Chapter 5 Flashcards
Awareness of oneself and one’s environment
Selective Attention
The focusing of attention on a particular stimulus
Description of information that is not conscious but is retrievable into conscious awareness
According to Freud, a reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories of which we are unaware but which influences our behavior
Descriptive of bodily processes, such as the growing of hair, of which we are not aware
Altered State of Consciousness
A type of consciousness other than normal waking consciouness
Circadian Rhythm
A regular sequence of biological processes, such as temperature and sleep, that occurs every 24 hours
Rapid-Eye-Movement Sleep
A stage of sleep characterized by rapid-eye-movements and linked to dreaming; also called REM sleep
A sleep disorder characterized by recurring problems in falling asleep or staying asleep
Night Terror
A sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and apparent terror; unlike nightmares, night terrors are seldom remembered
Sleep Apnea
A sleep disorder in which breathing is interrupted
An uncommon sleep disorder characterized by brief attacks of REM sleep, often at inopportune moments
A systematic narrowing of attention that slows the metabolism and helps produce feeling of relazation
A system of monitoring and feeding back information about certain biological processes, such as blood pressure
A condition in which people appear to be highly suggestible and to behave as if they are in a trance
Posthypnotic Suggestion
Instruction given to a person under hypnosis that are supposed to be carried out after the hypnosis session has ended
A compulsive need for use of a habit-forming substance
A drug that reduces neural activity and slows body functions
A state of drunkenness characterized by impaired coordination and judgement
A type of drug that dulls the senses, relieves pain, and induces sleep; the term is usually reserved for those drugs derived from the opium poppy plant
a drug that increases neural activity and speeds up body functions
A type of stimulant often used to stay awake or to reduce appetite
A false sensory perception that occurs in teh absence of any actual stimulus
An erroneous belief, as a persecution of grandeur, that may accompany certain psychotic disorders
The removal of poisonous or otherwise harmful substance, such as alcohol or other drugs, from the body