaviour
Gender Identity
What: An individual’s sense of belonging to a particular gender category
When: before age 2
Why: unknown - may be biological, may be learning and cognitive development
Gender Dysphoria
What: A sense of discomfort or unhappiness with the gender category in which one is placed
When: Many people report that this dissatisfaction began at an early age and never diminished
Why: unknown
Mullerian ducts and Wolffian ducts
internal reproductive structures
- People whose sexual differentiation was disrupted in utero by hormonal imbalance as a result of drugs administered to the pregnant mother, stress experienced by her, or a glandular malfunction of genetic origin
- Child is born with the sexual anatomy incompletely differentiated - either with ambiguous external genitalia or with genitalia incongruous with internal reproductive structures
- 1-4% of the population
Cogenital adrenal hyperplasia - masculinized genitalia but internal feminine reproductive organs